The Xm8 is not a sniper rifle.Haha. Nice XM109 model...
Why not the New Sniper custom XM8?
It can take many different ammo types and can be fired automatic.
Give it a drum clip. 100 rounds of pure non-stop sniping action...
hehehe... that seems somewhat extreme....
All though the weapon is that great.
It is a modular rifle made out of mostly carbon fiber of some sort.
The X stands for "experimental" basicly the xm8 is really the m8, it is basicly a gun designed to see if it was able to replace the aging m16 and the m4, but they scraped the project, the reason was simply why waste money making a new gun that fires the same type of ammo when we have 2 fully working guns already made and in supply? they want to wait untill they can find a more potent weapon/ammo.
It did have a Carbin, AR, marksmenship and i think soem other veriants available, it was a beautiful gun and was far suppieuor(sp?) then the m16 and m4, it also had a new granade luncher that was kinda like the m209 but it was opend via left side not under neath this ment it had no restrictions to nade and it could load meny different types easy. It granade luncher was all in one peace witch was another plus, if the sites for that grenade luncher is zeroed right and u take it off oe one m8 and put on another m8 it would retain its zero and be accurate. Alot of other thing but i am tired.
Anyways reason i want the airforce gen to have the xm109 (m109, x for experimental) is because capt. and well i agree reason for my idea that we want the hero to be support able to take out light mobile AA, this gun packs a punch simler to the apachi gunships cannon i beleave. or i may have picked the wrong gun owell.
But anyways this would be a long range anti light vehical and anti infantry rifle, the hero would have long range move fast but have low hp, the gun would be able to kill a quad cannon in 2 or 3 hits, and infantry in 1.
And his specail abilty is to target designate for a strike by the hero squadron that capt. thought off.
Reload time about 2-3 mins.
I think this would be the best and most balanced way to implement hero infantry and the hero squardron, each team should have 1 hero being a infantry, ther abilys should be what makes them unqie and well airforce being airforce his should be that abilty i said.
Giving the abilty to build the hero jets on an airfield imo would be just another load of aircrafts to juggle about, airforce gen already has alot of aircraft we don't need really need anymore, unless there is somethine mighty amazing that can be thought of.
The idea of teh sqaudron is good but as i said i think would be best suited for use via your hero.
how about calling him "john rambo"? lmao