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Bugs, Mismatches, and Errors. POST HERE

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#661 Bob


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Posted 03 November 2005 - 05:57 AM

me and my friends tried to play me and him against 4 hard armies, and then five, and the game kept mis matching.


Which side(s) were you guys playing as, and against?

Known mismatch issues (As of PR 6.0):
The U.S. Superweapons general - The EMP patriot. Not sure if this one was resolved in PR 7.0 or not.
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- Bob

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#662 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 03 November 2005 - 10:15 PM

I had a CTD when playing in Challenge mode with the american laser general against the chinese advanced infantry general. The game crashed when it started to load the mission.

I have the patch 1.07 installed and use the RM version 7.0

Btw, excellent mod, impressing work, wow. :cool: I love you guys :cool:

#663 Vanguard


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Posted 04 November 2005 - 01:22 AM

You know it's for ZH right.
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- Vanguard

#664 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 November 2005 - 03:48 AM

Sorry i meant 1.04 :o I had to reinstall the whole thing recently and the 1.07 from Generals was still in the back of my head :cool:

#665 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 November 2005 - 01:04 PM

A bug I found, when I launch the ICBM missile out of the silo the silo appears closed then the missile launches out sideways and then the silo appears oppen afterwards and then closes. otherwise likling the triangluar silo and the explosion when the missile hit down, only one word to desribe it, wow :cool: :thumbsup: :cool: .



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Posted 04 November 2005 - 01:06 PM

that was me above forgot to log in :cool: . And I just like to say nice particle cannon effect, it looks even more amazing. Can't wait till PR 8.0, all hail Vanguard the Mod God :cool: :p .

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 04 November 2005 - 01:09 PM.


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#667 Vanguard


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Posted 04 November 2005 - 04:41 PM

Yeah, deathstrike let me use those FX. So thank him.
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- Vanguard

#668 Guest_Guest (again)_*

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Posted 04 November 2005 - 08:07 PM

Ok, after reloading from my last position the problem was gone. No more crashes so far. :p

#669 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 05 November 2005 - 12:23 AM

Whenever i try to install PR 7.0, it just says "There was an error starting the installation process". I already have 1.04, and I'm not sure why it doesn't wanna work. Any ideas what the problem is?

#670 Bob


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Posted 05 November 2005 - 12:51 AM

Try downloading another copy and installing it.

If that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling Generals and ZH:
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- Bob

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#671 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 05 November 2005 - 03:43 PM

Thanks Bob, downloading it again worked, even though I had to try a couple of times.

#672 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 05 November 2005 - 04:59 PM

I played with my friend as allied against 2 hard GLA armies. We use U.S. Superweapons General and China Tank General, but the game mismatch. ((PR-7.0))

#673 Karlos Vandango

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Posted 05 November 2005 - 10:32 PM

the emp patroits have be kown to casue mismatches
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Posted 06 November 2005 - 12:34 PM

Yeah, deathstrike let me use those FX. So thank him.


Did he do the ICBM FX, Particle cannon FX or both. And this mod is truly lucky to have people helping it from the moding community like deathstrike. But on the superwepons particle cannon I think the particles coming down and the particle path behind is to blue and does not match those coming out of the particle cannon. So I think the particles should be made more purple/pinker to match the beam, they should be coloured like the particles coming form the particle cannon. Also what about this:

I launch the ICBM missile out of the silo the silo appears closed then the missile launches out sideways and then the silo appears open afterwards and then closes.

Edited by THEEVERGOD, 06 November 2005 - 12:40 PM.


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#675 Vanguard


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Posted 06 November 2005 - 03:21 PM

Just the Particle Cannon stuff.
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- Vanguard



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Posted 07 November 2005 - 02:31 PM

So did you do the ICBM effects. Also is anything going to be done about the ICBM, launching out sideways bug.

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#677 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 08 November 2005 - 01:31 AM

Whenever I try to do the General's Challenge, no matter what Gen. it is, the game crashes. Any ideas what the problem could be?

#678 Guest_freedom_fighter_*

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Posted 08 November 2005 - 02:56 AM

i have a problem
i instal the mod and i trying to enter but it writ an eror
the eror: http://img210.images...ntitled3ek1.jpg
i try to reinstal few tims but its not works

#679 Bob


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Posted 08 November 2005 - 06:02 AM

If you downloaded a Project Raptor 7.0 on the first day that it was released, you will have uninstall and remove that version of 7.0 and download and install Project Raptor again. When it was released on the very first day, it included an unexpected bug that crashed the game anytime you tried to play any of the official maps. This bug was part of the new weather effects system that was to be included in this version. PR 7.0 has now been temporally fixed by removing the new weather system. The new weather system will likely be coming in the next patch. [subject to change by Vanguard without notice]

If you downloaded a copy of Project Raptor after that first day or so, then you may have:

Installed something incorrectly.
Didn't have Zero Hour.
Forgot to install a patch.
Installed a patch incorrectly (out of sequence, I've done that. Dumb a$$ me.),
Forgotten to clean out remnant files during the uninstall or your last mod or version,.
Or just had dumb luck, and had a file go corrupt during the download of PR or a patch.

There are many reasons for getting the error message that you got, and I'm sure that there are more than what I've listed above. Those are just the most common ones.

Anyway, the point is your going to have to uninstall and reinstall Generals, Zero Hour, all the patches for generals and zero hour, and last but not least Project Raptor, all again. The proper way to do it is listed below.

Here are the steps that need to be taken to uninstall everything:

Step 1: Click on the Start button.
Step 2: Click on Control Panel.
Step 3: Click on Add/Remove Programs.
Step 4: Scroll down until you find Project Raptor 7.0.
Step 5: Click on Remove. (or uninstall)

Anytime you intend to uninstall any kind of mod, (not just Project Raptor) it is highly recommended that you uninstall the mod, Generals, and Zero Hour, as well.

This will prevent you from having any remnant files hanging around that uninstallers may miss from a previously installed mod or version. These remnant files could mess up Zero Hour, or the next mod you intend to install.

To uninstall Generals and Zero Hour use the same steps as above, except that in step 4 replace Project Raptor with the program that you are uninstalling. Zero Hour first then Generals.

After that has been completed, then you will need to go to the following folders (using windows explorer or similar program) and delete any remaining files and folders from the following folders:

C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour

C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command and Conquer Generals

Note: The exact path names may differ on your computer due to what version of Windows you're using, whether or not you're using a shared desktop or not, or if you are running on some types of LAN networks.

To install everything correctly follow these steps:

Install the following programs and patches, in the following order, prior to installing Project Raptor 6.0. These programs and free patches are:

1.) Command & Conquer Generals.

You will need to buy Generals at a retailer such as Wal-mart. Project Raptor is NOT a stand alone software product. Meaning that without the Generals software, the Project Raptor software that you download will not run.

2.) Generals Retail Patch 1.7 – Available at:

3.) Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour Expansion Pack.

You will need to buy Zero Hour at a retailer such as Wal-mart. Project Raptor is NOT a stand alone software product. Meaning that without both the Zero Hour and Generals software, the Project Raptor software that you download will not run.

4.) Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour Patch 1.04 at:

After the programs and patches above are installed then you are ready to download Project Raptor. Here's how:

Step 1: The next step is to download Project Raptor 7.0. Go to the Project Raptor download page at:

Step 2: Click on the link that says, 'Project Raptor 7.0'. It's roughly a 139 MB file, so it will take some time to download. DSL will download it in about an hour, while dial-up connections, however, usually take hours to download.

Step 3: After Project Raptor has been successfully downloaded, you should now see a new box in the center of your screen. It should say ‘download complete’, and have three buttons toward the bottom of the box. They say Run, open folder, and close. If you do not see this box on your screen you will need to skip to the bolded paragraph, located under the solid line below, and run those steps, right now.

Step 4: If you do see the Run, open folder, and close buttons at the bottom of that box then click on the 'Run' button.

Step 5: A wizard (a guided program) will easily walk you through the remainder of the install process. No fuss, no muss.

Step 6: No new icons will be created on your desktop for Project Raptor. To run the Project Raptor, all you need to do is double click [with the left mouse button] on the original zero hour icon that came with Zero Hour.

Step 7: Enjoy the game! :)


If you did not see a new box in the center of your screen that said, ‘download complete’ after Project Raptor had finished downloading, or you saw the box and then it closed real quickly, then you will have to take the following steps to install Project Raptor:

Step 1: Open windows explorer, or use the find files (or search) programs that come with your copy of windows, and find the following file: Project Raptor 7.0

Step 2: Double click the left mouse button, right over (on top of) the words Project Raptor 7.0

Step 3: A wizard (a guided program) will easily walk you through the remainder of the install process. No fuss, no muss.

Step 4: No new icons will be created on your desktop for Project Raptor. To run the Project Raptor, all you need to do is double click [with the left mouse button] on the original zero hour icon that came with Zero Hour.

Step 5: Enjoy the game! ;)

Edited by Bob, 08 November 2005 - 06:17 AM.

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#680 *DR*Hannibal

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Posted 08 November 2005 - 06:41 PM

Hi Guys.....

I have a problem with the fact that PR 7 comes in .big Mode !
Thats good but i play with the German Version and now i can´t overwrite the German generals.cf with the generals.cf which comes with the Mod...
So i have the Old Problem that on some Units the Description are unknown or something like that...

Please help :(

Mfg Hanni :)

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