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MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

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#3401 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 19 May 2018 - 02:13 AM



i need big 8 players maps in skirmish can anyone provide me with some big maps

and how can i generate big maps i can't use map editor is there a video illustarting that 

and could u in next versins support more than 8 players 



It isn't possible to make the game support more than 8 players in multiplayer, it's a limitation of the game engine itself and is outside of the hands of Speeder and the team.

To my knowledge, there should be quite a few large 8 player maps in the mod already, Powder Keg is one of them (at least iirc it's still in the mod). Automated Map Generation is not a thing anymore, if you want to build maps you'll have to use the Map Editor to do so. 

#3402 NorthFireZ


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Posted 19 May 2018 - 03:38 AM


50 + power for Allies Wind Turbine would be nice. 


A little Price increase and power output decrease for Nuclear Reactor would be nice too. Right now it's at 1.33 price to power efficiency. No other powerplant come close to 1.0 efficiency. 

I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well! https://www.youtube....ser/andywong545

#3403 GameMaster0000

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Posted 19 May 2018 - 02:01 PM


50 + power for Allies Wind Turbine would be nice. 


A little Price increase and power output decrease for Nuclear Reactor would be nice too. Right now it's at 1.33 price to power efficiency. No other powerplant come close to 1.0 efficiency. 

Nuke Reactor has risk that explode when destroy

#3404 StolenTech


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Posted 19 May 2018 - 08:16 PM


50 + power for Allies Wind Turbine would be nice. 


A little Price increase and power output decrease for Nuclear Reactor would be nice too. Right now it's at 1.33 price to power efficiency. No other powerplant come close to 1.0 efficiency. 

so long as few of allied buildings get a power nerf in return especially Gap generators.

#3405 NorthFireZ


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Posted 19 May 2018 - 09:38 PM

Nuclear reactor explosion rarely at all does anything besides KILL the attacking force. So it's actually probably a good thing for it to explode. It's not that much of a downside for the owner and you're unlikely to stack building around the Nuclear reactor anyways. 


The whole point of giving Allies more power on wind turbines is allowing them to catch up to other factions. Giving power nerfs to certain buildings defeats the whole point. 

I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well! https://www.youtube....ser/andywong545

#3406 PACER


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Posted 20 May 2018 - 03:16 AM

NukReactors' explosions are so mild that both sides simply ignore it, the radiation is insignificant for T2 armored assault forces too.


IMHO it should ne increased to an extent where base builders would consider twice before opting this over standard Reactors, and attackers would manage his forces to avoid a complete wipe.


Talking about the Atomheart, it is meant to explode on destruction, but a 3*3 radiation field does hardly anything except for some fancy animations (RIP Conscript survivors).

In-game speed vs real life speed?   
Malver in Obisidian Sands?   
Strength-Agility-Intellect subfactions?    

#3407 NorthFireZ


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Posted 20 May 2018 - 08:58 PM

Right, so there’s no real downside of the explosion except killing any infantry around the reactor, which usually will be your opponent’s anyways. There is basically no noticeable downsides to the Nuke reactor!

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#3408 Solais


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Posted 21 May 2018 - 12:33 AM

I guess time to make this real. :p



#3409 Handepsilon


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Posted 21 May 2018 - 12:46 AM

That looks very Superweapon-able

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#3410 Divine


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Posted 21 May 2018 - 10:38 AM

>inb4 map-wiping explosion when destroyed

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#3411 FELITH

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Posted 21 May 2018 - 11:15 AM

emp the whole map when explode, only affect its owner's power buildings :p

Edited by FELITH, 21 May 2018 - 11:19 AM.

#3412 TeslaCruiser


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Posted 21 May 2018 - 04:28 PM


50 + power for Allies Wind Turbine would be nice. 


A little Price increase and power output decrease for Nuclear Reactor would be nice too. Right now it's at 1.33 price to power efficiency. No other powerplant come close to 1.0 efficiency. 


+50 turbine and a proportional turbine price increase is what allies need. Also their problems start after reaching T3 since they have zero power problems before that.


I'm against touching nuclear reactor price since soviets already have the expensier tech 3 path, and that is considering a technical rush not an actual build order.
A standard 2 refs build means soviets get an even worse number thanks to having the worst t1 power.

Now, let's take a look to the most common missconceptions about this matter

a) Soviet T3 rush is 2 fast:
That is false, all factions can rush their T3 in a comparable time (differences are not very noticeable) and the fasttest tech rush belongs to epsilon.
So why is this idea so popular? because people tech rush a lot on this game and soviet strong mid game makes them the ideal faction for a fast T2 army + hero push.

b) Soviet super weapons rush is 2 fast:
This is a partial truth. Both epsilon and soviets can get supers in a comparable amount of time and both Allies and Foehn can protect themselfs against this thanks to cudas + widow and inhibator. What people see as a balance problem I consider to be part of game balance otherwise why would the developers put this kind of mechanics in the first place?
I mean, an identical cost and build time to reach super weapons would made inibator and barracudas unbalanced additions to an already simetrical field.

c) Soviet power is 2 safe:
Ok, this is an interesting point. Nuclear reactor means a lot of power into one building so we all know there is a risk. But this downside can be negated by building multiple nuclear reactors. And at this point (building way more than you need cause roll safe) the power efficency discussion becomes kinda irrelevant


d) Soviet late game power issue
Finally the one point that makes some sense. Considering the high amount of power a nuclear reactor provides, things like industro plant and T3 deffences should demand more power. An alternative approach is to reduce the amount of power a nuclear reactor provides.

#3413 NorthFireZ


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 01:42 PM

The Power increases for industrial plant or T3 defenses won’t happen because that’s too drastic of a change and as we all know speeder doesn’t like to do that. The power decrease for the nuclear poweplants might not happen either because Damfoos pointed out by decreasing the nuclear powerplant’s totally power output it might mess with some campaign missions and coops, which is something the MO dev team isn’t interested in doing.

My original suggestion when I came across this huge gap in power costs towards the late game is simply to nerf the Nuclear powerplant’s output by half. Sounds drastic I know, but you can still support the entire T3 + SW suite with it just without the hammer extra 1020 power hanging over for no good reason.

That’s most likely not going to happen. Cause campaign power.

Another thing you can probably say is to restrict the build limit of the Nuclear reactor to 1, and I don’t think that would be too bad of a change. It does nothing to solve the current problem but it forces Soviets to actually spend money of power in the off chance the arrive in the extreme late game.

I have a year-long Writer's block @ https://www.fanficti...1/At-Mind-s-End But youtube is doing well! https://www.youtube....ser/andywong545

#3414 Damfoos


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 03:15 PM

I feel like with all the changes that can break the missions and thus are not implemented (like Sniper's damage changes, gates' opening/closing speed, power levels of reactors) we should just get a new plug-in INI file for the client, which would enable all such changes but for MP only. Kind of like stolen tech is not available normally but is only enabled by a client option.

#3415 flack

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 05:15 AM

Mission 21 Epsilon - obsidian sands 


The entire mission can be beaten by Libra alone on mental difficulty. Is this intended?


If not, I suggest stacking some areas where it is not possible for libra alone to engage.

Edited by flack, 25 May 2018 - 05:16 AM.

#3416 mevitar



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Posted 25 May 2018 - 10:36 AM

Why wouldn't it be? People can finish that mission any way they want.
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#3417 Speeder



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Posted 25 May 2018 - 11:17 AM

If you were able to finish it with Libra alone, that's completely fine. There's usually more than just one way to finish a mission.


#3418 Kirov_Fury

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 08:03 PM

I use a horde of Masterminds, Magnetrons and Basilisks. Dybbuk-E's and Viruses already make use of infantry and heroes difficult+uneconomic in that mission (especially until you form a bridgehead at the beginning which requires a huge number of Gatling Towers)

So hats off to you if you could use libra to the end, but there is no need to make that any difficult.(+ its already a long mission that requires systematic killing of SC forces)

Obsidian Sands is one of my fav missions by the way, Easily in top five.

#3419 Handepsilon


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 10:03 PM

It's not fine if Libra can deal with everything with just attack-moving the place. That's clearly not what happens as far as I've been told since you can get her to red zone so often even on Easy. Without Rage Inductor, yoh will need to wait for quite a very long time

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#3420 flack

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 10:23 PM

It's not fine if Libra can deal with everything with just attack-moving the place. That's clearly not what happens as far as I've been told since you can get her to red zone so often even on Easy. Without Rage Inductor, yoh will need to wait for quite a very long time

Not literally attack move, you have to stutter step and target the jets that drop purple stuff. But other than that, that’s all you need and I didn’t really need to stop and recharge hp as I basically just healed while I’m still kiting things and microing.

I’m not the only one who beat it with Libra alone and close to best time, there is a guy on YouTube who beat it as well. Here is the video link:

And I can assure you it is much easier for me than building a base and took me less time to beat.

Edited by flack, 25 May 2018 - 11:00 PM.

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