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Member Since 07 Dec 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2020 03:43 PM

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How to freeze AI activity

08 December 2019 - 03:49 PM

Hi, this might be a stupid question, but I am compelled to ask it anyway. 


Whilst playing Rotwk skirmish and wotr, I often find that the enemy AI for easy and medium modes is too simplistic to be fun. I generally enjoy playing against Hard AI because I feel like the AI is using its factions' abilities, spells, updates etc. to their fullest potential. However, for my skill level, I feel like their attack and production rate is often too fast for me to be able to keep up with.


I don't mind fighting tactically advanced or quantitatively advantaged AI, but I do get annoyed at the fact that there's so rarely time to build up forces and defenses so it feels like a fair although difficult fight and not just one that is unevenly slanted in the advantage of the AI. In WOTR especially, I'd like to have time to build up 'an empire' with some forces spread at so that when the fight begins the odds slightly evened and the challenge feels more real and more immersive. 


Therefore, I was wondering if there is away to temporarily pause enemy activity during skirmishes and WOTR, so that I can get the time to properly prepare for the fight, whilst not diminishing the hard AI's general intelligence and skill? This might just sound like a noob trying to sabotage the game to hedge the bets, but I promise you it's not just about difficulty, it is mostly of countering the immersion breaking effect of having both factions seemingly emerging out of nowhere, rather than having preexisting territories and empires confront one another. 


Also, if there is such a possible tool to temporarily halt the activity of the enemy AI during skirmishes and WOTR for ROTWK, would this tool also be usable in modded versions of the game or does that require some separate means?