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Member Since 28 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active May 05 2024 12:26 AM

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Red Alert 3 Launching Problems

05 December 2014 - 12:44 AM

I have read the how-to thread and the common issues thread. I'm on Windows 8.1, and am having trouble with the Steam version of Red Alert 3.


It used to work perfectly and was hooked fine on the desktop shortcut, the steam menu, and the online launcher, but all of a sudden it stopped working completely. Now I can only play Red Alert 3 via the launcher manually and not any shortcuts. Otherwise it either tries to load with nothing showing up before disengaging or showing the splash screen for a few seconds before disengaging.


There is no error log in the temp files.


I've tried checking the integrity of the Red Alert 3 cache and game files, creating new shortcuts, running as administrator, reinstalling everything. Nothing worked.


Also, no notifications come up when hooking stuff.

Launcher Unable To Launch Generals/ZH

28 November 2014 - 10:55 PM

Hello everybody. I have read the how-to thread, and have both Generals and Zero Hour patched to 1.8 and 1.04 respectively, installed via First Decade, and hooked into the C&C Online launcher, but whenever I try to launch the games through the launcher or via the hooked shortcut, it gives me the error message "Unable to launch Generals" or Zero Hour.


I'm on Windows 8.1, and have gotten Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, and Tiberium Wars all to work with the launcher; Generals/Zero Hour do launch correctly normally, but not with the launcher.


----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Zero Hour
Zero Hour Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer™ Generals Zero Hour\
Discovered Zero Hour TFD version
ERROR: CreateProcess() failed to start C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer™ Generals Zero Hour\generals.exe. Error: The requested operation requires elevation.
ERROR: Unable to launch Zero Hour
----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Generals
Generals Install Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer™ Generals\
ERROR: CreateProcess() failed to start C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer™ Generals\generals.exe. Error: The requested operation requires elevation.
ERROR: Unable to launch Generals