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#41 Kasrkin84


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:12 AM

If buildings are failing to spawn using Scar, you could maybe use Entity_CreateBuildingPositionForce, as this will work regardless of proximity to other buildings, impassibility of terrain etc.

#42 Gambit


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:04 AM

Hmmm... Interesting. Didn't know that function!

I have already taken care of it, differently:

1] If one of the two buildings cannot be spawned, it is OK, the other will be the only one that the players will have to destroy. (All taken care of, for the 2nd unspawned building: No ping, no squads no nothing :thumbsuphappy: )

2] If BOTH buildings cannot be spawned, the the mission is cancelled and the player gets a message!


I think this offers some variation, as the Wincondition informs the players of "suspicions" of a 2nd outpost.

So when the rule kicks in at the appropriate (random) time, they will either have to destroy two, one, or no building at all, athe the wincondition will not start - informing the player that the suspicions were wrong :twisted:


I think this is neat!

... Yeah, you have to go to great lengths to fix something when you do not know of a simple function... :p

But I think it is better now.



Only the missing building map markers are causing issues. (If we could not add the markers to the maps that miss the, I would pcall them, prior to spawning buildings on nil markers :thumbsdownsmiley: . But since you can add them to the maps, we are all good!!!)

The buildings not spawning due to other circumstances are actually OK and fluffy!

(example1: the player or the enemy has squads at that place AT THE TIME of spawning or example 2: the building is too big to "fit" at the location of the marker - both are OK!)




EDIT: DAMN!! Are you guys ABLE to READ my posts??? I tried re-reading it, and even I could not understand what I was saying :p

Edited by Gambit, 29 September 2017 - 10:06 AM.

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#43 Kekoulis


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:40 AM

Yes brother. You should see my writing to understand what incomprehensible truly means. :p

Edited by Kekoulis, 29 September 2017 - 10:40 AM.


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#44 Gambit


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 04:59 PM

I found an issue with Assault...

First, let me say that I fixed the global builder issue with tyranids (etc), and added support for 10 more races (I was about to add the remaining 10).


And my tests were OK!


But in the two maps with the new code (we have 2 maps with the "old" code, and 2 maps with the "new"), there is an issue that I am unable to trace. And when I am saying unable, I mean it this time.

The code is chaotic, and too complex, and I do not have the time to "load it into my mind".

So, it will be difficult to trace down the issue.


There are so many parameters innvolved, so many races, so many win cons and so many changes, that I spent the whole day TRYING to see what goes wrong.

To no avail.


I will try some more, and report back.


Dammit, it seemed a flawless map two days ago, when I finished it with my brother and a friend...

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#45 Kasrkin84


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 05:29 PM

What exactly is the issue? I'm guessing it's not a FSE, as the logs would show you the problem there.

#46 Gambit


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 06:02 PM

There was a CMD_Move to an empty sg, but it... should NOT be empty. And even after putting a check to circumvent the command on empty groups (count 0), .. there was another issue with a rule that has an intrinsic naming, so ... go figure :ermm:

I would have to reverse-engineer the whole thing!


...But eventually... The issue was ME!!!

That is why I was unable to trace it. :p


You see I was using an advanced autoexec to playtest, and I was swapping to the enemy AI to see what was going on.

But it seems the code has a check to see who is the local player -> some functions went bogus.


False alarm guys.

I will add support for the remaining 10 races, and we are OK to go.


Dammit, I lost ONE day into a loop of my own making...


P.S.: I did find an issue though - there is one rule (null) that cannot be re-started on-load. There is NO name for the rule, so again it has to do with the intrinsic naming, so I cannot see which it is - I will have to go hunting.

Saving is a small luxury, and I didn't see any impact because of the missing rule (it could be restarting, but this is an optimistic speculation).

Anyway, we skip it for now.

IT WORKS. :grad:

Edited by Gambit, 29 September 2017 - 06:02 PM.

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#47 fuggles


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:20 PM

Does anyone actually save and reload games?

#48 Gambit


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:31 PM

Yes, all seems good, nothing is wrong.

BUT I got a warning for a non-restartable rule.

The name of the rule is not defined in the warnings (null), as it uses intrinsic naming, from an imported SCaR.

I had to create a trick in Survival to fix this.

In Assault... I do not even know the Rule's name.


BUT I saw there is on_load support, so I hope the guys saw this and regardless the warning, the rule IS restarted.

Didn't notice anything odd after the Load.

So yeah, perhaps we are OK already.


Testing will prove me right or wrong.

Edited by Gambit, 29 September 2017 - 09:36 PM.

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#49 Kekoulis


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:04 PM

Brothers sorry for the off-topic (on the assault concerned subject) but the map Lost Relic (2 players) works without issues with all win conditions enabled.


(Sometimes I do save.does it count?)

Edited by Kekoulis, 29 September 2017 - 10:04 PM.


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#50 Gambit


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:32 PM

Excellent! Survival Map List (2nd post) updated.


You CAN save in Survival, but there are some specific rules of specific races that still have issues...

Generally, save is supported  :thumbsuphappy:

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#51 Gambit


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Posted 01 October 2017 - 10:51 AM

I also tested Rynn's World: New Rynn City (only a tiny issue found). Maps post updated.



So I am still having issues with a map. Will leave it for now.



It is ready anyway, and you MUST see it and test Assault as well :thumbsuphappy:

So expect a new version SOON!

@Roderick: We can add the new vehicle sizes whenever, so no worries.

@Kasrkin: Same here, the updated Survival maps can be put in whenever. Players already see which maps do work, so they can test/play on them.



For now, I will help brother Fuggles with Space Wolves - a project that was dormant for too long, and was giving UCS errors when combined with Night Lords.


Expect a new Space Wolves version in a week.

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#52 Kekoulis


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Posted 01 October 2017 - 10:23 PM

The map ''Gauntlet'' works without any shortcomings. But I do purpose that the reinforcements arrive closer to your initial deployment.Right now,they are deployed in the edge of the map,forcing them to pass through the advancing enemy waves. I recommend that they are deployed at the red marked position (orbital bombardment marker).




This is directed to brother Gambit:


Τhis concerns the Witchunters mod and not the Unification or the survival in general (unless it is related somehow-bugfix perhaps?- but I haven't found anything to suggest that).


I had deployed a melee Arbites Squad in midst of reinforcement (3 out of 6 squad members). Once I undeployed the squad,I couldn't reinforce the squad and it remained at 3 members without able to press the '+'' button. EDIT: Yes,this is the first time it happens and God knows how much I have played with WH.


Edited by Kekoulis, 01 October 2017 - 11:41 PM.


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#53 Gambit


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Posted 01 October 2017 - 10:41 PM

...I couldn't reinforce the squad and it remained at 3 members without able to press the '+'' button.

I know of this :rolleyes:

It happens VERY rarely (this is the first time you encounter it, and you have played many matches, right??? )

Engine glitch. Some rare times, the modifiers on entrenchment does not work. Reason: It was not exactly created for multi-membered squads. So it was not perfectly coded by the programmers.

Solution: Even thought I knew it, I left it that way because the solution is simple: Just re-station them, de-station them, and they will be fine :thumbsupcool:  Minor inconsistency!


(Thanks for the report, Survival map list updated - 3 more maps to go!)

Edited by Gambit, 01 October 2017 - 10:41 PM.

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#54 Kekoulis


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 08:42 AM

Map Snowbank works without problems. Both buildings and reinforcements were deployed as intended. Minor:The map itself is described as a ''3 player map'' while it is actually a 2p vs 1 AI,essentially a 2 player map,like the others of its category.



2 more to go brothers!!!

Edited by Kekoulis, 02 October 2017 - 08:51 AM.


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#55 Kekoulis


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 09:08 AM

And thank you brother Gambit for your response. Indeed this is a minor inconsistency (and your solution works) but I thought it would be wise to report here,should it be needed.


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#56 Gambit


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 09:26 AM

Thanks man - your help is indispensable :thumbsuphappy:

Second Post re-updated.

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#57 Kekoulis


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 12:16 PM

As I had some free time today (I finished earlier my necessities conserning Hellenic Bureaucracy than expected-brother Gambit,I suppose you know what KEΠ means,right? :twisted: ),I tested Sanguinius Gate. Fortunately works as expected without any problems for all survival win conditions.




1 more to go brothers!!! :xcahik_:

Edited by Kekoulis, 02 October 2017 - 12:17 PM.


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#58 Gambit


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 01:02 PM


Excellent man!

2nd post updated.


Note that I will soon upload Unification so that we discuss the 4 Assault maps as well.

Two of them need some more "direct" modifications - the 1st to remove the SMs buildings when start, and widen the player area, and the 2nd.. to remove some defenders are the squads number is IMPOSSIBLE and the game lags as hell.

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#59 Kekoulis


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 01:31 PM

Excellent! This is what I mentioned a couple posts earlier. Removing some of the defenders,at least at the first segments, also makes more sense,at least in a RTS game setting.


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#60 Kekoulis


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Posted 02 October 2017 - 08:53 PM

And now for the last map, Rynn's World: Krugerport Bridge works. BUT,while reinforcements do arrive,the markers for the support outposts are located outside the of map (the ork buildings do not count,I was facing chaos marines). (Below-the supposed locations of the outpost according to the minimap,and no I haven't destroyed while I was looking,I used Canoness' reveal beforehand when the objective came through).





So the markers should be moved to a position more suitable for the outposts.







Funny how my purgators have my allies' colour scheme. (Yes I know this is a known issue,a very minor I might add,but it is still worth sharing,I guess).

Edited by Kekoulis, 02 October 2017 - 08:58 PM.


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