Fixed it, turns out the mod folder can only work when its on the C: drive. I probably read that somewhere before but I forgot about it.
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Member Since 16 Feb 2021Offline Last Active May 15 2022 06:15 AM
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In Topic: Frustrating yet interesting issue with running a ROTWK mod
01 September 2021 - 01:44 PM
In Topic: Extracting and Running Patch 2.02 Using -mod command... is it possible?
05 April 2021 - 03:55 PM
i extracted 8.00 (since it have all 2.02 files, older not needed), then i extracted 8.1 8.2 8.3 and 8.4
then i went through the guide and it was working well
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I tried extracting and macro fixing the 8.0 (and newer) and it did not work. I may have done something wrong (I can't remember, this was a couple weeks ago) so I'm going to try again and get back with you.
In Topic: Extracting and Running Patch 2.02 Using -mod command... is it possible?
16 March 2021 - 01:23 PM
I fixed the macro errors, but it still just crashes on the splash screen. I think I'll try starting from scratch. What files from the 2.02 bigs did you extract?
In Topic: Extracting and Running Patch 2.02 Using -mod command... is it possible?
15 March 2021 - 02:33 PM
I used that, link was in original post. However, I used it on the extracted 2.02 files and not the stock game files, like he did (2.02's balance is far superior). I've been messing around with it and now I get a duplicate macro error for create_a_hero_attribute_multiplier. I'm trying to find the duplicates...
In Topic: Extracting and Running Patch 2.02 Using -mod command... is it possible?
12 March 2021 - 10:44 PM
I tried that, it didn't work. Did you just copy all the macros into water.ini, or did you do something else as well?
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