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Survival Discussion


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#1 Gambit


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Posted 23 September 2017 - 01:17 PM

OK so let's talk about the Survival mode here. Just to make clear, Survival: The Art of Defence is a mod created by brother Argonaut. See here: http://www.moddb.com...-art-of-defence

See here for a more "visual" example:

...So, we merely took over to fix whatever we can, as it is an EXCELLENT game mode.

> Note that I am still waiting brother Argo's OK... :rolleyes: But I think he WILL gives us permission to use it.

> Note also that Survival is now part of Unification - it could not easily be done, differently.







Survival is about selecting a Survival Map in Unification, choose a proper match configuration (proper placing + teams + races), and start defending against 10 waves of enemies! You can play alone, or with an ally. The ally can either be AI (local game) or you can even get a friend and play MP !! (Both STEAM and DVD versions of the game supported for this.)




First, select a Survival map. It says so in the name. All are either 2p or 3p maps. Then:

1] In Game Options, Starting Location MUST be set to FIXED!!! Disable RANDOM Positioning.

2] You must always set one ENEMY CPU player at the LAST slot of each Survival map.

3] In 2p maps, the 1st player is you. And the 2nd is the ENEMY CPU that will attack you.

4] In 3p maps, the 1st and 2nd players join forces. The 1st player is you. The 2nd player can either be none (you will play alone and it works fine), or an ally human player (same team as you, MP game), or an AI ally player (same team as you, Skirmish game). Here, the 3rd player (at the 3rd map slot) is the ENEMY CPU that will attack you.

5] As a VICTORY wincondition, you must either choose Annihilate, DestroyHQ or Extermination. No other will work. If you choose any other, DestroyHQ will be initiated instead - so this is also fool-proof.

Supported Races: Both players and the AI attacking CPU player, MUST be chosen from the 9 vanilla races, as well as DaemonHunters,  Witch Hunters,  Steel Legion,  or Tyranids. The lucky 13!

Wrong Setting: If you do something wrong, worry not (I have taken care of that): You will get the appropriate warning, telling you exactly what went wrong. Rectify accordingly, and retry.

NOTE - WinConditions: There are some Survival-only winconditions [S] at the beginning of the winconditions list. These will only work in Survival maps and give some more flavour to the game. Try ALL of them!! For any other wincondition, just read its instructions to see how it works in Survival maps.



Pending (Christmas Update)

1] Balance. This will never be solved - trust me. Let's make it as good as we can.

2] Remaining SCaR fixes: There are still issues, because the project is huge. I am constantly updating, but we are talking about a colossus here! Still, I dare say consistency is excellent now.

Edited by Gambit, 26 December 2017 - 12:10 PM.

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#2 Gambit


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Posted 23 September 2017 - 01:27 PM






  1p vs AI maps   (9 in total, all tested)

> Flooded Tomb: OK, no issues.
> Kileak, the Blood: OK, no issues.
> L0ki's Mediation: OK, no issues. But the in-game map section does not show the far ends (left/right) of the map - it appears shorter than it is.
> Mist Island: Building marker(s) missing ( mk_detonate_1 or mk_detonate_2 ).

> Orky Fort: Building marker(s) missing ( mk_detonate_1 or mk_detonate_2 ).

> Sin City: OK, no issues.

> Stag Hunt: One building marker ( mk_detonate_1 or mk_detonate_2 ) - the one that is close to the centre of the map on the hill within the cover placement - does not allow the creation of the building at that place (small room). Please choose a different location... Also the maps says it's "Survival - 2", while it's -1.

> The Haunted: OK, no issues.

> The Last Stand: OK, no issues.


  2p vs AI maps   (18 in total, all tested)

> Battle for Macragge: First Contact: OK, no issues.

> Cathedral of Heroes: Building marker(s) missing ( mk_detonate_1 or mk_detonate_2 ).

> Dead of Winter: OK, no issues.

> Final Stand: OK, no issues.

> Gauntlet: OK, no issues. BUT brother Kekoulis made a note about the place that reinforcements arrive ( mk_bonus_P1 and mk_bonus_P2 ). Perhaps we must move them a bit. See here: https://forums.revor...-3#entry1068064

> Heel's Teeth Canyon: Reinforcements Markers ( mk_bonus_P1 and mk_bonus_P2 ) at illegal places of the map (too far out). Please, put the markers "inside".

> Lost Relic: OK, no issues.

> Orion Base: OK, no issues.

> Rynn's World: Badlands Refinery: OK, no issues.

> Rynn's World: Krugerport Bridge: All good, but Reinforcements Markers ( mk_bonus_P1 and mk_bonus_P2 ) could perhaps be moved to more appropriate places of the map. See here: https://forums.revor...-3#entry1068151

> Rynn's World: New Rynn City: Building markers ( mk_detonate_1 or mk_detonate_2 ) ARE there, but not at valid places. So the buildings are not created - they do not fit. Please move both markers to valid (open) map areas that can house buildings.

> Sanguinius Gate: OK, no issues.

> Siash's Demise: OK, no issues.

> Snowbank: OK, no issues.

> Temple of Blood: OK, no issues
> The Chapel Fortress: OK, no issues. (Minor) No Map Image shown in map menu. A missing TGA?
> The Defence of Lyanden: OK, no issues.
> The Iron Cage Incident: OK, no issues.



WHAT WE NEED IN EACH MAP (Let's hope brother K will be available...)
- Internal map renaming, to appear more "grouped" and neat, with the [Survival] prefix, and (1p vs AI) or (2p vs AI) suffixes, accordingly. Current naming has many inconsistencies anyway.

Naming example: [Survival] Flooded Tomb (1p vs AI)
- UCS reference of each map's description, so that to modify it easier and when needed.
- Adding/modifying 2 missing building markers in some of the maps (less that half).

- There is also a case where the reinforcement markers were on out-of-the-map area.

Edited by Gambit, 16 January 2018 - 12:07 AM.

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#3 Kekoulis


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Posted 23 September 2017 - 07:02 PM

Brother,as of now,the Last Stand Map(1 player) works as well too without any problems.


EDIT: I have just finished a match we me as the Imperial Guard against (treasonous!) Witch Hunters. The AI is quite improved,(now it will actually utilise different tactics and ways to get to your base!).


Out of curiosity,is it intended that the Sororitas Rhino is heavily resistant to lasgun and rocket fire? They  took even more fire than Immolators! And this is not due to the self-repair ability,I checked it (I think,unless you have done smth) . Imagine that even the Baneblade had to to fire a couple of shots to take them down!


Anyways,really good. I will try more maps and report back.

Edited by Kekoulis, 27 September 2017 - 07:47 PM.


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#4 Gambit


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Posted 24 September 2017 - 11:20 AM

Brother,as of now,the Last Stand Map(1 player) works as well too without any problems.

Excellent!! Added to the list. By the way brother Kekoulis, you DID take reinforcements (after capturing the Strategic Locations), and you DID see that additional primary objective (destroy the secondary Enemy base buildings), right?


I also played The Haunted with no issues :thumbsupcool:


See the maps that we have already tried brothers (2nd post), so that not to test maps that are already tested.

EDIT: I have just finished we me as the Imperial Guard against (treasonous!) Witch Hunters. The AI is actually quite improved,(now it will actually utilise different tactics and ways to get to your base!).


I made many improvements to the code.

For example in Insane, the enemy will have FULL researches, buildings etc, and at the end of the 10th wave you will play against him, FULL SCALE!!

I also added a max cap upgrade of 50% to the CPU player if the players are 2, against it :twisted:


Out of curiosity,is it intended that the Sororitas Rhino is heavily resistant to lasgun and rocket fire? They even took even more fire than Immolators! And this is not due to the self-repair ability,I checked it (I think,unless you have done smth) . Imagine that even the Baneblade had to to fire a couple of shots to take them done!

Well, some of the "mission" vehicles (the ones that deliver troops, for example) are more resistant. Plus, in insane difficulty, the Enemy gets some modifiers that boost its effectiveness.

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#5 Kekoulis


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Posted 24 September 2017 - 12:26 PM


Excellent!! Added to the list. By the way brother Kekoulis, you DID take reinforcements (after capturing the Strategic Locations), and you DID see that additional primary objective (destroy the secondary Enemy base buildings), right?

Everything went as intended brother.




I made many improvements to the code.

For example in Insane, the enemy will have FULL researches, buildings etc, and at the end of the 10th wave you will play against him, FULL SCALE!!

I also added a max cap upgrade of 50% to the CPU player if the players are 2, against it :twisted:


Kudos for the AI code improvements. I do not think I could have done this better myself. :D It really gives a lot more flavor and a sense of accomplishment in crushing your opponent.



Well, some of the "mission" vehicles (the ones that deliver troops, for example) are more resistant. Plus, in insane difficulty, the Enemy gets some modifiers that boost its effectiveness.


While this is definitely a good idea,I think they do not have to be THAT strong. You see,the defenses take too much time trying to destroy them,ignoring the imminent threats that other units pose to them. This could lead to an unfortunate defeat if you do not take them down quickly (where even a Baneblade has trouble with). I guess you have done this to improve our micromanagement skills? :twisted:


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#6 Gambit


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Posted 24 September 2017 - 04:38 PM

I agree, they are too strong.

Brother Kekoulis, this is a balance change. So for now, I will skip it.

Can you please gather all your balance suggestions, once done?

I am sure, after some games you guys will have a more thorogh view of how balance gose, so you will also have some "concrete" suggestions.


There is a small catch... The code is CHAOTIC (not complex), and it is a bit difficult to see what goes where - and especially, WHEN.

But I will  do my best, once done.

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#7 Kekoulis


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Posted 24 September 2017 - 07:37 PM

Roger that brother,will do.


Also,do not worry about the CHAOTIC code,brother Inquisitor. You have been trained for this. And of course,you have the the HOLY GOD EMPEROR and your battle brothers (us) on your side!


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#8 Gambit


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Posted 24 September 2017 - 07:47 PM


Well, defeat was never an option for our brotherhood!

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#9 Kekoulis


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 11:32 AM

Map ''Mist Island'' (1 player) results in a fatal scar error. This happens with every one of the supported races. I am attaching a screenshot with the dev console. It seams there is a problem with marker mk_detonate_I .


Please note that I have been using the standard Win conditions(no quick start-weather conditions enabled) (including the ones for survival-except for the Heroic Defense).

Edited by Kekoulis, 26 September 2017 - 11:36 AM.


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#10 Gambit


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 03:17 PM

Very good brother Kekoulis. Map list updated. :thumbsuphappy:

I added one more that I tested myself as well.


Try to have Heroic Defence enabled as well!! This one also uses markers that maps may lack. The ideal test would be to play each mat at Insane, with ALL Survival winconditions enabled. "Insane", is not mandatory, of course.

If you want to make the game easier, try lowering the difficulty, or selecting Softcore and/or Fortress :twisted:

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#11 Gambit


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 04:15 PM

Just to say that I also completed the Survival version of the Assassinate wincondition.

It was incomplete - ONLY the attacking enemy was penalised on the loss of his commander. YOU (or your possible ally) didn't.

So I had to re-write some parts, and write anew some others.


Now, EACH time you lose your commander, your whole army is broken (morale 0), momentarily.


Sounds simple - because it is - but to code it, it is nasty :twisted:

Anyway, it is done. And optimised as hell.



I also coded some more small updates on the overall Survival code.


Last but not least, brother Miros is helping us, by coding that Adv Build button, so that a race can have more buildings options.

This was mandatory for Tau for example, as their UI is fully crowded with structures (all 11 places taken), so there was no place for the Turret - a structure that is MANDATORY in Survival.

So given the chance, I added THREE new buildings for Tau - an anti-armour turret, and anti-infantry one, and mines. :thumbsuphappy:


Once next FreeUI is done I will upload it, and you will see for yourselves. For now, you won't see the turrets if you play Tau.

QUESTION: Do you want me to make the Dark Eldar AI and the Tau AI to also be able to build turrets??

Edited by Gambit, 26 September 2017 - 04:19 PM.

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#12 fuggles


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 05:02 PM

May as well, I think they already do in the campaign.

#13 Kekoulis


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 06:05 PM


Try to have Heroic Defence enabled as well!! This one also uses markers that maps may lack. The ideal test would be to play each mat at Insane, with ALL Survival winconditions enabled. "Insane", is not mandatory, of course.

Will do. I was playing at Harder anyways.



QUESTION: Do you want me to make the Dark Eldar AI and the Tau AI to also be able to build turrets??

Yes.Especially for Tau who are known for their turrets in the fluff.


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#14 fuggles


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:07 PM

Didn't hard mod have that awesome tau turret?

#15 Kekoulis


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:28 PM

Didn't hard mod have that awesome tau turret?

That one? Tau_turret.jpg


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#16 Gambit


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:38 PM

That one?

Nope!!! I used a modified, "smaller" LP-turret from UA. Different weapons (2) than the standard, and smaller size... A very good sentry.

But that one above is AWESOME!!


Can we have it, though?

Moreover, if we can, wouldn't it be better to be part of Tau Enclaves?

I mean the ones we have now are already OK (you'll see).

NOT compared to that one of course!



Dark Eldar and Tau turrets AI

Hmmm... I just remembered that I am NOT giving the upgraded (no-limit) turrets to AI, but only to players... So all races can access and build ONLY what they already have - only players get the new ones.

Do you want me to change that for Tau and Dark Eldar, because ... all races in survival should have turrets????

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#17 Kekoulis


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:54 PM


That one?

Nope!!! I used a modified, "smaller" LP-turret from UA. Different weapons (2) than the standard, and smaller size... A very good sentry.

But that one above is AWESOME!!


Can we have it, though?

Moreover, if we can, wouldn't it be better to be part of Tau Enclaves?

I mean the ones we have now are already OK (you'll see).

NOT compared to that one of course!



Dark Eldar and Tau turrets AI

Hmmm... I just remembered that I am NOT giving the upgraded (no-limit) turrets to AI, but only to players... So all races can access and build ONLY what they already have - only players get the new ones.

Do you want me to change that for Tau and Dark Eldar, because ... all races in survival should have turrets????


Only if it is not really a troublesome (and a gamebreaking) endeavor. After all,I do not see why not?


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#18 Gambit


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Posted 26 September 2017 - 11:06 PM

Simple fixes in SCaR and AI, so OK!

The other races have no issues building their normal turrets, so I won't change anything there.

Only Tau and DE.

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#19 Kekoulis


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 07:54 AM

Update. Sin City (1 player map). Works as intended with all survival winconditions on(On insane).Reinforcements arrived correctly.


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#20 Gambit


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 11:10 AM


I also tested Orky Fort - again, only the detonate markers for the two buildings were missing.

It seems this is the only inconsistency in the maps, after all :thumbsuphappy:

And it is an easy addition, so brother K's job is simple!


List updated.

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