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Member Since 03 May 2020
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2020 09:45 PM

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[Command and Conquer - Kane's Wrath] Could Not Connect to Kane's Wrath Online

12 May 2020 - 12:35 AM



I have been facing an awkward issue while trying to log into KW online: 

  • - Open KW Online from Multiplayer > Enter my C&C Online login ID - D3F3CT1V3 with associated password
  • - Tried to use the previous IGNs which I used to use back when I last played this game, but it asked me to enter a new one instead and I knew from this forum that I will need to claim my previous ones from here
  • - Entered a new IGN and hit Login > It took about 10-15 seconds and returned with the following message: "Could not connect to Kane's Wrath Online"
  • - Tried a few times, but did not seem to work
  • - Tried troubleshooting with my ISP's help, but no luck there as well
  • - To make sure my login credentials are alright, I had one of my friends who lives in Germany login and he could successfully login to the online lobby (no trust issues - all good!)
  • - Browsed through the forum to find out solutions - e.g. port forwarding/checking etc - did not seem to help much

Game information: 

  • Game version: Retail version (Bought this from a physical store - have the DVD and all); Patch: 1.02
  • Error Type: "Could not connect to Kane's Wrath Online" 
  • Time: Every time I tried to connect to online, took about 10-15 seconds and then returned the error message
  • Operating System: Windows 10 - 64 bit
  • Error log file: Attached
  • Port forwarding and DMZ are disabled from my router
  • Checked with the connection diagnostic tool (http://server.cnc-on.../NATNegTest.rar) - here is the output:
    • Using server nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
      Bound to local port 63268
      Bound to local alternate port 63269
      Resolving hostname 'nntest.cnc-online.net'...
      Resolved server host to be ''
      Sending client INIT from port 63268 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
      Received server INIT [910949]
      Our public address is
      Sending client INIT2 [910949] from port 63269 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
      Received server INIT2 [910949]
      Our alternate public address is
      Sending cient START [910949] from port 63269 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
      Received server START [910949]
      Server extra port is 40000
      Sending client PING [910949] from port 63268 to nntest.cnc-online.net:40000
      Received server PING(2) [910949]
      Received server PING(3) [910949]
      Received server PING(4) [910949]
      Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.
      NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.
      ==> You do not have to use port forwarding.



I hope you can help me with the connectivity and to-do's to establish a successful connection.




Nick Name Claim - C&C3 KW

12 May 2020 - 12:10 AM



I have started KW online again after a long time, and want to reopen my KW online personas. Could you please help me reactivate the following personas for my account - D3F3CT1V3 (this is the C&C online login ID as well as KW online login ID):


1. S@TonFir3
2. _Th3-Un4tUn@T3_
3. CHR.Mirror
4. S@Tiator
6. D3F3CT1V3
Looking forward to hearing back from you. 