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Additional voice actors needed!

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#1 Speeder



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Posted 15 September 2015 - 04:01 PM

It's that time of Mental Omega development again! With the addition of an entire new side comes quite a lot of new units, which will require new voiceovers. While we've prepared some already, we're looking for more volunteers who'd like to become a unit in our mod. If you're interested, please send a voice demo to our e-mail address and if it's good, we'll reply and provide you with the script.



#2 DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 08:43 PM

I know I sent a joke application last time, lol. I don't have a good sound recording set, all I've got is a headset for online gaming. Speeder, how did the other voice actors record their lines? Did they need to setup their system so that all outside noises are canceled out and stuff? What kind of software and hardware did they use? I'm just curious.

#3 Speeder



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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:03 PM

No noise, no low quality, not "first time recording this!!1" stuff. If your recording equipment is really bad then don't bother.

Record randomly picked lines from C&C units or MO units and send them, or come up with a voice demo that will best show your range.


#4 Pasidon


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:13 PM

Erm... I offered in your status update, but I'm guessing you want a "demo."  Well... sure.  But what exactly do you want in it?  I have some random clips that Thudo will be using in his Warhammer mod that I can ship to your mystery email.

#5 lovalmidas


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:46 PM

You can try to show off what you can do, so you can make a free selection of voices. Preferable those that you would like to use in MO.


With the 4th side and stolen tech units underway, I am sure there will be a place for you once Speeder likes your voice.


I suppose that using different 'voices' in your demo set can help a bit. Definitely different emotions. :)


Looking at the range of voices already existing in MO3 BR1 can help if you want to know the range of voices we have already tried. Those voices are also indicative of the quality you are looking for.


Voice scripts are in progress but still underway. You will hear more about those when they are ready.




EDIT: For the defense against Grammar Nazis and Spelling Stalins.

Edited by lovalmidas, 15 September 2015 - 09:59 PM.



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#6 Pasidon


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Posted 15 September 2015 - 11:07 PM

To be fair, especially with mod projects like this, it would help if samples of the script were available.  Along with their tone direction.  I would love to sit down for an hour to send you folks every single voice I can do, but without any direction, I might just be wasting my time if I did any sort of random demo that didn't fit the new faction's direction.  I'm not sure what you want for the new faction, since there just isn't enough out to give any indicators to what specific voices would be best.  Gonna need a bit more to work with.  PM me some script samples or something, if you don't want them public.  I'll get the job done.

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