Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM
Best Answer Speeder, 05 April 2024 - 11:38 AM
Posted 21 December 2020 - 03:31 AM
I fixed that for myself by applying admin rights to gamemd.exe, Syringe.exe and MentalOmegaClient.exe, and compatibility settings (XP SP3 I think) to the first two.
Can you also Check about my Error?, It's kinda annoying since i make games with a friend and i'm still without beating him, and this update kinda fucked my tactics.
Posted 24 December 2020 - 11:57 PM
I'm not able to install the most recent update when updating from 3.3.4. It doesn't seem to be related to a firewall or antivirus issue. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Posted 26 December 2020 - 09:55 PM
I'm not sure if this is something under your control, but...
Ever since Patch 3.3.5, I've been having some problems when launching games on full screen. More often than not, they constantly minimize, and by changing Renderers I've noticed it happens on most of the DDraw renderers. There are other times where it runs correctly but sometimes it has that constant minimizing problem.
Posted 12 January 2021 - 09:05 PM
I am having the weirdest issue, whenever I try to pause the game it locks up and crashes. The cursor changes to from the RA2 one to the typical white Microsoft one, and I cannot do anything. The game runs fine, and all the mechanical stuff works, but once I pause it the whole thing crashes. What could I be missing? Also worth noting that the same thing happened when I did the Epsilon campaign one and lost, it sent me to the "home screen" and it locked up the same way.
Posted 16 January 2021 - 01:47 AM
Hello, i'm having problem now, I had been playing 3.3.5 few weeks ago, sometimes the MO launcher won't launch every couple days, now I can't even launch the Skirmishes or Campaigns. Here's log
Posted 20 January 2021 - 11:42 AM
In Huehuecoyotl, Rahn gets stuck in the terrain in almost the entire map. Once stuck he can't get unstuck making the mission impossible to finish. I used like 100 save states to find a path that wouldn't make him stuck. Rahn in the other missions or skirmishes doesn't have this problem. Also the Brutes and other units you get in the same mission didn't get stuck, it was only Rahn. I think I have also seen this happen before in The Mermaid with Tanya getting stuck after getting a crate in the water but that wasn't 100% reproducible.
Posted 20 January 2021 - 07:38 PM
That happens if you pick a speed crate, making him "too fast for the game to handle". The speed crates will be removed from that mission. That isn't a launch issue though, but a game bug.
As for the other issues posted here recently, it's either a matter of finding a renderer setting which works best, or in case of game launch failures, a matter of trying until it works or restarting PC.
It sounds weird but that's how it currently is.
Posted 22 January 2021 - 06:45 AM
I am having the weirdest issue, whenever I try to pause the game it locks up and crashes. The cursor changes to from the RA2 one to the typical white Microsoft one, and I cannot do anything. The game runs fine, and all the mechanical stuff works, but once I pause it the whole thing crashes. What could I be missing? Also worth noting that the same thing happened when I did the Epsilon campaign one and lost, it sent me to the "home screen" and it locked up the same way.
What if you press escape again? Because chances are it's not that the game crash, but rather it doesn't update the visual. Had something to do with the program literally setting the framerate to 0 or 1, I think.
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(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 31 January 2021 - 09:45 PM
I am new at modding so please help me a bit
I installed RA2 and Yuri's Revenge as part of the ultimate collection using Origin.
I use Windows 10 and I do have the issue of black screen when starting up, that is why I use DDWrapper as a fix (
When I start Mental Omega in administrator mode it removes ddraw.dll from the directory so I get the same issue when I start the normal Yuri: black screen... :(
What to do?
Posted 11 February 2021 - 01:40 PM
Hello everyone
i have a very odd issue.
up until recently, i could play the game without any issue, i had updated to version 3.3.5 without any issues and i could play both campaign and skirmish.
as of yesterday i cannot play at all.
instead, i get the message in the attached file, every time
i have ddwrapper, cncgraphics patch the game is patched to 1.001, all the files were copied as per the instructions,i have tried , running syringe.exe, gamemd,exe and mental omega client.exe in admin and in xp sp3 but it didn't work.The game was running fine up until yesterday.
please help.
thanks in advance
Posted 19 February 2021 - 05:27 PM
I want to just leave this here just in case but prior to version 3.3.5 i was able to use custom songs in my scenarios but now when i try to rewrite them in the thememo it gets reverted again, i don't like whenever i type them in it reverts my changes. Did anyone know why this such things happen and if it's possible to add custom music again?
Posted 28 February 2021 - 03:35 AM
I guess it has something to do with the new ability to change the music lists on the go. Maybe they rewrite thememo every time the game is launched
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(Firestorm is still SoonTM)
Posted 01 March 2021 - 03:49 AM
Hi, i'm having problem now, I had been playing 3.3.5 until last night ago, sometimes the MO launch works when i cleared up my internet browser cache, now I can't even launch the Skirmishes or Campaigns for few minutes or longer. I don't know if recording videos cause it but I'll update by playing different few gameplay reports for further information for you
[09:37:13] Syringe mo
[09:37:13] ==================
[09:37:13] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG"
[09:37:13] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[09:37:13] exe = gamemd.exe
[09:37:13] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[09:37:13] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[09:37:13] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[09:37:13] dwExeSize = 0x00497110
[09:37:13] dwExeCRC = 0x54CC0A13
[09:37:13] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[09:37:13] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (modified). Applying Ares 3.0." (0)
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Shim recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Shim recognized DLL: "cncnet5mo.dll"
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1450 hooks added).
[09:37:13] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG");
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG"
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x580 bytes...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001C0000
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001C0000
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[09:37:13] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[10:38:26] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code 0 (0).
[10:38:26] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[10:38:26] WinMain: Exiting on success.
Edited by warakornboy, 01 March 2021 - 03:55 AM.
Posted 01 March 2021 - 08:14 AM
Check your antivirus. Your game process might've been intercepted by it silently
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Posted 09 May 2021 - 01:43 PM
I use Linux and I wonder if there is any guide to installing Mental Omega using wine?
I did an install according to the guide 'Getting Started'. I get a error that when I try to start a game (for example skirmish) the game stops loading, the loading bar stops at the last few %.
Thank you for your help
Posted 22 May 2021 - 06:55 AM
Hello everyone, I started playing Yuri's Revenge again and I saw this MOD however every time I clicked Launch Game the game closes and bring me back to the lobby. No sure what suppose to be the problem with it. Can some help to fix this? Because I really want to try this MOD. Here's my Syringe after opening the game.
Posted 28 May 2021 - 10:46 AM
Hi, I've been following Mental Omega for a while and decided to try it out. I have the original CD install of RA2 and Yuri's Revenge running on an old laptop - HP Pavilion DV1000, WindowsXP SP3, 2GB RAM.
I followed the MO installation steps but on running the client, it hammers the hard disk for a while then gives me a 'Insufficient Memory to continue execution of the program' error.
I'm guessing the laptop (RAM is maxed out at 2GB I think) just isn't up to it - is there anything else I can try to get it working on this old machine?
section of client log where it fails below.
Thanks for any advice, I'd really like to get this working, as I was a huge RA2 fan.
28.05. 11:08:27.421 KABOOOOOOM!!! Info:
28.05. 11:08:27.421 Message: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
28.05. 11:08:27.609 Source: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
28.05. 11:08:27.609 TargetSite.Name: CreateTexture
28.05. 11:08:27.656 Stacktrace: at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D.CreateTexture(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean mipMap, UInt32 usage, _D3DPOOL pool, SurfaceFormat format)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D.CreateRenderTarget(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, Int32 preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean mipMap, SurfaceFormat preferredFormat, DepthFormat preferredDepthFormat, Int32 preferredMultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage usage)
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.CreateRenderTarget()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.Initialize()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAPanel.Initialize()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChildImmediate(XNAControl child)
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChild(XNAControl child)
at DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.StatisticsWindow.Initialize()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChildImmediate(XNAControl child)
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChild(XNAControl child)
at DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.MainMenuDarkeningPanel.Initialize()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChildImmediate(XNAControl child)
at Rampastring.XNAUI.XNAControls.XNAControl.AddChild(XNAControl child)
at DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.MainMenu.Initialize()
at Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.AddAndInitializeControl(XNAControl control)
at DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.LoadingScreen.Finish()
at DTAClient.DXGUI.Generic.LoadingScreen.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Rampastring.XNAUI.WindowManager.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at DTAClient.Startup.Execute()
at DTAClient.PreStartup.Initialize(StartupParams parameters)
at DTAClient.Program.Main(String[] args)
Posted 30 May 2021 - 12:02 PM
When loading the attached savegame of 'Earthrise', I received the below fatal error (or, I guess it is? I see no other file that could be an error log).
It might be related to me making this save the second the Psychic Dominator was activated (but had not yet started its animation and such)?
[13:28:25] Syringe mo
[13:28:25] ==================
[13:28:25] WinMain: arguments = ""gamemd.exe" -SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG"
[13:28:25] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[13:28:25] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[13:28:26] exe = gamemd.exe
[13:28:26] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[13:28:26] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[13:28:26] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[13:28:26] dwExeSize = 0x00497110
[13:28:26] dwExeCRC = 0x5F1CAAF4
[13:28:26] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[13:28:26] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (modified). Applying Ares 3.0." (0)
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Shim recognized DLL: "cncnet5.dll"
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Shim recognized DLL: "cncnet5mo.dll"
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1450 hooks added).
[13:28:26] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run("-SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG");
[13:28:26] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe -SPAWN -CD -SPEEDCONTROL -LOG"
[13:28:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: Allocating 0x580 bytes...
[13:28:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: pAlloc = 0x001C0000
[13:28:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code...
[13:28:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: pcLoadLibrary = 0x001C0000
[13:28:27] SyringeDebugger::Run: Entering debug loop...
[13:28:31] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Finished retrieving proc addresses.
[13:28:31] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Creating code hooks.
[13:59:00] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x5B4A279C)!
[13:59:00] The process tried to read from 0x21556698.
[13:59:00] Registers:
[13:59:00] EAX = 0x00000055 ECX = 0x00000014 EDX = 0x0000001E
[13:59:00] EBX = 0x00000000 ESP = 0x0019ADF8 EBP = 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] ESI = 0x0019AE1C EDI = 0x21556670 EIP = 0x5B4A279C
[13:59:00] Stack dump:
[13:59:00] 0x0019ADF8: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019ADFC: 0x1B439E40
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE00: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE04: 0x5B4A6A99
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE08: 0x0019AE1C
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE0C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE10: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE14: 0x1B439E40
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE18: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE1C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE20: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE24: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE28: 0x00000096
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE2C: 0x00000001
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE30: 0x0048EB21
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE34: 0x00006A00
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE38: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE3C: 0x00885780
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE40: 0x1B439E40
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE44: 0x053E000D
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE48: 0x0019AE4C
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE4C: 0x00555E50
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE50: 0x00200217
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE54: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE58: 0x1B439E40
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE5C: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE60: 0x0019AE74
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE64: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE68: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE6C: 0x00000035
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE70: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE74: 0x00000BA0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE78: 0x00000035
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE7C: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE80: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE84: 0x00544F79
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE88: 0x00ABBED0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE8C: 0x00885780
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE90: 0x0971A040
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE94: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE98: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AE9C: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEA0: 0x00000001
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEA4: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEA8: 0x00000035
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEAC: 0x21529CD0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEB0: 0x1B234040
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEB4: 0x0019AF30
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEB8: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEBC: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEC0: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEC4: 0x00483F6D
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEC8: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AECC: 0x00000014
[13:59:00] 0x0019AED0: 0x000003E7
[13:59:00] 0x0019AED4: 0x000003E6
[13:59:00] 0x0019AED8: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEDC: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEE0: 0x000003E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEE4: 0x00554D4B
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEE8: 0x000003E8
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEEC: 0x00010083
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEF0: 0x00000004
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEF4: 0x000007D0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEF8: 0x000007D0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AEFC: 0x000003EE
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF00: 0x7732DF80
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF04: 0x21529CD0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF08: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF0C: 0x002E0062
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF10: 0x002E0062
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF14: 0x00000014
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF18: 0xFFFFFFF6
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF1C: 0xFFFFFFEF
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF20: 0x016A8000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF24: 0xFFFFFFEC
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF28: 0x003F006C
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF2C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF30: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF34: 0x005551D3
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF38: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF3C: 0xFFFFFFFF
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF40: 0x21529CD0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF44: 0x00534752
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF48: 0x00000001
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF4C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF50: 0x0068529C
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF54: 0x7732DF80
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF58: 0x1B439090
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF5C: 0x77599CB0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF60: 0x0067E73E
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF64: 0x7732DF80
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF68: 0x6BBCA080
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF6C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF70: 0x77599CB0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF74: 0x00D8C6E8
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF78: 0x5B503D34
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF7C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF80: 0x0019AF8C
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF84: 0x5B47378A
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF88: 0x5B503D34
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF8C: 0x5B4DAE65
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF90: 0x060E000D
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF94: 0x0019AF98
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF98: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AF9C: 0x00200246
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFA0: 0x7732DF80
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFA4: 0x6BBCA080
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFA8: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFAC: 0x0019AFC0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFB0: 0x77599CB0
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFB4: 0x123FD300
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFB8: 0x1B439090
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFBC: 0x00000001
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFC0: 0x0067E65E
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFC4: 0x000A05EA
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFC8: 0xFFFFFFFF
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFCC: 0x1B42DD60
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFD0: 0x00000002
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFD4: 0x1B439090
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFD8: 0x1B439094
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFDC: 0x23F60660
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFE0: 0x23F604B8
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFE4: 0x1B439090
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFE8: 0x00610053
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFEC: 0x00650076
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFF0: 0x00200064
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFF4: 0x00610047
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFF8: 0x0065006D
[13:59:00] 0x0019AFFC: 0x005C0073
[13:59:00] 0x0019B000: 0x00410053
[13:59:00] 0x0019B004: 0x00450056
[13:59:00] 0x0019B008: 0x00390036
[13:59:00] 0x0019B00C: 0x00320035
[13:59:00] 0x0019B010: 0x0053002E
[13:59:00] 0x0019B014: 0x00560041
[13:59:00] 0x0019B018: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B01C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B020: 0x9CA56B90
[13:59:00] 0x0019B024: 0x0019B064
[13:59:00] 0x0019B028: 0x6B871EA0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B02C: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B030: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B034: 0x00000002
[13:59:00] 0x0019B038: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B03C: 0x0019B090
[13:59:00] 0x0019B040: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B044: 0x20182308
[13:59:00] 0x0019B048: 0x201679C8
[13:59:00] 0x0019B04C: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B050: 0x0019B064
[13:59:00] 0x0019B054: 0x6B82F4AF
[13:59:00] 0x0019B058: 0x00000024
[13:59:00] 0x0019B05C: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B060: 0x0019B090
[13:59:00] 0x0019B064: 0x0019B0CC
[13:59:00] 0x0019B068: 0x00610053
[13:59:00] 0x0019B06C: 0x00650076
[13:59:00] 0x0019B070: 0x00200064
[13:59:00] 0x0019B074: 0x00610047
[13:59:00] 0x0019B078: 0x0065006D
[13:59:00] 0x0019B07C: 0x005C0073
[13:59:00] 0x0019B080: 0x00410053
[13:59:00] 0x0019B084: 0x00450056
[13:59:00] 0x0019B088: 0x00390036
[13:59:00] 0x0019B08C: 0x00320035
[13:59:00] 0x0019B090: 0x0053002E
[13:59:00] 0x0019B094: 0x00560041
[13:59:00] 0x0019B098: 0x6B840000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B09C: 0x0019B270
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0A0: 0x0019B000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0A4: 0x6B884425
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0A8: 0x201679C8
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0AC: 0x6B842031
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0B0: 0x77EA4FC0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0B4: 0x00CCE398
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0B8: 0x00CCE3E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0BC: 0x0019B134
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0C0: 0x6B880C80
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0C4: 0x201679C8
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0C8: 0xFFFFFFFE
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0CC: 0x0019B140
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0D0: 0x6B86A9BF
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0D4: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0D8: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0DC: 0x6B85F2D0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0E0: 0x00000020
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0E4: 0x0019B198
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0E8: 0x1414D121
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0EC: 0x35758EF9
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0F0: 0x006F0053
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0F4: 0x00690076
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0F8: 0x00740065
[13:59:00] 0x0019B0FC: 0x00320020
[13:59:00] 0x0019B100: 0x003A0032
[13:59:00] 0x0019B104: 0x00450020
[13:59:00] 0x0019B108: 0x00720061
[13:59:00] 0x0019B10C: 0x00680074
[13:59:00] 0x0019B110: 0x00690072
[13:59:00] 0x0019B114: 0x00650073
[13:59:00] 0x0019B118: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B11C: 0x00CCE398
[13:59:00] 0x0019B120: 0x00000024
[13:59:00] 0x0019B124: 0x0019B13C
[13:59:00] 0x0019B128: 0x6B86C953
[13:59:00] 0x0019B12C: 0x00CCE3E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B130: 0x00CCE398
[13:59:00] 0x0019B134: 0x6B86C5CD
[13:59:00] 0x0019B138: 0x123F98C8
[13:59:00] 0x0019B13C: 0x0019B150
[13:59:00] 0x0019B140: 0x6B859F80
[13:59:00] 0x0019B144: 0x00000003
[13:59:00] 0x0019B148: 0x6B859F60
[13:59:00] 0x0019B14C: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B150: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B154: 0x0019B1D8
[13:59:00] 0x0019B158: 0x6B82F47E
[13:59:00] 0x0019B15C: 0x00000024
[13:59:00] 0x0019B160: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B164: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B168: 0x0019B1FC
[13:59:00] 0x0019B16C: 0x6B82E669
[13:59:00] 0x0019B170: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B174: 0x00CCEC38
[13:59:00] 0x0019B178: 0x6B82E61B
[13:59:00] 0x0019B17C: 0x0019B1D4
[13:59:00] 0x0019B180: 0x6B8421D0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B184: 0x6B85DA3A
[13:59:00] 0x0019B188: 0x9CA56A60
[13:59:00] 0x0019B18C: 0x20182308
[13:59:00] 0x0019B190: 0x00CCB738
[13:59:00] 0x0019B194: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B198: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B19C: 0x00CCB884
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1A0: 0x6B833F82
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1A4: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1A8: 0x0019B1FC
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1AC: 0x00CCB884
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1B0: 0x00CCB840
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1B4: 0x0019B1E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1B8: 0x6B82F47E
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1BC: 0x00000024
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1C0: 0x0019B1E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1C4: 0x6B837886
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1C8: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1CC: 0x6B82E95F
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1D0: 0x00000008
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1D4: 0x00CCEC38
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1D8: 0x00050500
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1DC: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1E0: 0x0019B254
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1E4: 0x6B82FB87
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1E8: 0x9CA569E0
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1EC: 0x00000000
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1F0: 0x00750052
[13:59:00] 0x0019B1F4: 0x00730073
[13:59:11] SyringeDebugger::HandleException: Exception (Code: 0xC0000005 at 0x77DC4031)!
[13:59:11] SyringeDebugger::Run: Done with exit code C0000005 (3221225477).
[13:59:11] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[13:59:11] WinMain: Exiting on success.
Edited by need my speed, 30 May 2021 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 27 July 2021 - 05:18 AM
I tried the compatibility fix and giving administration but the launcher kept reappearing and not starting the game. Here is my log
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