what are your 3 favorite unit one liners in MO? and other RTS?
for me (MO):
Siege cadre: "Taste the rainbow!" this one cracks me up whenever I hear it because of how true to RA it is. It reminds me of how ridiculous RA is meant to be, which is what makes it great fun.
Warhawk: "No, I don't like you either.": reminds me of the tongue-in-cheek attitude and confidence most US units (and people) give off. to the voice actor: bravo!
Oxidizer: "Stop Shining!" : Another hilarious one for me, especially after seeing kirovs go down in droves to a few of these and some gatling tanks.
Other RTS:
(RA3 Twinblade) Its was terrible, I know, but I got the ultimate edition for c&c 3 and RA2 and generals... and i got board... don't judge me! But i digress; the line is: "say goodbye maggots" and the chilling delivery plus the really good RA3 soundtrack sends chills down my spine whenever I hear it. I am REALLY sad this line did not make it into MO in some way :(
(ROTR Heavy Sniper): "You see this thing? It wreks people" ROTR, a mod for generals: zero hour has been blessed with a great development team and great voice actors. I think we all can see why this one it neat. it gives the unit some character, which is so much better that the generic tones found in some RTS games.
(SC2 Hellion): "F**K the tires, let's light some fires!" I don't know why, this one always registered so well with me, but I love it.
Honorable mention: Any Apocalypse tank line. Y'all know why.
ANYWAY.... why this thread you asked? Because I heard that seoras is voicing the new EVA. and he is awesome. very awesome.