Remix Escalation Suggestion
Posted 13 September 2006 - 10:37 PM
i just had a almost lose luckly i destroyed his last building while he was destroying my last war factroy(i had nothing left in the base that could fire a shot)
Posted 14 September 2006 - 12:08 AM
idk how hard the easy is not played them HARD all the way
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
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Posted 14 September 2006 - 12:43 AM
they keep on coming and i build up my forces while their units gets killed by my defences
the problem is that every time i attack them i focus 2 much on the attacking force(i have 2 since if i dont they go 2 far into the enemy base and get themseleves killed)
and i hate the helicopter(them dont do alot of damage 2 me but they r really annoying and pissed off and when i get pissed off i dont make the best desicisons. Once i was going 2 make a good attacked but i forgot about his nuke and my base got bombed i got pissed off so i just sent all of my troops up and attacked.i won but i lost way more than i should of)
Posted 14 September 2006 - 12:59 AM
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 01:02 AM
Posted 14 September 2006 - 01:24 AM
does the AI esculate every time it has a chance because when i am in combat i forget 2 esculate
Actualy the easy and normal AI arn't excalating past tech1 at all(a game bug, I'm working on it). the Hard AI instantly escalates and builds without restriction.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 01:27 AM
dont u need level 2 esculation 2 build the MECH factory?
Posted 14 September 2006 - 01:32 AM
they dont?
dont u need level 2 esculation 2 build the MECH factory?
no. you just need strategy center.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 03:00 AM
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 03:11 AM
But that is only for easy and normal ai right pend? because hard cyber general should still kick ass..
hell yeah. Easy and Normal have never built the tech2 center. Hard hasn't changed at all.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
#1651 Guest_Violence (Not Logged In)_*
Posted 14 September 2006 - 10:58 AM
"You can't buy a targeted power.... you can buy an upgrade that allows indefinite use of that targetable power.... you can buy a caller object that call that power once to the pre-defined (not targetable) location. But you can't buy it and target a single shot, then buy the next shot."
Why not just cram in "Diplomatic Relations" as a rank ability available to all armies and should the player select that they can call in a supply paradrop on a targetted location every 3:00? This way you create money and not move them, but it costs you 1 rank point...! I think that's fair enough. Or if you can program that, can't you program the ability to drain an amount from your own money each time it's used, to give a sense of trading?
If you're thinking of decompiling things, then see my 'wish-list' again.. Because if you manage it, those things could work out well.. And a ton of other suggestions too, I am sure.
I wish you the best with that, sounds very difficult.
I just remembered something else which I think I never actually posted, talking about Flame General; I was thinking of an ability involving crop duster-like behaving MiGs spraying highly flammable material over a large area, affecting/covering units, buildings and maybe even the ground, making it easy to ignite with a single shot from any flame throwing unit. Is that possible?
Posted 14 September 2006 - 11:11 AM
Also flame general already starts with black napalm so u can't remove that fool, the upgrades i think should stay and we should do it the way pend was going to do it at the start, his way is fine it works and u can still give cash to your friend.
WTF!?! pend why did u remove teh limet superweapons butten?
damn it put it back *cry*
Edited by Phoenix911, 14 September 2006 - 11:16 AM.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 11:53 AM
WTF!?! pend why did u remove teh limet superweapons butten?
damn it put it back *cry*
Because it became tounament mode...
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
#1654 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 14 September 2006 - 12:35 PM
I strongly do not liek the removing of 2 upgrades just for a methored of giving cash to your allies and this is even more of bad idea when pend has ALREADY said a way of doing it with out needing to do this bullshit idea.
Also flame general already starts with black napalm so u can't remove that fool, the upgrades i think should stay and we should do it the way pend was going to do it at the start, his way is fine it works and u can still give cash to your friend.
WTF!?! pend why did u remove teh limet superweapons butten?
damn it put it back *cry*
The point of ideas; to give a person some food for thought. If a person cannot think, they will dicard any ideas given to them as "bullshit". Are you a thinking person? If yes, I suggest you choose your words more carefully. Even if an idea sounds dumb to you, you should stress the issue to its limits before dumping it.. That's the point of discussion, BTW. I hope you're enlightened regarding ideas and 'creative conversations'.
To the point.
- I know Flame starts with it, I was referring to the upgrade the other China armies get which makes the flames get Black Napalm. All this was discussed because it was brought up as a possible method, and not because I just came up with it and thought I should spam the thread. Clear?
- Pandae might have a way to do it, but it's no harm if someone wants to suggest something. I've said before, I'll post my stuff, he reads it and does what he wants with it. Since you aren't his mother or lawyer either, talk for yourself please. Do you see now?
- Of course he'll do it the way he wants. Why point out the obvious? I am only looking for other ways to do it because they MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT be more sufficient. You know, when someone starts building something, he's usually surrounded by people trying to build the exact same thing through different methods. This is much the same thing here and it's not because I am competitive, it's because I am interested in the work being done.
I might have an attitude as Pand said before, but I don't call your ideas bullshit either. Too much coffee this morning?
Posted 14 September 2006 - 01:31 PM
I never once said everyone had to hate it, But if your too ignaront to read the topic and see that i told everyone why i do not like it then u would not of made yourself look like a moron. Just for you i will tell everyone again ok..
Why remove 2 working/and or good upgrades to replace it with a money trading system when there is another way to do it that would not give a negative effect to the mod?
Pend has told everyone how he could do it and how he was planing on doing it that would work PERFECTLY fine without the need to remove upgrades.
Giving money to your allies is such a small system and does not warrent removing 2 upgrades just to give what $1000? $2000? cash a time.
Upgrades can be better used/spent, if pend can implenet a system that works without neededing to remove already working and good stuff from the game then why bother?
Also the game never had the "trade/give" money system in generals so anyone who has played generals should be used to not having it and be able to keep there own cashflow working well enough.
Adding this system of giving some money to your team is only a small bonus but nothing major for a good generals player as they would have good money income and be able to distribut ther funds proply anyways.
so lets put it like this.
lose 2 upgrades >> small money trading system.
small money trading system >> lose 2 upgrades
Humm i think there is no contrest really, also contra and remix both made it so you can build hackers/internet center/black markets and dropzones BEFORE u get your palace, stratagy center and propoganda centers. Basicly you can get your income set up much faster making this system only a small bonus and would not be worth 2 upgrades being lost.
and anyways i will stress this again, WHY remove 2 upgrades for such a small system when pend can ADD the same system ANOTHER way that WORKS without losing 2 upgrades?
I rest my case imo this idea is bullshit omg i said it "BULLSHIT" the idea for money trading is good but if it can be done like pend said without losing anything then good but your idea about losing 2 upgrades for a drop is "BAD". and this was not a flame nore was i saying your ideas are crap i simply stating that this one is bullshit in "MY" opion.
If u can not handle negative feedback then don't post.
ps: i did say my opion before just not in such detail so maybe thats why u did not understand why i hate the idea.
Edited by Phoenix911, 14 September 2006 - 01:32 PM.
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 04:45 PM
now i havet playd remix 3 bit i wil tell you wat i like in 2.75.
1 the miner very origenal
2 tank-gen troop cravercan put an upgrade to in ( a tank that can have 2 upgrades would even more cool)
3 atgm trooper good power.
4 my mistake ther is no super sniper
now cn you tell me witch NEW unit you fnd origenal?
Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:13 PM
now cn you tell me witch NEW unit you fnd origenal?
Thast is a darn good question... I like it, it makes me stop and think.
ok... MY favorites are:
Stormtrooper android.
an exceptionaly versitle unit that was made with alot of collaberation between Creator and myself. Even the model was a cooperative effort and all the code and animations were passed back and forth several times before settling on one final unit.
all 3 lightning Tanks.
The lightning strike code was byfar the single most ambitious and expieramental thing I had ever tried. creating a lightning trail that randomly generated for every strike was a tough challenge... and I'm very proud of how well they turned out.
the Assault Spider Mech
The walking anmation was my first skeletal animation... with it done it opened up a whole world of walking robot posibilites such as the new 3 legged spider mines (these are BRAND NEW, like, last night new)
Shield Generator.
The sheild gen was interesting because both creator and I were designing them at the same time, and came out with 180 turn around different units... Every layer of the code works completly different, and they balance differently in game... but they both work well and are completely unique.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:35 PM
now cn you tell me witch NEW unit you fnd origenal?
Thast is a darn good question... I like it, it makes me stop and think.
ok... MY favorites are:
Stormtrooper android.
an exceptionaly versitle unit that was made with alot of collaberation between Creator and myself. Even the model was a cooperative effort and all the code and animations were passed back and forth several times before settling on one final unit.
all 3 lightning Tanks.
The lightning strike code was byfar the single most ambitious and expieramental thing I had ever tried. creating a lightning trail that randomly generated for every strike was a tough challenge... and I'm very proud of how well they turned out.
the Assault Spider Mech
The walking anmation was my first skeletal animation... with it done it opened up a whole world of walking robot posibilites such as the new 3 legged spider mines (these are BRAND NEW, like, last night new)
Shield Generator.
The sheild gen was interesting because both creator and I were designing them at the same time, and came out with 180 turn around different units... Every layer of the code works completly different, and they balance differently in game... but they both work well and are completely unique.
sorry pend i didn,t read that much in the past but could you also tell wat the are doing.
and the animation how it looks like.?
penda can you like give a demo or something .?
cuz i have like 4 days left and it,s back to russia
and what about you the other alpha testers? drake phinix? olli
Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:41 PM
Spidermechs are also very nice as it must have been a challange to make the animations and such smooth as they are.
shield generators are great and one of the most coolest units, lighting tanks are great also altho i not really used them much (lol i tend to use the chimira)
But they are well made and work nicely.
But the vehicals are not the only thing the new buildings and sw are also very nice and make the game very fun
A wise man chooses death before war, A wiser man chooses not to become war.
Foamy!?!! Xombie!?! Awesome Cannon Rock
Everyone should watch this and pass it on as its a very good argument on the subject of Global Warming.
Posted 14 September 2006 - 05:44 PM
sorry pend i didn,t read that much in the past but could you also tell wat the are doing.
and the animation how it looks like.?
penda can you like give a demo or something .?
cuz i have like 4 days left and it,s back to russia
Yeah, I tried sending you a link by PM, but it said you had PMs disabled. If you send me an email to my I'll get it to you that way.... but I can't post the link of the forum, cause then everyone woul have it
As for the animations... they are just basic walking animations... one leg after another, using all 3 joints along the way. But the learning how was the fun and important parts.
there are too many things worked on in the last year... to many being worked on right now even, to really give a good list of all the progress, but I promis its all good. Unless you like limit Superweapons and hate the tournament mode... that could be bad for you... but if you like tournament mode instead its good
Seperate topic: Supply trading...
I've made up my mind about how to handle the supply trading. Both Trucks and Air drops will be available at faction's supply building. I will be using the method I described a few posts back, but instead of a new building for each faction, the old supply centers will be doing the job.... players already make them, and they will be convienent to use... plus it kinda makes sense. GLA might get back the old supply center just as a dedicated Trade center.... but it might also get extra goodies like upgrade crate drops or something so that it still has value in single player.
The general's power version actualy wasn't a bad idea at all, but I agree with pheonix (though much nicer ) that it would be taking away from useful powers that fill those spots.
Edited by Pendaelose, 14 September 2006 - 05:55 PM.
Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.
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