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Member Since 06 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2013 08:48 PM

#891430 Remix Escalation Suggestion

Posted by ApOcOlYpS on 20 June 2012 - 12:42 PM

Maybe. I still don't have control of the moddb page so I can't update that, so it'll be harder to get word out to people. Also, I haven't gotten any work done yet since I got home. I can see if I can get started tonight though, since I'm busy all day. Again, I'm starting by cleaning up code, and once the INI files are nicer to look at I should have a bit more motivation. Still trying to come up with a good way to change all the upgrades. I think I'm going to list every upgrade in code (as in junk repair, laser missiles, etc) so I know what I have in concept, and then just start changing upgrade names (from Countermeasures and MigArmor to AirplaneArmor for example), and then using the list I made earlier I know which combination needs to go where. At least I think that'd work. It'll be a lot of hunting though, but I'll get over it.

After that, and with my new computer, I can get started on new content again.