Contra Remix2 Bug Thread
#101 Guest_Guest_aurora_*_*
Posted 16 August 2005 - 12:22 AM
#102 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 16 August 2005 - 01:09 PM
The commanche stuff that you 're talking about are not that large... I mean that they 're not that serius, so the project team should make something for them ! I know that this (the commanche turret thing) bothers you, but we (here) like it, so it's your problem, if you 'll change it, cause we 're not gonna do this ! So if you don't want this, go to the tutorials and change it... Oh, use finalBi it should help !!!yes but if i changed it that would mean my friends online would have to modify it as well in order so we could just play it online...too much trouble. anyway enough talking about this like i said i dont want to keep pestering you about it.
#103 Guest_Guest_aurora_*_*
Posted 19 August 2005 - 11:43 AM
...if you read my post entirely youed notice i stated if i wanted to play ONLINE with my friends theyed have to modify it too...and i also said it was too much trouble for me and my friends...and another thing i also said to drop it and that i didnt want to keep pestering pendaelose about your post wasnt needed...The commanche stuff that you 're talking about are not that large... I mean that they 're not that serius, so the project team should make something for them ! I know that this (the commanche turret thing) bothers you, but we (here) like it, so it's your problem, if you 'll change it, cause we 're not gonna do this ! So if you don't want this, go to the tutorials and change it... Oh, use finalBi it should help !!!yes but if i changed it that would mean my friends online would have to modify it as well in order so we could just play it online...too much trouble. anyway enough talking about this like i said i dont want to keep pestering you about it.
sorry if this sounded rude im in a bad mood right now.
Posted 19 August 2005 - 12:27 PM
so that we atleast know to who we are talking.
Posted 19 August 2005 - 09:45 PM
I know that you said it's a problem for online play with your friends, you should not tell this to me ! Cause i have a LAN Network on my home with 4 and some days 5 pc's and playing generarls CONTRA and when it get's ou the REMIX (Oh yes the Pendaelose's diamond !!!!), but everytime i get the new versions i mod them my self ! I make small mods and sometimes i put new units... So i have to set the new verions on the 4-5 pc's !!! Everytime i make a simple mod ! Even a decrease/increase of a unit's price ! Even if i put the auroras price in 2000 for example i will have to put the new big file in all the pc's in my LAN connection ! So if that bothers you go on !!!!!!! Fix it, for sure it will make your gameplay better for you and you will feel better, it is nothing that LARGE ! It s easy if you want i can easily help you.... but man, we like it as it is right now, dont feel stupid cause something is not the way you want it ! Feel free to ask how to change it so you can feel better and enjoy the game ! Sorry, for the spam before !!!...if you read my post entirely youed notice i stated if i wanted to play ONLINE with my friends theyed have to modify it too...and i also said it was too much trouble for me and my friends...and another thing i also said to drop it and that i didnt want to keep pestering pendaelose about your post wasnt needed...
sorry if this sounded rude im in a bad mood right now.
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 20 August 2005 - 12:38 AM
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 20 August 2005 - 12:02 PM
So do i ! As i have told you i have the same pain !!! Everytime i make a small difference from the old versin it is needed to do this for 4-5 pc's ! But i think that in the end it worth its cost !you can imagine my pain, every time I play I have to ftp the latest version to all my friends so we can test all the latest changes.
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
#108 Guest_Guest_aurora_*_*
Posted 20 August 2005 - 06:14 PM
excuse me? who said i was feeling stupid?...anyway like i said just drop it. im done with this mod for now. im busy with shockwave. if i do want to change it ill ask how to but right now im not interested.I know that you said it's a problem for online play with your friends, you should not tell this to me ! Cause i have a LAN Network on my home with 4 and some days 5 pc's and playing generarls CONTRA and when it get's ou the REMIX (Oh yes the Pendaelose's diamond !!!!), but everytime i get the new versions i mod them my self ! I make small mods and sometimes i put new units... So i have to set the new verions on the 4-5 pc's !!! Everytime i make a simple mod ! Even a decrease/increase of a unit's price ! Even if i put the auroras price in 2000 for example i will have to put the new big file in all the pc's in my LAN connection ! So if that bothers you go on !!!!!!! Fix it, for sure it will make your gameplay better for you and you will feel better, it is nothing that LARGE ! It s easy if you want i can easily help you.... but man, we like it as it is right now, dont feel stupid cause something is not the way you want it ! Feel free to ask how to change it so you can feel better and enjoy the game ! Sorry, for the spam before !!!...if you read my post entirely youed notice i stated if i wanted to play ONLINE with my friends theyed have to modify it too...and i also said it was too much trouble for me and my friends...and another thing i also said to drop it and that i didnt want to keep pestering pendaelose about your post wasnt needed...
sorry if this sounded rude im in a bad mood right now.
Posted 23 August 2005 - 07:23 PM
excuse me? who said i was feeling stupid?...anyway like i said just drop it. im done with this mod for now. im busy with shockwave. if i do want to change it ill ask how to but right now im not interested.
I can definatly agree this topic is well past the "Lets drop it" stage...
let me know how shockwave is. I'm curious how alot of the units work out. Especialy if you have favorites let me know what is good about them, I might try and make something similare (not copied) if it fits in with Remix.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 23 August 2005 - 08:02 PM
I was not offensive with that post, but now i will be...excuse me? who said i was feeling stupid?...anyway like i said just drop it. im done with this mod for now. im busy with shockwave. if i do want to change it ill ask how to but right now im not interested.
Hey you Guest, first of all register beacuase i want to know to who i speak, second you came in the contra forum to talk about the sockwave ??? Shame on you... You must be a dumb to do this... Whatever, i was not trying to offend you with my post i was just trying to make you feel more comfortable, so you can say what you want... As for the comanche i dont care how you want it, we all want it like this, thats your PROBLEM ! ! !
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 23 August 2005 - 10:45 PM
I was not offensive with that post, but now i will be...
Hey you Guest, first of all register beacuase i want to know to who i speak, second you came in the contra forum to talk about the sockwave ??? Shame on you... You must be a dumb to do this... Whatever, i was not trying to offend you with my post i was just trying to make you feel more comfortable, so you can say what you want... As for the comanche i dont care how you want it, we all want it like this, thats your PROBLEM ! ! !
It doesn't bother me at all if Shockwave gets braught up... its a good mod. I'm not playing a kind of competition. I personaly feel all modding should be a very cooperative effort and I welcome any advice or comparison to any other mod.
I genuenly am curious about shockwave9... I don't have time to play it :(, but I'd still like to know more about it.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 24 August 2005 - 01:21 AM
It doesn't bother me at all if Shockwave gets braught up... its a good mod. I'm not playing a kind of competition. I personaly feel all modding should be a very cooperative effort and I welcome any advice or comparison to any other mod.
I genuenly am curious about shockwave9... I don't have time to play it :(, but I'd still like to know more about it.
So do i ! And like to work along with other mods, and help or being helped from other mods... But this guy just pissed me off !!! I like Shockwave, it is a very good mod, but i also have to say that the King of the Hill is : REMIX/CONTRA ! !
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
#113 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 28 August 2005 - 11:58 PM
#114 Guest_Guest_aurora_*_*
Posted 28 August 2005 - 11:59 PM
that was me forgot to enter M.E.C.H.: whatever...(no offense meant) to Pendaelose: shockwave 9.0 is a good mod you should try playing it sometime. but it had a bug with usa that pilots got the chem suit upgrade and it kept crashing when they ejected affter being upgraded. so the patch 9.1 is out that fixed that and added 1 new unit. anyway the new version 1.0 is also going to add 3 new generals: GLA salvage general USA armor general and china special weapons general (special weps uses seismic weapons i believe and super wep gen also has a new toy: plasma)
#115 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 30 August 2005 - 11:21 PM
I think that M.E.C.H. didnt want to flame, but i have to agree with him , cause you may not meant to offense him but you did it .... So i will have to say that im with M.E.C.H. ..... As for the Shockwave i think that it is a good mod (very good !) but as M.E.C.H. said the comanche turret is your problem not urs we said to you how to change it but you didnt now lets STOP IT ! And lets try to find more serius and bigger bugs (as the bug you reffered for, is not a bug... )..... Pendaelose i saw your S.troopcrawler its very good ! !to M.E.C.H.: whatever...(no offense meant) to Pendaelose: shockwave 9.0 is a good mod you should try playing it sometime. but it had a bug with usa that pilots got the chem suit upgrade and it kept crashing when they ejected affter being upgraded. so the patch 9.1 is out that fixed that and added 1 new unit. anyway the new version 1.0 is also going to add 3 new generals: GLA salvage general USA armor general and china special weapons general (special weps uses seismic weapons i believe and super wep gen also has a new toy: plasma)
Posted 31 August 2005 - 12:36 AM
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 31 August 2005 - 09:08 PM
Creator, or Pend. how was the comanche turret made, cuz i want to make the same thing but different placement when i try to add the comanche turret to differnt models, the fire effects are in the air, not on the model
that sounds like a prblem with the Bones. make sure the weapon is being fired by the addon and make sure the addon has a model (even if its JUST bones, like the fafnir addon)
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 01 September 2005 - 10:33 PM
but i will try again with weapon bones
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
#119 Guest_Guest_aurora_*_*
Posted 05 September 2005 - 07:13 AM
...JUST DROP IT ALLREADY! (no offense meant) anyway pendaelose i was testing the remix 3 and i was haveing a match online with my friend. he was air i was nuke and as soon as my nuclear missile launching defenses fired when they hit their target and exploded it caused a mismatch.I think that M.E.C.H. didnt want to flame, but i have to agree with him , cause you may not meant to offense him but you did it .... So i will have to say that im with M.E.C.H. ..... As for the Shockwave i think that it is a good mod (very good !) but as M.E.C.H. said the comanche turret is your problem not urs we said to you how to change it but you didnt now lets STOP IT ! And lets try to find more serius and bigger bugs (as the bug you reffered for, is not a bug... )..... Pendaelose i saw your S.troopcrawler its very good ! !to M.E.C.H.: whatever...(no offense meant) to Pendaelose: shockwave 9.0 is a good mod you should try playing it sometime. but it had a bug with usa that pilots got the chem suit upgrade and it kept crashing when they ejected affter being upgraded. so the patch 9.1 is out that fixed that and added 1 new unit. anyway the new version 1.0 is also going to add 3 new generals: GLA salvage general USA armor general and china special weapons general (special weps uses seismic weapons i believe and super wep gen also has a new toy: plasma)
Posted 05 September 2005 - 11:19 AM
Oh yes... I'm having the same problem ! I will try to fix it, if i get it done till this night i will post what to do !...JUST DROP IT ALLREADY! (no offense meant) anyway pendaelose i was testing the remix 3 and i was haveing a match online with my friend. he was air i was nuke and as soon as my nuclear missile launching defenses fired when they hit their target and exploded it caused a mismatch.
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
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