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MO 3.3 // Side 4 "The Foehn Revolt" - General Discussion

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#81 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 06 July 2015 - 07:03 PM

Its the super race of humans that colonized the planet waaaaaaay back when, called the Lemurians and/or Atlantians. Their remnants were hiding under water after the lizard war. Drugged out and pissed off that theres no more lizards to kill, they decide to wipe out the slave race that the lizards used to use (IE normal humans) to mine gold. Since normal humies are seriously fucking the world up, and they are no longer slaves, the atlantians see no purpose for the normal humans, and they want their planet back.




Its the Khazarians. They used Atlantian/Lemurian technology they found in the abandoned underwater bases to forge an elite strike force to attack all the world's major powers. After losing their country to the old Russia back in the early 400 AD era, the Khazarians made sure to keep on making life miserable for all of mankind, by infiltrating every major world power over the generations. They wish to take complete control of this planet, all in the name of their god, Baal. Hail Satin! (aka Baal) Yuri probably knows about their secret, and might have ties to them. The Khazarians still have a grudge against Russia.


- - -


naw, seriously, its a breakout faction from at least the Soviet side, if not all of the sides. That portal looking device in the soviet base in the video? Well it could be a power generator of some sort, or indeed a portal.


I like the Shark logo 'cause, the shark is kind of the ultimate predator of the sea, and has to keep moving and killing in order to survive. Your little anger is but a seaspray of blood in the endless ocean of this worlds killings! The shark churns on thru the blood ocean, and rips all other creatures apart.


This 4th faction comes about, after a certain bunch of groups across all other factions, discover something very powerful. A new kind of power source? A secret answer to Yuri's threat?

#82 Meyerm



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Posted 06 July 2015 - 09:31 PM

Now that I see close up stills, they DO look too robotic to be human, the infantry at least. If not a robot faction, at least a human faction that makes heavy use of robots/cyborgs.



Also, is the 4th faction the "side project" mentioned before the reveal, or is there something else?

Edited by Meyerm, 06 July 2015 - 09:32 PM.

#83 katarabhumi

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Posted 07 July 2015 - 06:50 PM

Hi. Greetings to all... Just join in the forum though I have been playing this mod since ver. 2.0.


My ideas of 4th side :


a). 4th side faction doesn't have to be alien from outer space. They can be human from another dimension who seek total control over our earth with their technology for the supremacy of their home civilization. They gathered support from people non aligned to any of 3 major faction, the "outside people" who have been suffer because of war raged by three factions. 4th faction promise them prosperity and invite them to join a new world order under superior civilization.

Repeated use of nuclear, weather device and massive psychic energy has created unbalance on earth's environment, the destructive energy they produced -unknowingly to the 3 factions- has reopen an ancient gate to other dimension. 


b). 4th side have miners (air miners) which can fly back and forth to base.. must landed during mining though.


c). Their super weapon can create a massive earthquake (or, sandstorm) in certain radius.


d). They have a hero unit, a big spy robot (transformer-like) that can transform into any lower-medium tier vehicle down to their speed and durability.

Additional :

  • It main purpose is sabotage. It works similar to Epsilon's invader. 
  • Armed with plasma weapon.
  • Can transform into almost any tanks but cannot duplicate the source' weapon, AA or anti gravity capabilities. So it'll always fires plasma rounds and unable to attack air unit even if it transforms into a gatling tank.
  • Cannot transform into anti gravity/hover tanks.
  • It has medium armor but can activate iron curtain/shield energy to protect itself for short period of time. Giving it enough time to escape -if it's lucky.
  • Needs (in minimum) 5 dogs, or 3 robot tanks, or 3 stingers close together to be able to uncloak if the hero has high rank.
  • Needs 3 epsilon adept/elites close together or a Master Mind unit to mind controlled it. 

e). They have special land and air unit that can be merged into one unique unit with stronger weapon and armor. 4-5 units are needed to form one stronger unit. It is also possible to merge 2 tanks with 2 air units to create a flying tank. Have the units sent into a transformer building to process the merging.


f). Most of their "tanks" are animal robots. There are Rhinoceros robot that ramming into enemy tanks, Cheetah robot that fires mortar, giant Elephant robot that shooting plasma beam from it's trunk, also giant bird robot that catches tank then crush them midair, etc. And obviously for naval unit, they have Shark robots.



Those are things I can think of right now. :)



Edited by katarabhumi, 07 July 2015 - 07:36 PM.

#84 Chris Pond

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Posted 15 July 2015 - 11:25 AM

I think, given how robotic the 4th faction looks, I'm going to assume it's a Terminator style robotic army.


The faction could have been the result of a joint project between the Pacific Front and China (the two factions that most heavily use robots and AI), intended to completely counter Yuri's mind controlling abilities.


The moment the command AI came online it recognised that the only weak link in it's command chain was it's human overlords who held the killswitch. The AI immediately orchestrated the deaths of those overlords, thereby setting itself up as a fully independent nation.


As a result of being an AI force they would be completely immune to all forms of mind control, though highly susceptible to EMP weaponry (which would require an expansion of the other factions' EMP arsenals.


Their units would also be more powerful but more expensive than their counterparts in other factions. They would also have much higher power demands.


Perhaps they could even revisit the weakness that Robot Tanks used to have, where they would all go offline if their Robot Command Centre was disabled either by EMP, destruction, capture or low-power.



Maybe instead of having all their units cost more, make them only operate when in range of a control tower/unit. Which, if destroyed, renders all nearby units inoperable. (Could the Mastermind's multi-mind-control ability be repurposed for this task?)


I'm obviously just spitballing ideas to try and make this faction distinct in some way.

#85 Solais


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Posted 15 July 2015 - 12:41 PM

I don't think it's a good idea to have a faction that can completely negate the "main selling point" of another faction (even if mind control tech is not that prominent in the Epsilon anymore).

#86 Eternity 6

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 03:15 PM

draw your own conclusions.



Wow ! Is that a Sentinal tank from Rise of the Reds ?

#87 Speeder



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Posted 19 July 2015 - 03:58 PM



#88 Malekron

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 04:14 PM


draw your own conclusions.



What is the symbol on the fifth screen shot to the left with the infantry, is it an eye? Does it represent a detector?

#89 Speeder



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Posted 19 July 2015 - 04:24 PM

It's an icon of an infiltrator unit, it was mentioned in the news before.


#90 Solais


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Posted 19 July 2015 - 07:03 PM

You know... that tank with the missile launcher (one of the snowy scenes). Wasn't that said to be a Chinese unit in News Bulletin #2? Or maybe the one on the left on this, which is SteinsTech?


Also, there's this, which is Kanegawa. And then this: New Allied Units?


Also, the big earthquake tank up there appears in Soviet colors first, possibly Chinese, considering that the Teal Portal appears on the loading screen of a mission taking place in China: Soviet Mission 17

That mission, as seen in the Side 4 reveal trailer also shows a building that's similar to the Kanegawa building (seen in Unshakeable), with one of the P-faction infantries standing outside.


Theory: The P-faction is an anti-Epsilon strike force, designed by a Kanegawa, SteinsTech, China (with Yunru), possible Russia alliance.


Theory: Since on Facebook, it was revealed that all 3 of Act 2's campaigns will have a canon ending, then it is possible, that the campaign of the P-faction will be Act 3; which will be about this new alliance's battle to take back the planet from Epsilon.

Edited by Solais, 19 July 2015 - 07:20 PM.

#91 Wayward Winds

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Posted 19 July 2015 - 08:43 PM

...I've been playing around with the Future Tank, and I've noticed the teal colour used in their weapons look remarkably like the weapon fire portrayed throughout the side 4 trailer.  Hmm, connection?


(From the Future Tank bio; it's apparently made by Kanegawa.  Interesting...)


Still harping on my something-sneaking-through-the-Chronosphere-idea, maybe China was experimenting with captured Chronosphere tech (or got it off the Pacific Front), and something went wrong.  That's how the Cyborg Commando arrived (well, through Chronosphere mishaps in general).  I wonder if it was merely a forerunner for the invasion force... (Scratch that; just seen the note in the video; "No further crossover between RA and TS."  Unless the thing didn't really come from TS, or the team changed their minds in the last 3 years...)


Frankly, I don't mind a high techy, cyborgy (if those infantry were cyborgs and not simply very bulky power armout) faction... as long as they retain enough of their minds to be susceptible to mind control.  I agree that having an entire faction utterly immune to Epsilon's signature trick (especially if the Mind Control Towers are coming back) wouldn't be good for balancing purposes, and would make any mission in the theoretical fourth campaign against Epsilon more than a bit less troublesome.

Edited by Wayward Winds, 19 July 2015 - 08:46 PM.

#92 Meyerm



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Posted 19 July 2015 - 09:39 PM

I don't think any existing faction heroes are going to be involved with the 4th faction. Otherwise who has what heroes might have to change in skirmish and multiplayer as well. I do think though Kenegawa, China, and possibly Steinstech are in on it.

#93 Meyerm



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Posted 21 July 2015 - 03:59 AM

I saw it too but assumed at the time it was a new soviet or Epsilon unit in the works. Are there any others in that image? I can't identify all the infantry, but probably just because some are in the middle of their idle animation.

#94 Fryone

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 11:03 AM

MCV for new side, work in progress... Based on Yuri MCV concept from Westwood.


#95 Meyerm



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Posted 21 July 2015 - 01:09 PM

It looks more like a super heavy duty oversize load transport than an MCV.

#96 Solais


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 07:30 PM

I think the upper part is not yet done.

#97 Malekron

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 09:15 PM

So did anyone decide the name of the fourth faction?

#98 ShadowE


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 09:36 PM

Mexico :v

#99 lovalmidas


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Posted 21 July 2015 - 10:02 PM

Yes, Speeder has decided on a name for the fourth faction. If it changes, it will also be his call.


(Actually, stay in the IRC long enough, you will get to know that name, and quite a bit more. We don't have an actual office, so a fair bit of developer communication happens via that channel. But you'll have to be patient too.)

Edited by lovalmidas, 21 July 2015 - 10:04 PM.



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#100 MrFakeSmile

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 10:42 PM

As chaos technology was removed from Epsilon Army, add to new faction. Chaos technology makes more sense if used against mind control, think about it, the mind control your units placed against you, but the chaos can make your units help you despite not being controlled by you.




. . . 



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