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Hero Characters

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#41 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 02:14 AM

Haha. Nice XM109 model...
Why not the New Sniper custom XM8?
It can take many different ammo types and can be fired automatic.
Give it a drum clip. 100 rounds of pure non-stop sniping action...
hehehe... that seems somewhat extreme....
All though the weapon is that great.

The Xm8 is not a sniper rifle.

It is a modular rifle made out of mostly carbon fiber of some sort.
The X stands for "experimental" basicly the xm8 is really the m8, it is basicly a gun designed to see if it was able to replace the aging m16 and the m4, but they scraped the project, the reason was simply why waste money making a new gun that fires the same type of ammo when we have 2 fully working guns already made and in supply? they want to wait untill they can find a more potent weapon/ammo.

It did have a Carbin, AR, marksmenship and i think soem other veriants available, it was a beautiful gun and was far suppieuor(sp?) then the m16 and m4, it also had a new granade luncher that was kinda like the m209 but it was opend via left side not under neath this ment it had no restrictions to nade and it could load meny different types easy. It granade luncher was all in one peace witch was another plus, if the sites for that grenade luncher is zeroed right and u take it off oe one m8 and put on another m8 it would retain its zero and be accurate. Alot of other thing but i am tired.

Anyways reason i want the airforce gen to have the xm109 (m109, x for experimental) is because capt. and well i agree reason for my idea that we want the hero to be support able to take out light mobile AA, this gun packs a punch simler to the apachi gunships cannon i beleave. or i may have picked the wrong gun owell.

But anyways this would be a long range anti light vehical and anti infantry rifle, the hero would have long range move fast but have low hp, the gun would be able to kill a quad cannon in 2 or 3 hits, and infantry in 1.
And his specail abilty is to target designate for a strike by the hero squadron that capt. thought off.
Reload time about 2-3 mins.

I think this would be the best and most balanced way to implement hero infantry and the hero squardron, each team should have 1 hero being a infantry, ther abilys should be what makes them unqie and well airforce being airforce his should be that abilty i said.
Giving the abilty to build the hero jets on an airfield imo would be just another load of aircrafts to juggle about, airforce gen already has alot of aircraft we don't need really need anymore, unless there is somethine mighty amazing that can be thought of.

The idea of teh sqaudron is good but as i said i think would be best suited for use via your hero.
how about calling him "john rambo"? lmao
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#42 Ubermedic


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 02:50 AM

Well... My first name is john. My friends usually call me Rambo is Killzone....
That made me laugh.
It seems all the more reason to have heros if you
get a hero vehicle. (Build Lzr. Burton get a special laser vehicle.)
(Build Inf. Lotus get high speed ATV. (Get lotus around fast))
(Build Demo. Kel get IDK... You get the idea)
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#43 Guest_Violence (Not Logged)_*

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 10:18 AM

Yes, maybe the SAS Agent wasn't a good idea. Might take a peek at the rest of what's on that post though.
What made me thought of SAS is that it is an Air Force General, and that agent could be there to offer some help, being in the SAS and everything.

I believe other armies share tech and units with other countries not in the game so it wouldn't be such a surprise to add something like that.

He could be called "Arnold" for what it matters, the abilities are important not the name or title.

Thx for reading though. :p

#44 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 11:44 AM

Meh. hero vehical is ok but i have been thinking that maybe they should stick to infantry, just make them more impressive and more feared.

This is why i said that airforce gen should get the hero squadron called of screen. Being a hero he would be able to call in the top elite fighter pilots. This would also be more fitting as the airforce gen has alot of aircrafts to maintain on there fields already and some maps don't have enough space for massive amounts of airfields. And so this would cut down the need for trying to find more space for an airfield for them.

I also think this makes more sence, and the airforce gens hero would be unqie to that team, just like giving a HIGH powered orbital strike for the laser gen's hero would make him more uniqe.
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#45 Slowpoke

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 12:33 PM

Stealth General - Booby Trap Unit - can place a demo trap, can booby trap buildings, can sneak up to a tank and place a charge on it and can make a barrage balloon.

#46 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 04:52 PM

Stealth General - Booby Trap Unit - can place a demo trap, can booby trap buildings, can sneak up to a tank and place a charge on it and can make a barrage balloon.

Nice idea, being able to get close to a tank to place charge is good but i wonder how fair it would be interms of detection. Aslong as they are reviled during placement of charge i don't see a problem, But make the placement only take like a split second.

Barrage balloon imo aint needed and kinda worthless, again not all teams use air and some don't have air. Tank gen and infantry gen for exsample, they have air units and do use them but how much would they use them?
Not very there aircraft are mainly support only airforce gen would suffer from this power.

I think the demo trap, booby trap and tank planting abilty is enough.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#47 Ironwolf

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Posted 06 August 2006 - 05:47 PM

Suppose there'd be any way to make it for a unit to need to be closer to another one without being seen? Like some sort of advanced stealth? Cause if Col. Burton goes up to a tank or even near a defence structure he gets spotted.
Would there be any way to decrease the distance a structure can see certain units?

#48 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 05:53 PM

Suppose there'd be any way to make it for a unit to need to be closer to another one without being seen? Like some sort of advanced stealth? Cause if Col. Burton goes up to a tank or even near a defence structure he gets spotted.
Would there be any way to decrease the distance a structure can see certain units?

It is possable to make them not be seen by targets but if u do that i am not sure if they will be spotted when placing a charge, If they could be stealthed while moving close and everythign then cool, but while placing any charge he sold be reviled.
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#49 Capt.Drake


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 07:36 PM

I like that Hero idea for airforce, I mean that guy with that sniper rifel for airforce, but I still would like to see a vehicle hero unit.

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#50 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 07:52 PM

I don't like the idea of vehical units, at first i thought hey its cool but now i don't
Each team already has a SUPER unit, a hero unit would have to be = to or more powerful than that and that woudl be silly as they are already fear'd units.

I would find it much better and much more balanced if each team sticks to the super units and 1 hero (infantry)

The fighter sqadron is a good idea but the airforce gen already has a good number of planes he don't really need anymore buildable ones.
I think the airfore gen hero being like i said would be teh most coolest and most BALANCED way of doing it.

You would still have your elite pilots it would just mean u can't build them, doing this would also give u more INCENTIVE to actuly build and use the hero.
Infact doing doing somethign like this for all the heros making them have something very cool and unqi will make them all more worth while in using this is what we are aiming for by this topic right???

I do not see how u can make a airforce hero unit worth using if he does not have some form of good power, and i doubt in there right mind they would assin a rookie squadron to a hero, this is why your hero sqaudron would be the ones called in.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#51 Capt.Drake


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 07:58 PM

hey got an idea! you can put one of the airforce heroes in an rapier, and get a hero plane like the ones i wanted for the hero squadron, hope you understand what I mean

Edited by Capt.Drake, 06 August 2006 - 08:00 PM.

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#52 Phoenix911


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Posted 06 August 2006 - 08:27 PM

hey got an idea! you can put one of the airforce heroes in an rapier, and get a hero plane like the ones i wanted for the hero squadron, hope you understand what I mean

U mean like the airforce gens pilots?
u build the hero and put in the aircraft?

Kinda pointless when u can build pilots and make all your aircrafts powerful.

My idea is fine imo, and because they will bec oming off screen u can have a squadron like u wanted and they can retain ther power. Why is it soo importent for u to be able to build them?
there is already a number of aircrafts and doing it my way would make u want to buid the hero and use it right?
If u had a choise of building a hero jet and the hero infantry u choose teh jet because u are the airforce gen.
But doing it my way makes u have to use the hero and makes u have to use them tacticly!!!

The old heros was useless and i very rarely seen anyone use the heros, if we did it like u want the airforce hero would still be over looked. My thoughts is we need to make the heros have a power or abilty to make u want or have to use it. This hero/elite sqaudron of yours is a good idea but if u put it as a strike for the hero instead it makes the airforce hero more desirable(sp?)

I do not agree with hero vehical as each team has a super unit and so a hero vehical is pointless.
whats inportent is making teh heros we have more desirable to use.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#53 Ubermedic


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:16 AM

Phoneix I enjoy your Idea for the USAF Hero.
But My hero vehicle Idea was as a support to the heros.
the trouble with a hero is that he is weak and has low health.
so give him a quick transport to get somewhere.
Give AF Hero a little bird to fly somewhere. Low armor.
No armaments. but just to get him around.
Lotus's ATV. Climbs hills No armaments. low armor.
Kel's Dirt Bike... Understand?
Not like a super unit. But a transport.

Edited by Ubermedic, 07 August 2006 - 03:16 AM.

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#54 Ironwolf

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Posted 07 August 2006 - 03:20 AM

Everyone has a super unit?
What's Toxin's and Super Weapons? o.o

#55 need my speed

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Posted 07 August 2006 - 06:19 AM

New idea for Airforce.

A heroic pilot, you can send him in any vehicle / plane just like a normal pilot, but this pilot can call in a airstrike of ......... too! :)
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#56 Ubermedic


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 07:57 AM

New idea for Airforce.

A heroic pilot, you can send him in any vehicle / plane just like a normal pilot, but this pilot can call in a airstrike of ......... too! :)

puting him in a plane would delete him
Thus allowing you to build more.
I'd not make much snese. No?
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#57 Slowpoke

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Posted 07 August 2006 - 08:42 AM

Stealth General - Booby Trap Unit - can place a demo trap, can booby trap buildings, can sneak up to a tank and place a charge on it and can make a barrage balloon.

Nice idea, being able to get close to a tank to place charge is good but i wonder how fair it would be interms of detection. Aslong as they are reviled during placement of charge i don't see a problem, But make the placement only take like a split second.

Barrage balloon imo aint needed and kinda worthless, again not all teams use air and some don't have air. Tank gen and infantry gen for exsample, they have air units and do use them but how much would they use them?
Not very there aircraft are mainly support only airforce gen would suffer from this power.

I think the demo trap, booby trap and tank planting abilty is enough.

That's the idea. It's like anti-tank in a way - not overpowered and a demo trap is fairly effective against most units, but AF Gen wouldn't suffer at all - barrage balloon.

#58 Phoenix911


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 11:27 AM

I do not agree with any means of extra transpot for your heros it just is not needed!!!!!

1) your hero is stealthed and there for moves around quiet well u just need to protect them better :) thats your problem
2) putting them into a unit each will make them spoted on the map and i don't approve of making there vehicals stealthed.
3) everyteam has soem form of peaple carry that moves fast enough USE one of them.

My personly opion is that heros need to be made more desirable, hero vehicals are not needed every team has a super unit (already) or will have a super unit in remix V3 or contra V5.

This is why i beleave that making the airforce gen not be able to build the hero sqaudron but infact make the airforce gens hero be able to ored them in every 2-3 mines strike will be poweful enough to kill any build apart from command centers and sw but will heavily damage them.

His gun long range 20mm cannon would be used for long range sniping of infanry (1hit 1 kill) and support on trying to cut down light AA vehicals such as quad cannons killed in about 2-3 maybe 4 shots.

yes they have low hp yes there not always the fastest but they are heros they are TACTICAL units!!!!!!
Use them tactily and they will serve well, the idea now is to come up with ideas for all the other genseal types and heros to make them more DESIRABLE to build and use.

Personly i think my idea for the airforce gen is the most logical fair balanced and makes him more usful insteantly. And yes i nicked capts idea but i think it is a nice feature for that airforce gens hero.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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#59 Capt.Drake


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 01:23 PM

I still like my hero squadron thing, but I could arrange myself with that hero too, if he gets a powerfull sniper rifle
and is going to be stealthed while shooting, and for that target aquisition, thing, where he calls the hero squadron, that should be quite powerfull, it should have an auto target ability, so that it's not as stupid as an A-10 strike!

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#60 Phoenix911


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Posted 07 August 2006 - 02:57 PM

I still like my hero squadron thing, but I could arrange myself with that hero too, if he gets a powerfull sniper rifle
and is going to be stealthed while shooting, and for that target aquisition, thing, where he calls the hero squadron, that should be quite powerfull, it should have an auto target ability, so that it's not as stupid as an A-10 strike!

Well my idea covers this, he would have a mighty powerful 20mm cannon this can kill infantry 1 shot and kill light vehicals in 2-3 maybe 4 shots, His role is support he takes out light AA in support of his airforce.
he would not be stealthed while shooting his gun at enemy units but when using target designator he will remain unseen. He would move fast have light health.

And as i said capt. i liked your hero squadron idea but i feel this would be the best way of making them be seen as heros or fear'd. If u have them on an airfield and cna stike as often as they reload then imo there just another aircraft just more powerful ones.
Doing it this way u can make them powerful able to level any building in one strike(command centers and sw will live but with little hp for balance reasons)
You could even give the abilty to order 2 types of ammo, one ammo could be air to ground missiles or bombs for anti builds as stated before. The other could be a bomblet dispenser payload for groups of units, only 1 can be used every 2-3mins So if u call in tactical strike on a building that buildign would be leveled. and teh bomblet dispenser butten will blank out for 2-3 mins once ready both opsion will be avaliable again.

Your hero sqaudron would still be in the game and they would be feared because they are called off screen it would mean they have to be fear'd and powerful. Agin this would also make MORE incentive for pleaser to use the airforce gens hero.

As i said i think heros are the only hero we need but we need to give peaple MORE incenetive to actuly use them by makign them unqie and powerful. Sure there only infanty but with the right powers they would be worth using, and they are tactical units.

And if u want to move them around fast like ubermedic wants then use a humvee or a battle bus or technical or chinnock or helix or any other vehical capable of moving them. There is plenty of transport in game we don't need a special one just for a hero that just stupid and too much extra coding for what? another transport.
Phoenix™ The Forgotten Samurai
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