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Member Since 03 May 2020
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2020 09:45 PM

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In Topic: [Command and Conquer - Kane's Wrath] Could Not Connect to Kane's Wrat...

23 May 2020 - 11:02 PM

I have been working with Medstar (on Discord) and he has been helping me with it throughout the time.. Till now the only way I can play the game online (YES!! I CAN PLAY) is by using Windscribe VPN!! Thanks to Medstar! 


Had further queries though, I tried redeeming my products through Steam and Origin. It did not work (said, Key invalid) - is there any way to get the serial numbers registered to Steam or Origin (other than buying it again)? Let me know


open command prompt and type ipconfig you can pm me the result on discord my name is YourHorse

In Topic: [Command and Conquer - Kane's Wrath] Could Not Connect to Kane's Wrat...

14 May 2020 - 02:58 PM



I have joined the discord room.. not too familier with discord. I might need a bit assistance there as of what to do lol. I ll try my best to keep up.


Also, I tried looking for the IP options in the network options from settings. There is only 1 IP. 



Can you guys please join discord https://discord.gg/66dr8vW
will be a lot easier to help you.


The error message you get can be fixed



ps. check the ip address ingame Options>settings>network, see if there is another Ip adres you can select


In Topic: [Command and Conquer - Kane's Wrath] Could Not Connect to Kane's Wrat...

12 May 2020 - 10:30 PM

Ahh man.. thats gonna be so sad.. :(

I'm having the same problem, but with Tiberium Wars, didn't manage to get any help so far, hope your's will get solved, if not we are both cursed and have to live in agony of not being able to play this game online.