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#41 Mongoose


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Posted 06 August 2004 - 08:09 AM

proberly will get used. sounds fun i wouldn't see why we arnt going to use it.
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#42 Mongoose


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Posted 25 August 2004 - 09:56 AM

i want to hear from the public.
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#43 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 29 August 2004 - 11:46 PM

are all sides going to get naval and landing crafts?

#44 Mongoose


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Posted 30 August 2004 - 04:13 AM

yup, they are. but proberly not in the first beta. but they will.
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#45 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 02:16 AM

Umm... an unnamed TFH fan told me to tell you to implement Canadians as a sub-side or limited units in single player. :)


Can I second this? Even if its just a few units under the UK it would be nice to get some recognition of Canada in it...

I found a decent thread via Google that talks abit about some of the WW2 Canadian achievements for those interested.


#46 Mongoose


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Posted 31 August 2004 - 03:12 AM

:) they are going to be in the D day landing on level 3 for the USA.
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#47 Commissar

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 10:08 PM


I didn't noticed any news about any possible new version or the status of this great mod. hey guys how is the project? 1 question, what is going to be released first? this mod or Lord of the rings battle for middle earth? just a curiosity...

continue the good work!!

#48 Mongoose


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Posted 02 September 2004 - 05:11 AM

If you mean by what verstion of the mod we are going to release first then it will be the ZH on but that isnt for some time as we just started geting the germany campains going. hehe
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#49 Stino


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Posted 02 September 2004 - 06:43 AM

Skinners are still our biggest problem. Skinning is what's slowing down everything. We got enough modelers to make a bunch of models, but yeah.. someone gotta skin them and that is me most of the time. I hope tanka can get back to skinning after his exams :grin:

But if you can skin.. would be a great help.
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#50 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 09 November 2004 - 10:39 PM

How about the Gloster Meteor and Crusader tankfor the UK

#51 Mongoose


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Posted 10 November 2004 - 10:36 AM

Is this the Gloster Meteor? If it is that might be a unit for a Gen ponit.

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Edited by Stino, 10 November 2004 - 03:53 PM.

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#52 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 10 November 2004 - 04:09 PM


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#53 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 15 February 2005 - 02:39 AM

O YA BABY. I am a candain and i always wanted canadians to be in a war game. There might not be that many units for canadians (i think) but we were still in the war. And we help in normandy. So im realy hoping that you put canadians in the game. If not this one then the next one.

#54 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 15 February 2005 - 02:40 AM

O YA BABY. I am a candain and i always wanted canadians to be in a war game. There might not be that many units for canadians (i think) but we were still in the war. And we help in normandy. So im realy hoping that you put canadians in the game. If not this one then the next one.


This is Z MAN

#55 Guest_Guest_Z MAN_*_*

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Posted 15 February 2005 - 02:48 AM

there i made an acount.

#56 Mongoose


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Posted 15 February 2005 - 11:35 PM

i was thinking about adding canda into some levels to contorl
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#57 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 12:23 PM

The Gloster Meteor is a must for UK side!

#58 Bluemax



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Posted 10 May 2005 - 01:16 AM

First, I'd like lots and lots of infantry from you Mongoose! :sad:
I'd like each nation to have their own distinctive infantry units, I don't want everyone have to have the same set of infantry units.  If there'll be infantry units that'll be universal for all nations, I want it to be the riflemen, submachine gunner and anti-tank, that's all.  But as for paratroopers, flamethrowers, snipers, commandos, etc...they ought to be nation specific.

Second, I'd like stationary units (that can be towed if possible) of the following:
1. long range artillery
2. anti-tank guns
3. anti-air guns

Third, I want the civilian buildings to have a half-torn debris, like the ones you see on WW2 movies where bombed civilian structures are not fully destroyed, but half of it is only standing (for eye candy purposes actually :p )

Fourth, I want to get bitch-slapped all the time with the Brutal AI :p .  I want it to cheat on money, air strikes every 3 minutes, tanks and infantry rush every 6 minutes, heavy bombing raids every 5 minutes with all I've mentioned.

Fifth, an option to disable the teamcolors with an added optional file.

I'll think of some other things I'd like to be in TFH. ^_^


Well i hate to tell you this but, all that is already planed to be done. :p

Hmmm, 'Enemy at the Gates'? 

No seriously, why is this, Killa? Technical scripting stuff or for balancing?

No he is right they wont but the ones that don't have wepons can be built alot cheaper than men that do have wepons puls they can fist fight if they have too. and yay they can also pick up rifes and MG guns if they want too.


Have you thought that some people might like to stand a chance against the AI? I mean, I like to have a winning chance, like, in ZH, my brother usually ends up playing on easy, because the difficulty levels aren't smoothed out, they get "exponentially harder with each level". And, sometimes, even I like to slaughter the AI.

O YA BABY. I am a candain and i always wanted canadians to be in a war game. There might not be that many units for canadians (i think) but we were still in the war. And we help in normandy. So im realy hoping that you put canadians in the game. If not this one then the next one.



#59 Bluemax



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Posted 10 May 2005 - 07:55 PM

I know this is probably kinda late, but, the only thing I don't really like about WWII stuff is that the Italians either aren't there, or just tag along with the Germans. Sure, they sucked, but they did have an important role in WWII, for example, the entire reason why Hitler created the Afrikakorps, was because the Italians were losing so much in North Africa.

I'm probably a tad late in bringing up the idea of the Italians, but, even if they were basically the same thing as the Germans, like the US and UK are both factions that you have to choose from when you play as the Allies, even a setup with the Germans and the Italians like that with the Axis would be nice.

I'm also a little disappointed in terms of resource gathering. You'd expect these nations to have enough money to buy supply trucks. I think that the Infantry Transport vehicles should be able to double as supply trucks, it's just an idea though, if the supply method is already set in stone, I don't want people to change it, in fact, if any of the issues I have mentioned have already been decided upon, I don't want you guys to have to go back and redo a bunch of stuff.

#60 DragonFly


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Posted 05 September 2005 - 12:41 PM

This might hit some ppl but would add a 2nd realism.
At the end of the war the USA bombed Hiroshima and a other city with a nuclear bomb... If the USA completed the USA campaing, then you could use this as end movie, make it a little tragic with a big explosion alot of FX and alot of tragic things , collapsing buildings.

not sure but adds alot of realism... But could also hit some ppl hard... Anyway, it sounds good in my ears to end with that, its history, it just happened and its realism.. But of course all up to you guys.

And keep up the great work, tough, add some more options for more complicated strategies... if u got it once its alot of repeating.
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