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MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

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#1101 Handepsilon


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Posted 02 April 2017 - 10:20 AM

Iron Man Challenge, where you have to defend against a lot of red and yellow colored Uragans that move as fast as Norio. :V

Added it for you

Edited by Handepsilon, 02 April 2017 - 10:21 AM.

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#1102 Zharakov

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Posted 03 April 2017 - 05:07 AM

Alot of blank space here, I would suggest that if possible put Subfaction information here.. It will be very useful mid game when you need to look up a certain unit.


If not maybe some artworks? 



#1103 Handepsilon


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Posted 03 April 2017 - 06:02 AM

Or the original one (large version of faction icon)


If possible I mean. All Ares mods that I've encountered has this section empty for some reason.

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#1104 Graion Dilach

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Posted 04 April 2017 - 02:46 AM

That window doesn't support stretching, with all possible images being anchored to the topleft corner. In order to fill the screen, the modder needs to add a compatible image to all resolutions (mind you that when this game was released, 1024x768 was the BIG resolution and wasn't planned for windowed mode).

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#1105 codyfun123


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 04:40 PM

Volkov: "The use of the Overcharge support weapon will vastly increase the power of his weapon, but he will suffer damage for it in return."

Overcharge doesn't damage anymore. Can't believe nobody noticed this for how long.


Morales: "An Engineer, Desperate Driver or a Foehn Huntress will be able to recapture the vehicle."

Or a Hijacker.

#1106 NorthFireZ


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Posted 04 April 2017 - 06:00 PM

These are good changes. Just need to change the text now. Too bad Worm Queens don't give a fuck if Volkov is over charged or not.

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#1107 codyfun123


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Posted 05 April 2017 - 04:29 PM

I'd like to see Tesla units be highly resistant to Tesla weaponry, so that 1. Wormqueens don't ruin a majority of Russia's firepower and 2. we have the hilarious situation where the Soviets are jampacked with units that aren't good against mirrors.

#1108 Dawbra

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Posted 06 April 2017 - 02:59 PM

Can we expect some personalized challanges with units only used there ? Like Future Tech Challange?

#1109 Kirov_Fury

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Posted 06 April 2017 - 05:15 PM

I'd like to see Tesla units be highly resistant to Tesla weaponry, so that 1. Wormqueens don't ruin a majority of Russia's firepower and 2. we have the hilarious situation where the Soviets are jampacked with units that aren't good against mirrors.

One of the main purposes of stolen tech is that you are being punished for letting your lab infiltrated. So that's normal

For instance, one of the similar examples is that chrono prisons can abduct miners. Which could make a game even worse for a player low on funds...

Edit: While we are at suggestions, I would like to see Perun flagship back at the game as a super unit for russia in an offensive role that automatically engages ground units nearby with highly destructive tesla bolts (similarly to Irkalla)

Edited by Kirov_Fury, 06 April 2017 - 05:21 PM.

#1110 Handepsilon


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Posted 06 April 2017 - 11:47 PM

Wormqueen kinda punishes Russia more than it does other subfaction., with Monster Tank and Hero using Tesla weapons.

Not sure if Wormqueen eats EMP Mine like Tesla, and Latin barely has any electrical weaponries aside from the universal Tesla Trooper and Coil

Edited by Handepsilon, 06 April 2017 - 11:49 PM.

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#1111 RushingRasputin

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 12:47 AM

Wormqueen kinda punishes Russia more than it does other subfaction., with Monster Tank and Hero using Tesla weapons.

Yeah, I feel that the Wormqueen just negates a huge part of Russian T3 while as LC or China, its bearable. Although when you do get Syckles it just wipes out infantry which Epsilon relies on alot. 


Edit: While we are at suggestions, I would like to see Perun flagship back at the game as a super unit for russia in an offensive role that automatically engages ground units nearby with highly destructive tesla bolts (similarly to Irkalla)

Perun Flagship whats that? Although I feel Russia doesnt need something like an Irkalla. I think a ground unit similar to a Drakuv but instead of having the healing aura, it gets a tesla amp, boosting the firepower of your tesla by 15%.

Or maybe give Russians a unique Tesla Trooper. One with higher range and fire rate but more expensive seeing how the Chinese got the Eradicator. 

Also the TC feels weak at times. Maybe a range buff or firing rate reduction? 

#1112 Atomic_Noodles


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 02:05 AM

Perun Flagship was a scrapped Russian Unit that was spawned with a support power which was to replace Overcharge Support Power. The Perun Flagship was a helicopter that had the same buffs offered by Overcharge.

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#1113 Kirov_Fury

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 07:16 AM

Perun Flagship was a scrapped Russian Unit that was spawned with a support power which was to replace Overcharge Support Power. The Perun Flagship was a helicopter that had the same buffs offered by Overcharge.

Yes. Basically it was dropped because it was less capable than the overcharge since it was able to "buff" only one unit nearby at once. However, it still can be a fine addition if repurposed as an offensive unit because it has got a really cool model that shoul not be wasted, in my opinion.

Btw. Are devs planning to release a changelog of 3.3.2 in advance ?

#1114 RushingRasputin

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:45 AM

A mode where you get all your faction's stolen tech available would be nice as well. Would seriously want to test Scavengers against multiple stuff. 

#1115 BlackAbsence



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Posted 07 April 2017 - 08:47 AM

- I suggest a range reduction for Knightframes so that their range is equivalent to that of a deployed GI.

I suggest this because I would like to see other T1 infantry do their job as infantry towards Knightframes in a fairer manner.

Considering that a Knightframes attack is less constant, yet more powerful, than that of other T1 infantry, it is possible to do a sort of "retreat" tactic while shooting with the same consistency.

This combined with their superior range makes it almost impossible for GIs, and others, to kill Knightframes.

- I suggest taking away the Zorbs super healing powers for what should be obvious reasons.

- I suggest that Giantsbanes / Godsbanes get less health but more healing power as compensation.

- I suggest a fire power increase for Sentinels because they have a hard time killing bulkier air units such as Pteranodons or the Irkalla.

- I suggest that Fury Drones could run to to their target and explode because I'm too lazy to deploy them and once they're deployed they kinda just instantly attack stuff you might not have wanted them to attack. It's cool that they have this auto target jumping mine ability, but sometimes they're easier to control when you can just tell them to directly attack something.

- I suggest that psychic infantry become T3 infantry... whereas the Scorpion Hijacker could become a T2 infantry.

- I suggest that the Magaarena enables Magalodons to become immune to magnetic effects like it does for EMP effects (also you might want to add that they can become immune to EMP to their info page)

- I suggest a T3 magnetic trap device for Psi Corps. It would work like the Nuatilus but on land, hidden.

- I suggest T3 Toxic Mines for Scorpion Cell.

- I suggest a range increase for the Shardray Sonic Tank so that it can kill Morales, the Irkalla, or T3 ranged defences better.

- I suggest that the Vulture becomes a T2 unit because it's practically a Buzzard. I also think you should scrap the Vultures deploy function (because it's practically useless) and make it launch molotov cocktails as a secondary instead. It'll be like a weaker yet faster Borillo without the transport space... and flying!

- I suggest that the Smoke Turret becomes T2 like how the Dust Devil became T2.

Edited by BlackAbsence, 07 April 2017 - 08:53 AM.

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#1116 CLAlstar


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 10:42 AM


- I suggest that the Magaarena enables Magalodons to become immune to magnetic effects like it does for EMP effects (also you might want to add that they can become immune to EMP to their info page)

AKA Lets make possibly the only epsilon counter to mass megalodons and put it into trashbin. Not like i would expect this suggestion from haihead main.

#1117 Destroyencio


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 01:34 PM

Asking for Megaarena buffs :'), yeah right. What's next, Free Nanofiber Sync and global Black Out Missile?

Edited by Destroyencio, 07 April 2017 - 01:37 PM.

#1118 TY229

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 01:45 PM

I'll have whatever pot he's smoking :v

Your balance suggestions are bad

#1119 X1Destroy


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 01:50 PM

- I suggest a range reduction for Knightframes so that their range is equivalent to that of a deployed GI.

I suggest this because I would like to see other T1 infantry do their job as infantry towards Knightframes in a fairer manner.

Considering that a Knightframes attack is less constant, yet more powerful, than that of other T1 infantry, it is possible to do a sort of "retreat" tactic while shooting with the same consistency.
This combined with their superior range makes it almost impossible for GIs, and others, to kill Knightframes.

For the same amount of cost any basic infantry groups from other factions destroy Knightframes. They should have that advantage since spamming KFs early game is suicidal.


- I suggest that Giantsbanes / Godsbanes get less health but more healing power as compensation.


Fuck no, they're counterable because they don't heal without support from healer units. Now even with less health, with fast regen it's all the more reason to spam more of them and ignore other units.

- I suggest that psychic infantry become T3 infantry... whereas the Scorpion Hijacker could become a T2 infantry.

So, what would HQ and PC use at tier 2 infantry in place of Adept/Elite? Don't say that they don't need one.

- I suggest that Fury Drones could run to to their target and explode because I'm too lazy to deploy them and once they're deployed they kinda just instantly attack stuff you might not have wanted them to attack. It's cool that they have this auto target jumping mine ability, but sometimes they're easier to control when you can just tell them to directly attack something.

Sounds cool, until you see a whole group of them chasing after a single fast enemy running toward your army and you didn't pay attention............

- I suggest a fire power increase for Sentinels because they have a hard time killing bulkier air units such as Pteranodons or the Irkalla.

Agree, they're good against stacking units but against few heavily armored units that isn't a Kirov they mostly die before they can bring them down. Ascension Challenge come to mind.

Edited by X1Destroy, 07 April 2017 - 02:01 PM.

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#1120 asdfghjk

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Posted 07 April 2017 - 02:13 PM

One way of looking at the KF range thing is that sure, Allies can't really assert themselves against Foehn until they get an IFV out. But then Soviets can barely do anything against anyone until T2 and yet they manage just fine. If Foehn are really insistent on pushing map control that early it's not like you'll have to try very hard to catch up. As long as you don't wait forever and interact when it benefits you.

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