Posted 08 February 2011 - 02:57 AM
Boromir was nice in Helms Deep because of his attack but he was never op. You have so many powerful things at the black gate that you can simply cycle; eagles, wop, aod, ents, in this mod 3 different cav summons(Rohan normal summon, Theodens summon, and who is it Gama?) every good hero including a second aod from Aragorn
unkillable rank 10 Gimli, four sniper heroes (Haldir, Lego, Faramir and crap who is it... the Rohan guy.)
I got an idea, make another level like Mirkwood's Dol Guldar but put a little fake Barad Dur on the mount doom level. Make it like an rts ending differing from the movie in where it ends in a large attack on the enemy. You could start with Gondor, then get Rohan in a few minutes and in the middle of the largest part of the enemy attack have the elfs come and help. You could play the elven alliance theme again but keep pumping out orcs. I don't want the level to end till I have 20k kills apposed to the 7.5 k kills I average in the black gate. If Such a level like an attack on mount doom where possible with the elven army and the two normal armies you should be able to get epic kills. I don't care if it is long, pump out as many orcs as the engine can till it does the job.
Orcs Could attack you from every side, no bottle necks like in black gate.
Idk I honestly hardly have a clue what I am talking about or what modding can do, but I just enjoyed this one a lot. Figured I may have an idea that may not be worthless.