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#81 Pendaelose


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Posted 18 June 2005 - 08:05 PM

there is a limit of 128 upgrades

if figured it out myself already ;)


yeah... the editor has been complaining I passed that limit, but the game still worked... then I added just ONE more... crash.

Here's a good one... how to shut down the power on an addon... It doesn't work. They go black, as if they lost power, but they still fire. A good exampe of this is the laser avengers for laser and superweapon.

My china base defenses fall into this catagory... I've added "POWERED" to the kindof list, but they don't stop... they just go dark and keep shelling. other than that they are working quite nice...
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#82 matador

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Posted 19 June 2005 - 11:02 AM

maybe use the code of patriot system ;)

#83 Pendaelose


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 12:55 PM

maybe use the code of patriot system ;)


no, the only thing there is POWERED and a power requirement... nothing else... what I'm going to have to do is make all of these Replace Object instead of addons... will take some minor model work... but should be pretty painless overall. about a full day's work
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#84 Creator


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 02:21 PM

As for upgrades, you can remove such upgrades like "u_FACTIONID_DemoGen" and like. They modify super weapons only. For example, you can make new missile for demo general scud storm and delete "u_FACTIONID_DemoGen". The same is for other such upgrades.

As for addons, I do not recommend to make object replacements. They will screw up all AI. Also units will lose veterancy and recover all health when upgraded.

#85 Pendaelose


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 03:26 PM

As for upgrades, you can remove such upgrades like "u_FACTIONID_DemoGen" and like. They modify super weapons only. For example, you can make new missile for demo general scud storm and delete "u_FACTIONID_DemoGen". The same is for other such upgrades.

As for addons, I do not recommend to make object replacements. They will screw up all AI. Also units will lose veterancy and recover all health when upgraded.


Thats cool advice on the weapons to free up upgrades...

As for replacement... if its done to a defenseive turret it seems to work ok.. have you tried this? I can see how it would screw up unit TEAMS bad, but buildings are run a little difffernt. I'll give it a shot and let every one know how it goes.

EDIT: First trial run ran great, but Infa china needs a whole lot more powerplants now... but it plays out quite nice so far.

Second Trial done... Base defense replacements don't piss off the AI. Works great... only bug so far is they will build all the upgrades in a nice variety for the small foundation, but for the large foundation they will only build 1 of them... the setup for both sets is almost identical to the defense site, why would the AI not use a certain command when it is available to use?

Edited by Pendaelose, 19 June 2005 - 04:59 PM.

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#86 Pendaelose


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Posted 21 June 2005 - 12:07 AM

what are the limits on the naming system? will it truncate a name thats too long? or does the AI just not use it? I'm hella confused. I can make things that you can use in game and work great, but the AI wouldn't build it until I renamed it. the system gives NO errors... I only thaught of the fix I did after about 20 hours of pulling my hair out.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#87 Creator


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Posted 21 June 2005 - 06:53 AM

I know there are only name limits for W3D models. There are no any other name limits in the code.

#88 Pendaelose


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Posted 21 June 2005 - 01:22 PM

I know there are only name limits for W3D models. There are no any other name limits in the code.


While I believe you, I'm so frustrated with the csripting tools in worldbuilder that it makes me wonder... the AI was building the heavy foundation just fine... but needed more power. I added more powerplants to the build list and it stopped building the foundation. So I take some power plants back out but it dosen't ever build them again... after a couple days of trying new scripts and editing exsisting scripts I edit hte INI and give the thing a new name and I change the script only to match the name, and sudenly the AI builds them again. the biggest frustratoin is it SHOULDN'T have worked... I knew there was nothing wrong with the name... the problem was the scripts.... but I didn't change the script to fix it.

now it builds them, but it only builds one kind of turet addon... I set the build percent to 0% and it still only builds the one kind of addon... ...the good news is its the most useful addon for the computer, AA, but I would like it to build all 3 turrets. The light foundation does not have this problem... all turrets are set up identicly in the code.
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#89 Pendaelose


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Posted 22 June 2005 - 04:02 PM

Is there a way to remove an addon on command, or to relace an addon with another and remove the original in the process?
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#90 Creator


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Posted 22 June 2005 - 06:12 PM

The only way I know is to give it new armor and then kill it using special damage type, that will not harm other units.

#91 Pendaelose


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Posted 22 June 2005 - 06:24 PM

The only way I know is to give it new armor and then kill it using special damage type, that will not harm other units.


hmmm thats a bit of a pain... What I'm htinking of trying to do is set up a toggle switch for the drone controller. a button for each drone type. then put the spawn behavior in an addon. Change addons and change drone type at the same time... thats the idea atleast. its a little outside the expectaions of the engine, but I'm sure there is a way to do it... is there a better way than the spawn behavior in a changable addon?
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#92 Gredinus


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Posted 26 June 2005 - 06:18 AM

how do i change the parent of a object in G-Max?

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#93 Creator


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Posted 26 June 2005 - 08:21 AM

Link it to other parent. There is "Select and Link" button in upper toolbar.

#94 Pendaelose


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Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:08 PM

is there a way to make an animation play in reverse? I've thaught about trying to make a sneakattack tunnel that pops up, deploys units and then disapears again... but I can't figure out how to make it go back into the ground, or get rid of itself...
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#95 Creator


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Posted 27 June 2005 - 07:12 PM

Yes. It is possible. You should write this in desired condition state:
AnimationMode = ONCE_BACKWARDS

As for tunnel, you should change somehow condition states to make it work. Maybe to kill or to sell it just after units are deployed.

Edited by Creator, 27 June 2005 - 07:14 PM.

#96 Pendaelose


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Posted 27 June 2005 - 08:00 PM

Yes. It is possible. You should write this in desired condition state:
AnimationMode = ONCE_BACKWARDS

As for tunnel, you should change somehow condition states to make it work. Maybe to kill or to sell it just after units are deployed.


the once_backwards is simple enough... I get that. but how would I make it sell/destroy itself after deploying units...? I've got a couple ideas, but not all of them have quite cometogeather to really undertand it yet.

I'm thinking about using it in 2 differnt weapons. one as part of a superweapon strike, the other scaled down as a base defense weapon. a tower spots the enemy then calls a smal tunnel pop up full of terorists.

is this thinking right.....?

lets say I used it as or like a weapon. projectile detonates and an OCL calls the buildings into being. it starts as the flat rough spot model,and plays the animation to open. I could do this just by copying the exsisting gla sneakattack. but then to make it fold itself up again what do I have to do? I guess what I really need to know is how do I change/make a condition state, and how do I force a building to sell itself...

Is there a way to make the building actualy spawn units and sell itself in order, or should I fake the rest with OCLs?

these are my best ideas so far. I'm full of ideas but don't know all the steps in between.

the building comming in is a fairly normal sneak attack... it has a oneshot spawn command similare to a tunnelnetwork. It comits suicide or sell imediatly (will the units get a chance to spawn? and how to make it suicide/sell?)If it has to suicide, then give it a a HULK model that has the same model with the reverse animation and no debris or fx?? i'm not sure if it would work this way. I've never really tied anyhing like that.


all with OCLs... a create unit at the same spot as the front of the tunnel, and then time a special damage to kill the building after it is done with the reverse animation... then the only question is how to make the building change condition states imediatly... ... would making the default/none state play the animation work?
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#97 stack111


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Posted 28 June 2005 - 12:18 AM

ok i've been fooling around in INIZH.Big and have looked at weapons.ini

is weapons.ini only a default damage to any thing? if it is where do i go to change how a specific weapon effects a specific type of unit, a like TOW missile on infantry?

how would you remove a single unit from the game?

How do you change the primary weapon of a vecihcle and remove the secondary
ex: make the humvee TOW primary and remove the machine gun

could you show me a tutorial or point me in some direction plz? :lol: :p
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#98 viator

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Posted 28 June 2005 - 02:03 AM

How do you change the primary weapon of a vecihcle and remove the secondary
ex: make the humvee TOW primary and remove the machine gun

this is humvee code from AmericaVehicle.ini

Object AmericaVehicleHumvee

; *** ART Parameters ***
SelectPortrait = SAHummer_L
ButtonImage = SAHummer

UpgradeCameo1 = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone
UpgradeCameo2 = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone
UpgradeCameo3 = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone
UpgradeCameo4 = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining
; UpgradeCameo5 = Upgrade_AmericaTOWMissile
; we want need this, cause TOW will be from beginning
Draw = W3DTruckDraw ModuleTag_01
OkToChangeModelColor = Yes

ConditionState = NONE
Turret = Turret
HideSubObject = Turret ;hiding MG turret
ShowSubObject = TurretUp01 Housecolor03 MuzzleFXUP01
;we have to show TOW turret
; WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY Muzzle
WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY WeaponB ; we have to tell which bone will be our TOW weapon's FirePoint
; WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFX
WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY WeaponB ; we have to tell which bone will be our TOW weapon's MuzzleFlash
WeaponFireFXBone = SECONDARY WeaponB ; TOW consist of two weapons (Anti-Ground and Anti-Air) that is why SECONDARY slot is needed
WeaponMuzzleFlash = SECONDARY WeaponB ;


ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED ;same for reallydamaged model
Model = AVHUMMER_d
Turret = Turret
HideSubObject = Turret
ShowSubObject = TurretUp01 Housecolor03 MuzzleFXUP01
; WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY Muzzle
; WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFX
WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY WeaponB
WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY WeaponB
WeaponFireFXBone = SECONDARY WeaponB
WeaponMuzzleFlash = SECONDARY WeaponB


;wont be upgradin so wont need this
; Model = AVHUMMER
; Turret = TurretUp01
; HideSubObject = Turret MuzzleFX01
; ShowSubObject = TurretUp01 Housecolor03
; WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY MuzzleUp
; WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFXUp
; WeaponFireFXBone = SECONDARY WeaponB
; WeaponLaunchBone = SECONDARY WeaponB
; WeaponFireFXBone = TERTIARY WeaponB
; WeaponLaunchBone = TERTIARY WeaponB
; End

; Model = AVHUMMER_d
; Turret = TurretUp01
; HideSubObject = Turret MuzzleFX01
; ShowSubObject = TurretUp01 Housecolor03
; WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY MuzzleUp
; WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MuzzleFXUp
; WeaponFireFXBone = SECONDARY WeaponB
; WeaponLaunchBone = SECONDARY WeaponB
; WeaponFireFXBone = TERTIARY WeaponB
; WeaponLaunchBone = TERTIARY WeaponB
; End

TrackMarks = EXTireTrack.tga

Dust = RocketBuggyDust
DirtSpray = RocketBuggyDirtSpray
PowerslideSpray = RocketBuggyDirtPowerSlide

; These parameters are only used if the model has a separate suspension,
; and the locomotor has HasSuspension = Yes.
LeftFrontTireBone = Tire01
RightFrontTireBone = Tire02
LeftRearTireBone = Tire03
RightRearTireBone = Tire04
TireRotationMultiplier = 0.2 ; this * speed = rotation.
PowerslideRotationAddition = 1.25 ; This speed is added to the rotation speed when powersliding.


; ***DESIGN parameters ***
DisplayName = OBJECT:Humvee
Side = America
EditorSorting = VEHICLE
TransportSlotCount = 3 ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable)

Conditions = None ;Main weaponset
; Weapon = PRIMARY HumveeGun
; Weapon = SECONDARY HumveeMissileWeaponAirDummy
Weapon = PRIMARY HumveeMissileWeapon
Weapon = SECONDARY HumveeMissileWeaponAir


;WeaponSet after upgrade - we wont need it
; WeaponSet
; Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE
; Weapon = PRIMARY HumveeGun
; Weapon = SECONDARY HumveeMissileWeapon
; Weapon = TERTIARY HumveeMissileWeaponAir
; PreferredAgainst = TERTIARY AIRCRAFT
; End

Conditions = None
Armor = HumveeArmor
DamageFX = TruckDamageFX
BuildCost = 700
BuildTime = 10.0 ;in seconds
VisionRange = 150
ShroudClearingRange = 320
Object = AmericaWarFactory
ExperienceValue = 50 50 100 150 ;Experience point value at each level
ExperienceRequired = 0 100 150 300 ;Experience points needed to gain each level
IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience
CrusherLevel = 2 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles
CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
CommandSet = AmericaVehicleHumveeCommandSet

; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
VoiceSelect = HumveeVoiceSelect
VoiceMove = HumveeVoiceMove
VoiceGuard = HumveeVoiceMove
VoiceAttack = HumveeVoiceAttack
VoiceAttackAir = HumveeVoiceAttackTOW
SoundMoveStart = HumveeMoveStart
SoundMoveStartDamaged = HumveeMoveStart
SoundEnter = HumveeEnter
SoundExit = HumveeExit

; These have the syntax of SomeNameSomewhereInCode = SomeNameSomewhereInLookupINIs
;TurretMoveStart = NoSound
VoiceCreate = HumveeVoiceCreate
TurretMoveLoop = TurretMoveLoop
SoundEject = PilotSoundEject
VoiceEject = PilotVoiceEject
VoiceCrush = HumveeVoiceCrush
; Required for the W3DTruckDraw module
TruckLandingSound = RocketBuggyLand
TruckPowerslideSound = RocketBuggyPowerslide
VoiceUnload = HumveeVoiceUnload
VoiceEnter = HumveeVoiceMove

; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
RadarPriority = UNIT

Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
MaxHealth = 240.0
InitialHealth = 240.0

; Subdual damage "Subdues" you (reaction defined by BodyModule) when it passes your max health.
; The cap limits how extra-subdued you can be, and the other numbers detemine how fast it drains away on its own.
SubdualDamageCap = 480
SubdualDamageHealRate = 500
SubdualDamageHealAmount = 50
Behavior = TransportAIUpdate ModuleTag_03
TurretTurnRate = 180
RecenterTime = 5000 ; how long to wait during idle before recentering
AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes
MoodAttackCheckRate = 250
Locomotor = SET_NORMAL HumveeLocomotor

Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04
Mass = 50.0

Behavior = TransportContain ModuleTag_05
PassengersAllowedToFire = Yes
Slots = 5
; EnterSound = GarrisonEnter
; ExitSound = GarrisonExit
DamagePercentToUnits = 100% ;10%
AllowInsideKindOf = INFANTRY
ExitDelay = 250
NumberOfExitPaths = 3 ; Defaults to 1. Set 0 to not use ExitStart/ExitEnd, set higher than 1 to use ExitStart01-nn/ExitEnd01-nn
GoAggressiveOnExit = Yes ; AI Will tell people to set their mood to Aggressive on exiting

Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_06
UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanBattleDrone
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_07
UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanScoutDrone
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone
Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_14
UpgradeObject = OCL_AmericanHellfireDrone
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaHellfireDrone
ConflictsWith = Upgrade_AmericaBattleDrone Upgrade_AmericaScoutDrone

Behavior = ProductionUpdate ModuleTag_08
MaxQueueEntries = 1; So you can't build multiple upgrades in the same frame

;this wont be needed too
; Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade ModuleTag_09
; TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaTOWMissile
; End

Behavior = ExperienceScalarUpgrade ModuleTag_10
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaAdvancedTraining
AddXPScalar = 1.0 ;Increases experience gained by an additional 100%

Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_11
ProbabilityModifier = 25
DestructionDelay = 1
OCL = INITIAL OCL_InitialHumveeDebris
FX = FINAL FX_BattleMasterExplosionOneFinal
OCL = FINAL OCL_FinalHumveeDebris

Behavior = DestroyDie ModuleTag_12

Behavior = FXListDie ModuleTag_13
DeathFX = FX_CarCrush

Behavior = CreateCrateDie ModuleTag_CratesChange
CrateData = SalvageCrateData
;CrateData = EliteTankCrateData
;CrateData = HeroicTankCrateData

; This is commented out per hotlist request 10/9 ML
; Behavior = CreateObjectDie ModuleTag_15
; CreationList = OCL_AmericanRangerDebris01
; ExemptStatus = HIJACKED
; End

Behavior = EjectPilotDie ModuleTag_16
ExemptStatus = HIJACKED
; The following added out per hotlist request 10/9 as above ML
VeterancyLevels = ALL -REGULAR ;only vet+ gives pilot
GroundCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotOnGround
AirCreationList = OCL_EjectPilotViaParachute

Behavior = TransitionDamageFX ModuleTag_17
ReallyDamagedParticleSystem1 = Bone:Smoke RandomBone:Yes PSys:SmokeSmallContinuous01
ReallyDamagedFXList1 = Loc: X:0 Y:0 Z:0 FXList:FX_BattleMasterDamageTransition

Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21
AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long...
AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage...
AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often.

Geometry = BOX
GeometryMajorRadius = 14.0
GeometryMinorRadius = 7.0
GeometryHeight = 11.5
GeometryIsSmall = Yes
ShadowSizeX = 45 ; minimum elevation angle above horizon. Used to limit shadow length


that's how it works, in short,
sorry for very long post :lol:
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#99 stack111


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Posted 28 June 2005 - 02:17 AM

umm thank you :ninja: i'll be fooling with it for a while :ninja: thanks again
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#100 viator

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Posted 28 June 2005 - 09:19 AM

is weapons.ini only a default damage to any thing? if it is where do i go to change how a specific weapon effects a specific type of unit, a like TOW missile on  infantry?


it's weapon-DamageType vs. attacked unit's ArmorSet


how would you remove a single unit from the game?


the easiest way is to rename unit's name ie:
Object AmericaVehicleHumvee2

and in commandset.ini you can edit WarFactory's commandset
CommandSet AmericaWarFactoryCommandSet
1 = Command_ConstructAmericaTankCrusader
2 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleTomahawk
; 3 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleHumvee
4 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleMedic
5 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehiclePaladin
6 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleSentryDrone
7 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleAvenger
8 = Command_ConstructAmericaVehicleMicrowave
9 = Command_UpgradeAmericaSentryDroneGun
11 = Command_UpgradeAmericaTOWMissile
13 = Command_SetRallyPoint
14 = Command_Sell

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