Hello, people of T3A!
Tonight, I bring to you the very first preview of a building model I have in mind for my mod for regular Battle for Middle-earth II (as opposed to rotwk), which I am titling 'Final Years of the Third Age', whose acronym is 'Fyotta'.
In this case, it is the faction fortress for the newly playable army 'Easterlings', because in this mod there's going to be ten:
- Gondor
- Rivendell
- Erebor
- Isengard
- Mordor
- Goblins
- Easterlings
- Rohan
- Men of Dale
- Iron Hills
But anyway, here is the Easterling faction fortress!
What do you all think?
Edited by Emperor of the East, 12 April 2018 - 11:54 AM.