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Member Since 24 Jan 2021
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2021 11:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Is it possible to switch between default wargear and upgraded one?

14 March 2021 - 01:15 PM

I am planning to make a new ability to enable the unit to switch between like bolters and missile launchers. I looked into SoB emperor's touch ability. That ability use change default hardpoint modifier with time duration ability. I try to do the same but with on/off switch button. The problem is, it never switches back and stays at higher weapon index number no matter I click the button to off again (with that said, the marine will always show and use the missile launcher). Please share some insights or maybe answer to this? Thx :)

Need help and guidance in OE

01 February 2021 - 12:31 PM

I am learning how to use OE, but when it comes assigning different weapon through OE clause on the same hardpoint, it seems the value option in clause properties is limited and not expandable, ranging only from basic space marine, chaos, eldar and orcs to imperial guards. When I looked up in many mods, they use custom value in name_for_this_weapon_choice, so if I want to make a model and use custom value like other mods did, what should I do? I am using DC mod tools 1.20 in a DC setup. Thx in advance :)


Edit:2021/2/7 It seems more problems appear as I learn and try to modify/implement old or new models in-game, so I think its better to focus my problems in this one post :)