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Hero Characters

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#1 Pendaelose


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:10 AM

With Rosco now opening the request list up to infantry units one thing on the list is unique heros for every faction.

the question now is what heros to make... I've got a couple ideas, but I don't have nearly enough ideas to make a full list of characters, so I'm wide open to suggestions for all 12 characters. I have a couple in mind, but I'm still open minded about them.

suggest away!
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Between now and the next polished release there should be very little new art work done. Instead the focus is on designing, testing, and fixing. the mod has always been so close to finished that its nearly criminal. I'd love to see this through to the end with a real community effort.

#2 Ironwolf

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:44 AM

AF Gen: Someone kind of like Boris from RA2(YR). Give them a nice-powered gun and be able to 'spot' or designate targets for a huge A-10 strike or carpet-bombing or something to that effect.
Lazr: Another spotter unit for a sort of laser cannon, like the suggestion for an Ion-cannon like weapon. High-damaged, single short strike, low AoE.
Nuke: Waddaya know, another spotter. But this one calls down like a tactical-nuclear strike.
Flame: Same as Nuke, but with thermobaric napalm
Stealth: If it would be possible to make someone like Jarmen Kell but more stealthy, that is not being able to be spotted as easily and defense turrets needing a recon drone or Listing Outpost to spot, or if the hero goes closer to the turret. weapons would be the same as Kell, just with a Col. Burton like knife

#3 Phoenix911


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:32 AM

demo gen should be able to get close and plant a pack of like 6 demo trap like objects that will blow after 15 seconds.capable of leveling most buildings apart from the big buildings like the command center and sw.
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#4 fangfang

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:37 AM

Cybernetic : a cyborg can add some addons like overlord but uses american technology(metal storm??), self-clone( spawn or build a copy of self), romote control(shutdown enemy's building/vehicle)

Airforce: Rocketter, can go anywhere and shots AA/AG, CountermeasuresBehavior, calls Lv1 airstrike when HEROIC Lv3.

Flame: Flamemaster, fires napalm grenade(creates firestorm) and firewall ( clear buildings), calls napalm strike when heroic lv3.

Infantry: specialforce, sniper rifle/killpilot sniper rifle(long recharge time)/better TNT attack/swimming, calls InfantryParadrop when heroic

Chemical : crazy chemist, just like flamemaster but uses toxic.

#5 Ubermedic


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:57 AM


USA AI - Cyborg Titan Class (Name is very plyable) A very strong heavly armed cyborg.
gives a sort of "Moble propaganda effect" but has no explosives

USA AF - Wardog Squadron (Blaze) A hero unit (An F/A - 22 Raptor) who has double the normal raptors
ammo, and armor. A little bit faster and has the "Moble propaganda effect" kinda like morale (We've got
air support yay! look who it is! were saved)

USA Lz - Laser Burton - Armed with state of the art laser rifle that can penitrate tanks. Has laser bomb

USA Sw - Captian Templar - Armed with only a pistol. but after a short amount of time (Not too short)
He is able to call a laser strike from the SD platform. Hits an area quickly and does major damage to

China FL - Pyromanic - A crazy flamethrower/ molotov armed flamesoldier. can plant firebombs

China Inf - Support Lotus - An infantry oriented lotus. Has the "mobile propaganda effect" and is armed
with a pistol. she can demoralize infantry. Has no bombs

China Tank - Commander Hun Lo - A tank general (Custom Warmaster) has a propagnada effect
and has more armor, and a faster firing rate.

China Nuke - (Name Undecided) - Has a tank of nuclear waste which is fired with his rifle and causes
extreme damage to infantry. he has a nuclear waste bomb. It sprays nuclear waste over a large area.

GLA Assualt - Kudar Al-Hidaji - A terrorist who is parised for many terror attacks. He has a AK-74u
rifle and grenades. He has a Supply stealing attack (If his bomb is used on a supply station)
**Is that possible?

GLA Poision - (Name Undecided) - Has a full hazmat suit making him immune to poisions, and nuclear
radiation. He has anthrax booby traps and a chemical gun

GLA Stealth - Ramin Al-Muhadi - A very sneaky, infiltartion unit. Has a silenced pistol (No unstealth
when using) and a "Building infiltrator" (Shows the area around the building as long as it is undiscovered.
works kinda like a spy drone)

GLA Demo - Crazy Ivan - The unit from RA2. Plants demolition charges. He is a crazy fanatic who
will do anything for his cause. or maybe using phoenix's idea he'd plant two charges. One could level
the building and another in case it still stood (Or was the damn GLA hole. God that thing annoys me)

(Note stealth could be applied as needed. I just thought i wounldn't list it each time)
(Also Please note... I made up those middle eastern names. I have no idea what they mean or if they're
not even middle eastern. If you actually know some good names feel free to overwrite them)

Edited by Ubermedic, 02 August 2006 - 04:39 AM.

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#6 Capt.Drake


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:06 AM

Airforce: Pend you know my full suggestion, so I'm simply saying Hero Squadron
SW: A Sniper with target marking abilities, he calls in a strike from waiting bombers. Maybe the missiles have auto target abiliteies?
I'm not sure about the others so far

Edited by Capt.Drake, 02 August 2006 - 07:09 AM.

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#7 Ubermedic


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:08 AM

Airforce: Pend you know my full suggestion, so I'm simply saying Hero Squadron
SW: A Sniper with target marking abilities, he calls in a strike from waiting bombers. Maybe the missiles have auto target abiliteies?
I'm not sure about the others so far

I'm just saying... A squadron would unbalance the Hero system slightly...
Each general gets one hero if AF gets four (or three or two) he'd have more
Well not that I'd have a problem with that advantage. hehehe. But still
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#8 Capt.Drake


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:12 AM

I think for thge limitations that aircraft have this is just quite fair, like that you need an airfield.

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#9 Ubermedic


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:31 AM

I think for thge limitations that aircraft have this is just quite fair, like that you need an airfield.

Well you need a barracks, and Strat Center for a Hero.
and if he dies (Say a troop crawler spots him/her) that's about another 1600 gone to
retrain them. But we're off topic. I said what I said In a reply to you. Let's let Pend or Creator Decide.
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#10 Phoenix911


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 11:53 AM

Hero squadrian is cool idea, and no havin a airfield full (max4) would not unbalance the game, they have to return back to the base to reaim before u can uses again, aswell as AA can pose a big problem so u lose them more often.
Other heros can stay in the fight.

The airsquadron should be called the cobras(very famous ww2 fight sqaudron)

Alot of the ideas is cool.
SW gen tho i don't want a laser strike, thats more fitting forthe laser gen, give the sw gen the abilty to lay a emp charge with a BIG emp blast radius.
the hero could also carry a spottor laser for calling in a auroa strike (the sw veriants of auroas) to hit a target.

O yes i forgot i don't like teh idea of the herovehicals liek teh airforces or tanks gens being a low end units IE: a f22 or a warmaster.
I am sorry but i very much doubt a hero would use an old style unit, u can say all you want about them being more uptodate but the airframe and tank design is still odl and still onlys lets it have teh same manovarbity as that old unit.
Why would a hero use an old crappy unit when there are plenty of better units? If i was a hero for the airforce gen i wanna be in a f44 stelathed in and out and while dropping a bomb, or u could make a completly new unqi aircraft/tank for them heros.

I think they have the best not some boosted crap :/

Nuke gens bomb i think should not be a nuke waste bomb, he would already have the toxie waste spray, witch could be able to spray and be toxie waste wall too, i think he should get a mini thermal detinator.

Tank gens hero unit infact could be a command vehical type unit (better design) but able to call in a small tank drop. aswell as call in support bomber wing to hit a target, would still give frenzy 2 aura and would be slight bigger cover radius.

Flame gens hero fla/fire bombs should make a good burning firestorm or else he would be weak as (f**k) :lol:

Asuult gen idea sucks ass, that abilty to steal cash does not sound liek an assult type attack. No he should have a supporting attack that helps cut defenc or power to let his team assult more succesful. This would make more sence.

Infantrys lotus should have the abilty to still cap buildings and she should be able to capture vehicals not just disable them. (or if possable) make it that eny infantry in her radius will be converted to your side she would be stealthed and so there infantry would not know she is there untill its too late and ther converted.
BUT doing this maybe cause problems with the propganda effect as that would give her pos away so maybe she should lose the propoganda effect.
(to commensate for this infantry should get a command vehical like teh tank gens but would not give frenzh instead it would give a BIG cover ever of propganda to help them fight longer and stay healed.)
Maybe give her a medpac u can target your own soldiers with it and she would go heal that person anyone within a small area would be healed.
This would remove the need for a proganda effect.

( really don't wanted her having the proganda effect i don't want my heros pos being given away)
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#11 Casojin


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:23 PM

All heroes would be stealth infantries.

USA AF: (Same as Ironwolf idea) A guy with airstrike spotting ability.

USA Laser: Equipped with hi-tech gun. Laser mode for Anti-vehicle and microwave mode for Anti-infantry or disabling building.

USA AI: Cyborg infantry with 2 stealth hellfire drones and 1 battle drone flying around. Can disable vehicle and building.

USA SupW: Like Burton but instead of C4, he got missile strike beacon (call in tomahawk or something more powerful) and can use EMP grenade to disable vehicle and building for a short time.

China Inf: Super Lotus is fine.

China Tank: A commando with AT missile launcher (which can disable vehicle for a second or two once hit) and a submachinegun as a defense against infantry.

China Nuke: A specialist that can lay Nuke mine and place a Nuke strike beacon (call in small nuke warhead which does enough damage to destroy most structure but Command Center and superweapon). Immune to radiation.

China Flame: A infiltration unit that can set a fire on a building (perhaps use something like a firestorm with new animation) and immune to flame. Can use knife ability.

GLA Assault: A stealth unit with heavy-hitting weapon such as heavy machinegun with anti-tank grenade. Can lay down to increase attack range.

GLA Chem: Chemical expert who can place mixing chem mine (acid+anthrax) and spray acid or anthrax at target.

GLA Demo: The Current Jarmen Kell is fine.

GLA Stealth: A sniper like normal Jarmen Kell but can lay down to be more stealth (not reveal himself when fired but immobilized) can fire AT round as special ability in addition of Pilot-killing round.

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#12 Capt.Drake


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 05:03 PM

Ok, since it seams that some people like the squadron idea I'll explain my idea a bit more!
My idea was to have a buildlimit of four, maybe with a special "super" airfield to hold these units.
I wanted the plitots and aircraft on so on beeing part of the famouse Aggressor squadrons, cause these Pilots are their for air-combat training, just like the Top Gun thing for the Navy, and the Pilots are the best of the best.
By the way, the color shemes of the Aggressorsquadrons looks very cool in my eye's(normally they also feature red stars, and there are also other color shemes).
What aircraft should be taken, I would like to see comparable with the F-16 and the F-16XL.
Because it's easier to modifie an airframe then making a new aircraft.
Then there also should be upgreds like that the missiles are replaced with bombs, or what I would like, a railgun with 3-4 shoots that can destroy a big tank.

Edited by Capt.Drake, 02 August 2006 - 05:06 PM.

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#13 Ubermedic


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 05:12 PM

Ok, since it seams that some people like the squadron idea I'll explain my idea a bit more!
My idea was to have a buildlimit of four, maybe with a special "super" airfield to hold these units.
I wanted the plitots and aircraft on so on beeing part of the famouse Aggressor squadrons, cause these Pilots are their for air-combat training, just like the Top Gun thing for the Navy, and the Pilots are the best of the best.
By the way, the color shemes of the Aggressorsquadrons looks very cool in my eye's(normally they also feature red stars, and there are also other color shemes).
What aircraft should be taken, I would like to see comparable with the F-16 and the F-16XL.
Because it's easier to modifie an airframe then making a new aircraft.
Then there also should be upgreds like that the missiles are replaced with bombs, or what I would like, a railgun with 3-4 shoots that can destroy a big tank.

Did anyone play Ace Combat 5? yes, no? what ever. Any way. I was going along those lines with the F/A 22
the special airfield... hmm... Well seeing as it is a squardon... Maybe a different Pilot for each kind of mission
say pilot one (Let's call him tomcat) is best for A2A interception. but pilot 2 (Bob) would be best for level bombings.
Say bob's equiped with a Tornado GR-2 Cluster Bomb and Tomcat has XM-AA missles. so you'd
fly bob to bomb a building and tomcat would fly support for him. keeping other aircraft of his tail.
and so on.
(Note: i'm not suggesting we call the hero units tomcat and bob I just needed names for them)
Also for color schemes I was thinking a Black/Red color scheme. It looks creepy as hell.
Also I just had a funny Idea. In pro:gen a unit put on gaurd over another unit. (say you click gaurd then click on lotus)
it would follow it. so maybe if you could pull that off...

Oh and Phoenix? I'm not a big GLA player anyway. I was just trying to make up something for everyside.

Edited by Ubermedic, 02 August 2006 - 05:24 PM.

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#14 Measapon

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:13 PM

Here is my grand list

USA CYBORG: general Use mabey the Swarm Bot concept where abunch of small robots run around to acomplish a task, mabey like a stealth robot swarm that attacks at close range to attack this is what a modern one looks like http://apps.soe.ucsc.../pics/swarm.jpg

USAF: i really like the hero squadren idea name them the Tuskegee Airmen!

USA Laser: mabey a guy with a Microwave aura that kills inf and vehicles

USA SW: Unit with an EMP missle launcher and can fire a spotting devise that brings down a small partical cannon

China Flame: Uses a large flame thrower that has the rolling flame effect, can also use fire wall and spray, and a cooldown grenade that makes a firestorm

China Tank: hmmm....

China Nuke: Nuke Engineer with a nuclear mortar and can plant nuke charges and nuke traps

China Inf: Super Infantry Has a longrange assult rifle (sniper range)with an AT missle attachment and cluster mine launcher and flame thrower for clearing buildings and destroying them

GLA Assult: Unit with duel Rotary RPG's and abbility to call in rocket barrage

GLA Stealth: Basicly Jarmen Kell with being able to create a sneak attack and ambush(prolly should add more to it but meh)

GLA Demolitions: uses a hi-powerd rocket launcher can spawn Terrorist ambushes and bomb truck spawning and when all else fails he can take his own life with the nuke on his back

GLA Chem: Chem sniper that can shoot Infs and Vehicals every shot carries a canaster of anthrax or acid(selector switch!) and can contanimate a large area with anthrax or acid(immunity!)

Edited by Measapon, 02 August 2006 - 07:17 PM.

#15 Slowpoke

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 08:20 PM

Shi Tao Nuke General - Lieutenant General - - - - - - <Name undecided> Has got a pistol for anti-infantry duty and a mortar which shoots small nukes.

#16 Phoenix911


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 11:52 PM

i do not want for sure a cyber hero that can get drones!!!!
everythign has drones already it need to be a littlre moe uniqe, personly i don't think the cyborgs should have drones, kinda unbalances them vs other infantry as they have the added drone support.

And no the demo general does not deserve the basic jarm kel >.<
If anyone should have teh basic one it would be stealth gen as he is all about stealth and sniping is a stealth job.

Edited by Phoenix911, 02 August 2006 - 11:53 PM.

Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#17 Ubermedic


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 12:43 AM

i do not want for sure a cyber hero that can get drones!!!!
everythign has drones already it need to be a littlre moe uniqe, personly i don't think the cyborgs should have drones, kinda unbalances them vs other infantry as they have the added drone support.

And no the demo general does not deserve the basic jarm kel >.<
If anyone should have teh basic one it would be stealth gen as he is all about stealth and sniping is a stealth job.

True... The drones kinda... unbalance them...
I think he should be kinda like the terminator...
Well not really but. Unkillable, Unfeeling, and Unstopable terminator....
That seems kinda cool. Buy him upgrades for his software.
Make him immune to fire. Give him like laser vison. (or a accuracy/damage amp)
Pretty Badass....
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#18 alpha86


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 08:04 PM

About the airforce one... I think just normal Cnl Burton is fine. Maybe just give him the ability to call in an airstrike or something. The thing is, with airforce.. is that once you can get B2 spirit bombers or have the ability to call in the strategic bombing, there's really no need for a hero unit. All in all, I'm not a big fan of the hero units :dry:

i do not want for sure a cyber hero that can get drones!!!!
everythign has drones already it need to be a littlre moe uniqe, personly i don't think the cyborgs should have drones, kinda unbalances them vs other infantry as they have the added drone support.

Word up to that on the cyber hero unit. He should be something like the Cyborg Commando from TS.. :p that would be great!!

*~si aeraesar bastosi shai por eil vyri eindral syl sosti eil thasti ail si basti os aeraesar jhyli*~

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#19 Ubermedic


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 09:02 PM

Well I had a good Idea just now for flame.
(At least better than my old one...)
He's a Redgaurd looking guy.
But he has (Kinda) Like a microwave aura. (it's actually flames)
he has a super long range flamethrower.
and can do a "Flame Wall" (Not Flame Arty but Drag. Tank)
And Plant fire bombs!
(Also Stealth and Immune to Fire)
Also Maybe instead of an upgraded WarMaster.
The tank hero could have a like...
A mega Tank.
It'd have like 5 cannons. (High Firerate)
Thick Armor (Low damage from Poisions/Nuke/Lasers)
And 4 Treads (All Terrain) and 4 Wheels (High Movement Speed)
And Maybe some sort of chain guns on top (To protect from air)
He'd be upgradeable with
Large Radar (Huge Dectect Range)
More Chainguns (Adds more chain guns (Some pointing forward to combat infantry))
and (Maybe) A mega Nuke Detinator. (Pretty Much causes to simultainious nukes)
Also note he'd be upgrade able w/ all three just maybe each one could be more expensive
(I.E. Lg. Radar = 800 Chaingun = 800 Buy Radar Chaingun = 1600)

Edited by Ubermedic, 03 August 2006 - 09:04 PM.

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#20 Phoenix911


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Posted 04 August 2006 - 12:22 AM

Well I had a good Idea just now for flame.
(At least better than my old one...)
He's a Redgaurd looking guy.
But he has (Kinda) Like a microwave aura. (it's actually flames)
he has a super long range flamethrower.
and can do a "Flame Wall" (Not Flame Arty but Drag. Tank)
And Plant fire bombs!
(Also Stealth and Immune to Fire)
Also Maybe instead of an upgraded WarMaster.
The tank hero could have a like...
A mega Tank.
It'd have like 5 cannons. (High Firerate)
Thick Armor (Low damage from Poisions/Nuke/Lasers)
And 4 Treads (All Terrain) and 4 Wheels (High Movement Speed)
And Maybe some sort of chain guns on top (To protect from air)
He'd be upgradeable with
Large Radar (Huge Dectect Range)
More Chainguns (Adds more chain guns (Some pointing forward to combat infantry))
and (Maybe) A mega Nuke Detinator. (Pretty Much causes to simultainious nukes)
Also note he'd be upgrade able w/ all three just maybe each one could be more expensive
(I.E. Lg. Radar = 800 Chaingun = 800 Buy Radar Chaingun = 1600)

I like your hero idea, but your tank idea sucks.
U have basicly tryed to make a tank that is invincable.
1) 5 cannons (high fire rate)
2) Thick armor (wtf? witch 5 barrels aswell :O)
3) High movement rate.... (right so is it just me or does high armor attack and speds sound unbalanced?)
4) chaingun ontpp for AA (where is this tanks weakness WHERE!?!?)
5) And a radar to detect stealth.... wtf
6) mega nuke detonator? WTF
7) aswell as 3 add-on's one being chaingun 1 being radar and 1 being both radar and chaingun.

is it just me or did u not think about this one tank?
It just plan rediculose(sp?) (no offence ment)
And did u not forget that the tank gen already has the shiatan(sp) and if u was wantign this as a hero tank then that good a hero tank, BUT nothign this unbalanced EVERYTHING needs to be killable or have soem form or weakness, this thing is unstoppable.

maybe we should add propganade upgrade too it aswell just to help it live longer >.> :p
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