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Member Since 02 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2023 12:28 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: rebuilding fortress gates

20 February 2021 - 04:34 AM

we could use more details. What exact gate object did you use? Did you set it to be in your team? did you modify it's ground level?

In Topic: Map corrupted

12 February 2021 - 10:11 PM

you answered your own question:)


create a new map and import all objects and scripts from the old one

In Topic: Changing Alliances

24 January 2021 - 09:21 PM

I don't know why i can't share screenshots but i'tt do my best to describe this:


Open your map in the WorldBuilder.


Name your "human traitor" ..let's say John


Go to Edit Scripts (CTRL + ALT + R)


Create New Script 


At Script Condition put ..whatever you want, i.e. when you want the unit to change faction


At Action if true: go to Unit (includes Structures) - Other  --> Allegiance


Play around with the 2 options, like: 
Force unit to join team --> Unit named John will join team named Team B


Another way is to go to: Team -- Action --> Capture-Recruit    and play around with those options


Good luck!

In Topic: Troops do not pass through passable.

20 January 2021 - 11:39 PM

try this:


Object HelmsDeepRampart05
If you don't know what to do with this then go to your map folder and crate inside a file called map.ini (just make a new map.txt file and rename it to map.ini).
Open the file with Notepad (or a text editor) and add the script above inside.
If your map already has a map.ini just add the code from above somewhere inside.
Restart the game.
Now, what i did: i assumed that the object from your screenshot is HelmsDeepRampart05, and i added to it's KindOf tag list PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER, meaning the game engine should make the units go through it from now on.
Next time please put the object name in the description.
I didn't test this so it might not work.
It is possible that the units will go through it but not walk on top of it anymore.
If this doesn't work you can delete the tag STRUCTURE and/or add the tag SHRUBBERY. Just play around with the tags a little.
Another thing - if this works then the units will just walk through it and not just through the middle of it. You can fix that by working with the terrain walkability properties in the map editor.

In Topic: How to get explosive mine to explode via Script?

22 May 2020 - 11:53 AM

another thing: try to use PlayerCreeps instead of Civilian. Civilian is more a neutral (non-combat) faction but Creeps might work.