How do i remove PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER for ..basically infantry units?
Just removing it from KindOf doesn't seem to do the trick.
08 April 2020 - 09:43 PM
How do i remove PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER for ..basically infantry units?
Just removing it from KindOf doesn't seem to do the trick.
17 March 2020 - 09:06 PM
10 March 2020 - 11:19 PM
I've been working (for about a month) on a new single player map in the Game Of Thrones universe - I won't spoil anything cause i'm really proud of the current results!
In the past days i've been struggling with scripting (in the map.ini) the Dothraki.
I feel that the closest resemblance from the game is the Object MordorHaradrimRider.
The problem is i can't add flames to the weapon, that would also follow the weapon in the animations.
That is because i don't know the exact name of the weapon bone.
I apologies if these questions were answered before and i would appreciate if you could point me to the specific topics.
Thank you, can't wait to publish the finished version.