Holy smokes the years go by fast... this is crazy. I started in 2006, and now it's like another ice age has passed. I wonder if I'll die of old are before I ever get to see another SEE out
Anyways... I miss modding and the community, but life just took me in another direction I guess. These days my little nazgûl is my precious, and during these first 1,5 years of his life I haven't had any chance to hang around here, because when I do, I find it harder to stop the urge to mod The first 6 months of his life was just a never ending cycle of feeding, sleeping and changing diapers and catching whatever little sleep we could have ourselves. After that things got even more hectic as he started to crawl and eventually walk and run. Now, most of our home is locked, taped, blocked or in some way secured from his little curious fingers I love being a dad, but it is SERIOUS work, ALL day from dawn 'til dusk. And at night you're just completely beat so I often pass out way before my regular bedtime, lol.
However, since a little while back he started preschool. So when I have scheduled days off from work and my son is in day care I get a little chance to sometimes do some modding work. I have no idea anymore if I will ever get a playable version of SEE out there, or if there's still anyone left from the old fellowship who is willing to help me out with this never ending project - but it's still fun to carry on in whatever little time I have.
I will post some modeling updates very soon... featuring more of the Gundabad Soldier Orcs, Berserker Orcs and War Trolls...
Edited by Nazgûl, 16 August 2018 - 11:40 AM.