Hello, fellow Bfme players.
Tonight, I am going to announce my Easterling Faction Package, which will be for anyone to add to their copy of Battle for Middle-earth 2 and/or Rise of the Witch King!
Basically, I saw a lot of potentials in these games and in the LotR books for a fully operational Easterling Faction to exist in Battle for Middle-earth 2 and/or Rise of the Witch King. However, EA Games acted on none of them. Thus, I decided to do my own. Much of this will be pulling from the latest in the Games Workshop Middle-earth product line, because I play as the Easterlings in that game, too.
Since I don't want this post to be very long, I will make this list very short.
- Heroes
- Amdur, Lord of Blades
- The Dragon Emperor
- Khamul the Easterling (Ringwraith)
- The Undying (Ringwraith)
- The Shadow Lord (Ringwraith)
- Alatar the Blue
- Pallando the Blue
- The Khandish King
- Buildings
- Sorcery Temple (trains Easterling war priests, who gain resources per kill via spellcasting)
- Warrior's Temple (trains Easterling swordsmen, pikemen, and axemen)
- Archer's Tempe (trains Easterling bowmen and ax throwers)
- Knight's Temple (trains Easterling knights, who can swap between archery and jousting)
- Variag's Temple (trains Khandish warriors, horsemen, and charioteers)
- Forging Temple (trains Easterling siege bows; researches unit upgrades)
- Lookout Temple (fires arrows against oncoming enemies)
- Zigarun Temple (heals allies when you store up to 4 units of them inside)
- Wall Hub (builds walls that can become arrow towers, siege bows, big gates, postern gates, or wall hubs)
- Fortress (trains builders, recruits heroes, can be expanded and upgraded)
- Spell Book
- [WIP]
So, who is looking forward to me releasing this package for everyone else to utilize?