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Member Since 28 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 05 2024 12:26 AM

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In Topic: red alert 3 launch problems

09 December 2014 - 06:19 AM

The compatibility settings were only a problem for Kane's Wrath/Generals. But you guys might want to check out my other topic, as it seems I got it to work.

In Topic: Red Alert 3 Launching Problems

09 December 2014 - 06:12 AM

Hmmm. I think that may have worked. However, weirdly, I had to redownload the launcher and hook and then unhook again, before uninstalling the launcher and making a new shortcut to get Red Alert to work. Then I redownloaded the launcher and used compatibility settings and now it works like it used to.


Thanks guys.

In Topic: Red Alert 3 Launching Problems

07 December 2014 - 10:44 AM

It looks like it's broken due to some glitch in the launcher program and there doesn't seem to be a fix. Judging by the lack of response.


But the game doesn't work at all now unless I go into the folder and use the main executable file. Steam won't run it, the launcher won't, and the desktop shortcut won't.


I unhooked it and uninstalled the launcher, nothing. I uninstalled and reinstalled RA3, and nothing. I have no idea what happened, but apparently I'm not alone.

In Topic: red alert 3 launch problems

07 December 2014 - 10:43 AM

I reinstalled Red Alert 3 but not the launcher and it still won't work at all.


Redownloaded the whole thing, even after unhooking it and then uninstalling the launcher.


Edit: the only way I can get it to run is by going into the main folder and activating the main executable. Nothing else works. No desktop shortcuts, no Steam Client, no launcher, no hooking or unhooking.


I have no idea how this happened, but it seems other people are suffering from it too.

In Topic: red alert 3 launch problems

07 December 2014 - 05:50 AM

I tried unhooking Red Alert from the launcher, then uninstalling the launcher, but still nothing for Red Alert.


I'm going to try reinstalling Red Alert and seeing if that works.