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Supreme Commander

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#41 Pyth


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Posted 12 July 2006 - 03:46 AM

I are Cybran.
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The moral of that story is do drugs?

#42 Soul


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Posted 22 August 2006 - 06:58 AM

I know this is old and I'm probly going to get yelled at but it'll be worth it to show you this Video and an interview video of the guy making this game Video.

Edited by Forgotten_Soul, 22 August 2006 - 08:38 AM.

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Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

#43 Ash


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 08:57 PM

New Aeon details up on the site. I must say, they appear to be the 'hapless victims' side...though none of these sides is whiter than white.

I cannot wait to tear those screwups apart.. :)

#44 Soul


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 01:06 PM

The interview video I posted the guy says that the game will be modable sweet.
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Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

#45 MSpencer


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 02:03 PM

Yes but you don't know the extent of modification...
IL-2 is claimed to be "moddable" by Oleg Maddox & Crew, but all you can do is add new skins, missions and campaigns. It took enough work for one man to create a new dynamic campaign generator, and he had to replace a lot of files.
I expect with this team's track record, SC might end up the same way. Of course it could always end up like OFP and be moddable down to nearly the source code (Someone played with the DLLs and made it DX9 optimized, with reflective water). Could really be anything, different people have different definitions.
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#46 Soul


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 02:19 PM

New Aeon details up on the site. I must say, they appear to be the 'hapless victims' side...though none of these sides is whiter than white.

I cannot wait to tear those screwups apart.. :shiftee:

Um can you give me a link to the site I would like to see all that thanks :p .
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Soul 2.4

Background process. Has something to do with some activity going on somewhere. Sorting junkmail, I think. No value or interest. Doesn't do much except hog resource.

#47 crave22


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 03:39 PM

I expect with this team's track record, SC might end up the same way. Of course it could always end up like OFP and be moddable down to nearly the source code (Someone played with the DLLs and made it DX9 optimized, with reflective water). Could really be anything, different people have different definitions.

Heh, good ol' Keg.

But yeah, I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you. Just because they say it's moddable doesn't mean it's truly moddable. For all we know they may think of modding as making maps, which although that can be considered modding, that's only 1/4000000th of what modding's about. There's a high probability that, although the game itself will be good, the modding support will be terrible.


Bastard! Ah well... I'll settle for some UEF general I s'pose.
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#48 Ash


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 03:45 PM

www.supremecommander.com is the site. Just register for an account if you want the details they might not have for the public. I signed up...no spam, or even a newsletter so far.

I have to admit, all three sides look intriguing, though the Aeon less so as they haven't even appeared in a trailer. The Cybrans and the UEF look like the two most significant players. Aeons are just there for a new way to play. They seem to specialise in hover and firepower, while the Cybrans are able to make awesome amphibious landings and use pwnage lasers. The UEF are possibly the weakest side. However it goes, this will be a damn interesting game.

#49 crave22


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 03:46 PM

If the guys making this know anything about RTS no side should really be the weakest.
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#50 ambershee


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 04:47 PM

No side looks any weaker from what I've seen, they just operate differently :shiftee:

#51 Ash


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 05:46 PM

Though very similarly, probably. The differences will probably be mostly graphical, although I imagine some sides' units will be slightly more proficient at a job than their equivalent. It'll be the unique units that really flesh out the sides. Like that crawler landing boat for the Cybrans...

#52 I)eath_By_8s


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 08:24 PM

Im still a die hard starcraft fan but this may just replase it as my new fav Stragity game

#53 MSpencer


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:08 PM

Although the UEF could be very weak without seeing much of a difference in play. You can have bad sides as long as they have cheap units. Numerical advantage.
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#54 Blodo


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:36 PM

I expect with this team's track record, SC might end up the same way.

You ever played Total Annihilation? Do you know who is the prime designer behind Supreme Commander? That's right, the guy who was the prime designer behind Total Annihilation. Now if that game isn't moddable then I don't know. I can literally be sure that this guy won't let skin inserting be the peak of SupComs modding abilities.

(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists.
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

#55 ambershee


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 04:51 PM

It's not the designer who makes that decision. It's the producer and the publisher - the bigger boys.

#56 Ash


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 05:09 PM

There is absolutely no point in not making a game moddable these days. Modding increases the value for money and also provides incentives. I wouldn't have bought Generals were it not for the many mods that are/will be out for it. (It only cost me £5, so stfu :grin: )

Why would you bother to make a game unmoddable? It must take more effort than to make it moddable.

#57 friday-13th

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Posted 27 August 2006 - 06:35 PM

you know,just looking at how many units there will be....they better hope we sart with ALOT of money or those unite WILL be very very cheap :grin:
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- friday-13

#58 ambershee


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 06:35 PM

There are plenty of reasons not to allow 3rd party tampering of your game, how can you say there's no reason?
  • Security issues can arise in online gaming if people have access to editable material.
  • It costs time and money after or during the release of a title to develop a system that allows players to introduce new content.
  • Hot Coffee style incidents can occur with 3rd party content. It's happening on an increasingly frequent basis.
  • There are considerable quantities of legal issues to address when releasing any such editables to the public.
  • Legal teams need to ensure that the original game is not debased in a fashion that is not deemed in keeping with the owners vision of the intellectual property, or that anyone elses intellectual property is debased upon their platform in a similar manner.
  • Many developers and publishers simply do not approve of the concept of modding, and will deliberately restrict themselves to prevent modding from occuring.
I would produce a much longer list, as there are far more reasons, but I really can't be bothered.

#59 Ash


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 07:17 PM

The Hot Coffee incident was, technically, a one-off. The likes of the Sims 2 nude skin debate is, frankly, a completely different matter. It actually took someone time to modskin the genitalia on the Sims, unlike Hot Coffee. Same as any other nudeskin mod. The game producers can't be held responsible for what people choose to make as a third party product.

I don't understand your last one...why would they not approve? Okay, I know Blizzard are utter bastards for it, but it's inexplicable to me...

That said, there have already been many trumpetings that Supreme Commander will be highly moddable.

#60 ambershee


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Posted 27 August 2006 - 07:42 PM

Hot Coffee was not an isolated incident - just a very prominant example. There's been all sorts of trouble over 3rd party content for years. I'll agree when you say that the developer can't be held responsible for 3rd party content (although they can be held responsible for leaving content on a disk even if it's not accessible in the game) - but that's not the way a lot of people see it.

As for why they don't approve - they just don't like people fucking with their stuff. And for the above reasons of course.

They haven't said it's been "highly moddable" either - just that it will be to some extent. The rest is just speculation, and we know speculation isn't to be trusted.

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