Hello, The3rdAge!
Basically, I have been thinking about an idea for what to give Mordor for walls and wall hubs without mimicking the SEE mod of old. And frankly, I arrived at the following.
- Volcanic Hub: A volcano roughly the size and shape of a wall hub, builds Volcanic Walls.
- Volcanic Wall: A volcano roughly the height and thickness of a wall, can be upgraded in many ways.
- Volcanic Pillar: A volcano roughly the size and shape of a battle tower, spits out streams of lava the size of arrows.
- Black Gate: A clone of the Dol Guldur Central Gate from the Dol Guldur Map, opens the way the Isengard wall gate does.
- Sammath Naur: Two of the doorway piece of the Mordor Fortress, modeled and programmed like a Postern Gate
And, anything Volcanic can dump lava on enemies the way the Magma Cauldrons upgrade does.
So, that's what you can expect me to do for Mordor Walls in any mod of mine. Thoughts?