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Member Since 21 Jan 2003
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#957590 I have been here for Ten Years

Posted by Ash on 19 May 2014 - 06:44 PM

Random googling for mods accidentally linked me to this place. So I thought I'd let everyone know I'm still alive and also raise Banshee's blood pressure by a few points.


And I bet nobody yet has posted more bullshit on this forum than I have despite being away for like a year or more.

#916974 Wreck-it-Ralph

Posted by Ash on 22 March 2013 - 11:35 AM

Really. Can some admin tell me why he hasn't been banned yet for his apparent inability to post anything but drivel everywhere? :rolleyes:

#891483 The right result, surely?

Posted by Ash on 20 June 2012 - 10:09 PM

Faith in humanity restored by 2 points

In this country the man would probably be in the dock. Unfortunately, it's fair to say any decent parent would do the same thing.

On the positive side, one less sick fuck in the world, and one more father who can continue doing his paternal duty to protect his child.

Pin a medal on the man, somebody.

#870433 UK to 'observe' EU negotiations...

Posted by Ash on 15 December 2011 - 11:59 PM


One wonders whether this is actually a case of 'Come on, little Britain, this is how big boys do diplomacy. We know you don't get it so here's your chance to get a look and see how it's done. Grab a lollipop and hop on up.' Or whether the EU are actually expecting some sort of meaningful contribution.

As you've no doubt inferred from other posts I've made forumwide, the only truly 'meaningful' contribution the UK could make for its own people in my opinion would be to say 'right, sod your Lisbon Treaty, sod your bureaucracy and your intransigence. We'll go back to just having trade deals with the lot of you. It'll be less painful that way.'

Reading between the lines, though, this is just a cynical attempt by the EU to stop the UK jumping ship just when the cry is probably the loudest it's been for years for Scameron to do just that. Or, alternately, to rope the UK into actually signing something. Or to give Scameron a chance to save face with his many naysayers who claim that last week's use of a power that all EU memberstate leaders possess was a total failure of diplomacy, and that it was bad for Britain, and give him a chance to correct his errant ways.

Oh, by the way, welcome to my new GNP section, where I'll no doubt be jumpin' on my soapbox about pretty much everything you've heard me rant on about in myriad other threads. I'll try to, on occasion, do the research and select a number of different viewpoints. Alternately, I'll grab an article off the Beeb or the Fail or wherever and rant about it in accordance with my normal idiom. You know the drill! :)