The Evil In Religion
Posted 30 April 2005 - 08:07 PM
Posted 30 April 2005 - 09:02 PM
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Posted 30 April 2005 - 10:06 PM
#45 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 01 May 2005 - 01:39 AM
it seems like god people are trying to give the message that god is a good loving being.....
#47 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 10 May 2005 - 08:54 AM
those who believe in the bible are not freinds of god. they sin too much and rely on jesus christ to purify their sins. they also dont follow the rules of god. they follow jesus chirst and their own vision of what god and jesus is and should be (they think god is nice... LOL!!!... how funny)
god has banish adam and eve for being ignorant and wanderous. and banish an angel for wanting his own life. why wouldnt god kill a milliion people for his reasons? im not saying he ever did butt...
after all what is life to god? what is life? death is only an ending to our lives. what does it matter if he tornados some of us on earth to death. at least he can better the world after we are washed out
only we believe our lives are important... since the begining of time god has been trying to tell us that we have no place to judge or desire... that is what god has tried to tell adam and eve earlier on. but they couldnt see and fell into temptation. they though they had a place to judge life... silly rabbits lol
thats the real god and thats why i dont believe in him. i would believe in jesus christ but hes gay. isnt he? jesus a cool guy from what i have heard. i realy dont mind gay people. though i hate faggots
so why would you dismiss the possiblity that god is trying to rid the world of certian things by killing a few things? sometimes things just have to die for a better thing to come
if i did believe in god... i would serve him to the fullest. i would spit at the churches and follow gods will if thats what he wants me to do. cause thats the cool person i am. but i dont believe in god because of that evil-ness he has. i think hes a cool dude and i respect his ways. but sometimes i want things my way
thats why im one of the free birds whos probly going to hell. just because i wanted somthing for myself. offcourse most christians arnt even going to heaven for sure lol (THEY BETTER NOT!!!) most of the christians i see are worst then me. why should they recieve happiniess and i the burning pits of hell.. but you know? i dont think i want to be in heaven. i heard its gay up there. some of them said all they do up there is smile and stare at each other. and eat clouds for breakfest. pss i wouldnt want that for sure... man that would be hell... you know?... how can you tell if your in hell or heaven LOL its sorta funny thinking about it. maybe those guys who told me that came from hell lol... you know that would be realy scary if you cant tell if its hell or heaven. how do you tell? that would definatly be hell for sure
(...does this make sense? i dont know. i think i ended my post retarldy)... well i had fun writting this. retarded or not im posting it
#48 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 10 May 2005 - 08:55 AM
#49 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 10 May 2005 - 09:02 AM
Posted 10 May 2005 - 11:17 AM
If the bible were followed to the letter, Christians would be worse than Muslims in their fanaticism.
Religion is generally evil, and is the opiate of the masses designed to control the people and keep them in never ending fear.
#51 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 10 May 2005 - 12:55 PM
its true that humans change and learn things threw time. but a law from a god should never be change. but as you know it the bible has been changed 'who knows how many times' by a bunch of whatha-who
Posted 12 May 2005 - 11:59 AM
And as for the bible, it was probably edited, changed and "updated" hundreds of times through the middle ages. The bible is unreliable and can not longer really be trusted, thats just my opinion though.
Posted 13 May 2005 - 03:51 PM
which is why interpreation is so important.
its not religion its the people.
its not muslims is OSAMA BIN LADEN.
Exactly. I think religion is good in society, it helps people cope, understand and gives a meaning to life, but how its being misused has got to stop.
Radical Islam, christianity and any other religion always results in opposite of what religions truely is. People like osama bin laden using it to kill people is ridiculous, as with george W using it to justify his war on iraq. Really, people can believe whatever religion, but to understand a religion correctly they should either be educated correctly about religion or educated that god doesn't exist. Either way can lead to problems.
#55 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 13 May 2005 - 04:20 PM
haha it never came. he was hoping that the end of the world would happen during his time. because that day would help prove the existence of god to him and the world... haha it never came. he was a selfish man
Posted 14 May 2005 - 12:08 PM
remember the president who kept acting like he felt the end of the world was comming? i think he was ronald reagen or somthing like that
haha it never came. he was hoping that the end of the world would happen during his time. because that day would help prove the existence of god to him and the world... haha it never came. he was a selfish man
exactly, also look at Nietzeich the guy that inspired hitler he said god is dead, he is dead, get the picture?
It about replacing the "I" with the "U"
Posted 14 May 2005 - 05:00 PM
Whatever you say Karl. Remember, it's the 21st century, not the 19th.Religon goes hand in hand with capitalism. Its used to supress the workers along with the middle class. Its the higher classes way or ensuring we are all kept in check.
Posted 14 May 2005 - 06:12 PM
Like the apoc tank says: "The Apocalypse has begun!"
Edited by alex05, 14 May 2005 - 06:13 PM.
Posted 15 May 2005 - 01:08 PM
I meant Muslim radicals, not all Muslims...
Whatever you say Karl. Remember, it's the 21st century, not the 19th.Religon goes hand in hand with capitalism. Its used to supress the workers along with the middle class. Its the higher classes way or ensuring we are all kept in check.
Its still being done today through ignorance, people have just accepted it, Heinrich.
Posted 15 May 2005 - 01:14 PM
To honour to oneself something that went wrong all the more because it went wrong - that rather would accord with my morality. - 'God', 'immortality of the soul', 'redemption', 'the Beyond', all of them concepts to which i have given no attention and no time. not even as a child - perhaps I was never childish enough for it? - I have absolutely no knowledge of athiesm as an outcome of reasoning, still less as an event:
with me it is obvious by instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too high spirited to rest content with a crude answer. God is a crude answer, a piece of indelicacy against us thinkers - fundamentally even a crude prohibition to us: you shall not think!.........
A quote even the most base and crass followers of religeon can understand.
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