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red alert 3 unveiled!

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#41 Rawlo


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Posted 12 December 2004 - 03:54 AM

by now, they should have gotten the engine to run higher quality models,(it should at least be that way in bfme), so i believe that the quality of the models will be much better in this game than it was in generals(the infantry in generals sucked).


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#42 that?

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Posted 12 December 2004 - 05:42 PM

by now, they should have gotten the engine to run higher quality models,(it should at least be that way in bfme), so i believe that the quality of the models will be much better in this game than it was in generals(the infantry in generals sucked).


I agree too.
If they want to make good game they MUST CHENGE THE INFANTRY.
and now after bfme I m more convienced it is going to happen. they learned to make normal looking infantry with sage utlist.

Edited by that?, 12 December 2004 - 05:44 PM.

#43 the_kid


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Posted 12 December 2004 - 06:33 PM

the graphics from BFME should be upgraded for RA3 as well... The engine will be modified for ra3... how much and exactly what will be changed won't be revieled until later, but I'm sure the models will be much better.

#44 that?

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Posted 13 December 2004 - 10:54 AM

the graphics from BFME should be upgraded for RA3 as well...  The engine will be modified for ra3... how much and exactly what will be changed won't be revieled until later, but I'm sure the models will be much better.


i think so too

#45 Detail


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Posted 13 December 2004 - 08:20 PM

I wonder if it will even be a RTS ;)

If they want to make huge money, they will take the Red Alert enviroment, the Sage engine and cook up something really interesting.

Like mixing-in a continus enviroment change. That would make it a bit like a MMRPG. Thay could call it a MMRTS.
Lets say there is a world map. Each commander takes a plot of land and has to fight over it. Then fight for the next plot of land and so on - MMRTS. Making allies and enemys as you go.
If it was a MMRTS, EA could charge a monthly fee. Long term profit and more money to EA. Just the sort of thing they would do.

#46 Banshee


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Posted 15 December 2004 - 05:32 AM

Skaggs confirmed that it is called Red Alert 3 and that EA calls it RA3. So, it has all conditions to be an RTS game, D.
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#47 the_kid


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Posted 18 December 2004 - 07:34 PM

an mmrts would really suck, world domination tour was cool and all, but as a full game it would not be worth the money.

#48 Shine On

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 08:42 AM

I have a feeling that (if and when RA3 comes out) the storyline may include the discovery (and landing) of tiberium on our planet for the first time.

This maybe just a wild thought but the RA2 era is starting to get closer and closer to the TD era, so RA3 maybe set just before TD. :p Thus Tiberium maybe in it, and maybe even Kane :)

But that's just my thought...

P.S Would someone tell me what C&C Generals was like? i've never played it and by the sounds of it probably will never want too. :laugh:
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#49 that?

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 10:54 AM

I dont like to spread enywhere "i know how ra3 will be" but i am surely know few info about it. not gonna tell about it just so.

#50 the_kid


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Posted 23 December 2004 - 09:11 PM

... you spoil our fun that?.... as for kane in ra3... I don't think its likely he was in ra but not ra2.

#51 Guest_Tyler Adams_*

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 09:50 PM

hmmm... I have a feeling that RA3 is going to be shit. and I have a feeling that it's going to be rated E (big suprise :) )....

but, if they suprise me, well, I'll be SOL

if they don't screw up (which they will, no doubt) it'll include the US having the Longbow D (Apache), M2 (light tank),the Scorpion FAV(nod Buggy), and of course, the C-17(cargo plane)... and the ending will, probably have a group of well known Nod units attacking the US victory parade (flame tank, maybe the M2) , and the GDI being formed.... but, I doubt that'll ever happen... only in mods...

#52 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 09:52 PM

... you spoil our fun that?....  as for kane in ra3... I don't think its likely he was in ra but not ra2.


he WAS in RA1. He was Stalin's advisor.

#53 Destroyer


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Posted 01 January 2005 - 10:21 PM

That's what he said. It was hard to understand, but the_kid did say he was in RA1.

#54 Guest_Tyler Adams_*

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Posted 02 January 2005 - 12:37 AM

oh, I didn't understand him, the way he said it...

#55 the_kid


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Posted 02 January 2005 - 12:43 AM

yeah, I use a lot of ...'s and not enough ,'s ... I'm hard to understand at times.

Back to RA3:

I don't see any originality left in the RA Universe. Its just going to be soviet vs USA, with paradrops and a navy. And of coarse come infantry and vehicles that are side specific... but I don't really see a good storyline out of it. We'll have to see if they have any true Geniuses writing the story, or it may just be shit.

#56 Guest_Guest_Sharki_*_*

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Posted 09 February 2005 - 04:04 PM

yeah, I use a lot of ...'s and not enough ,'s ... I'm hard to understand at times.

Back to RA3:

I don't see any originality left in the RA Universe. Its just going to be soviet vs USA, with paradrops and a navy. And of coarse come infantry and vehicles that are side specific... but I don't really see a good storyline out of it. We'll have to see if they have any true Geniuses writing the story, or it may just be shit.


Don't be so sure. If they mess up RA3, we can officialy bann EA and C&C new sequals. BECAUSE:

Accurding to the C&C timeline, GDI was officialy formed in 1985 as a last action of the primary defence force of the UN. And at that time NOD was allready present. (growing).I don't know exacty when NOD was formed, I just know they started in third-worlds . Someone check TD menual if he has.
So if RA2 sets in 1970, they can't pull it that long.They allready jumped 30 years from RA1. It has to happen now! Or EA would have to change there slogen form "Challange everything" to "Challange everything exept C&C storyline (thats too much for us)."

#57 Major_Gilbear


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Posted 09 February 2005 - 05:04 PM

Um, and what point are you trying to make? That EA will mess up the CnC storyline? They've already done that; tell us all something we don't know. :p

#58 ComradeJ


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Posted 09 February 2005 - 06:03 PM

Note that TD goes from the Soviet victory in RA and RA2 from the Allied victory - Red Alert 3 could play in 2030 without looking anything like Tiberian Sun (which plays in 2030 as well, but different timeline).

I read somewhere on C&CDen that RA3 was going to be for the Nintendo DS, although I don't believe a word of that.
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#59 Guest_Guest_Sharki_*_*

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Posted 09 February 2005 - 09:50 PM

Im sorry but I think you are incorrect. Every C&C game starts off where in the one before it the good guys win.
When you see Kane taking over the Soviet empire thats like the end when Kane rules the world as he planned to. And thats a defferent (and boring) story that is usless to continue. He wouldn't have to make the brotherhood of NOD if he has the Soviet empire. They won the war and Communism took over the world.

After you won with the Aliies and then you play the Soviets, you see Kane as the right-hand of Stalin so you know he was there when you beat them. He escaped,
Then went underground.


*HEY! Joseph Kucane Directed RA2 movies (Like all C&C games before) but didn't play himself as Kane. (And thats while working with EA). Maybe there's hope for him yet.

#60 ComradeJ


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Posted 10 February 2005 - 11:23 AM

Im sorry but I think you are incorrect. Every C&C game starts off where in the one before it the good guys win.
When you see Kane taking over the Soviet empire thats like the end when Kane rules the world as he planned to. And thats a defferent (and boring) story that is usless to continue. He wouldn't have to make the brotherhood of NOD if he has the Soviet empire. They won the war and Communism took over the world.

After you won with the Aliies and then you play the Soviets, you see Kane as the right-hand of Stalin so you know he was there when you beat them. He escaped,
Then went underground.


*HEY! Joseph Kucane Directed RA2 movies (Like all C&C games before) but didn't play himself as Kane. (And thats while working with EA). Maybe there's hope for him yet.


Well I'm terribly sorry, but that's how it is. Confirmed by Westwood, TD is from Soviet Victory, RA2 is (obviously) from the Allied victory.
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