That's a wonderfully ironic statement, seeing as the Ps3 is the worst offender when it comes to YASS (Yet-Another-Sequel-Syndrome).
[funny list]
I'm done.
lolz btw I agree, the PS3 is sequel-tastic...
I think I'll get a wii, eventually... and a 360... eventually. I'm planning to wait until the summer to see what games come out, and for and hardware faults on initial production runs to be fixed.
I doubt I'll get a ps3. It's more or less a computer, smashed up, put in a blender and then injected into a slightly smaller case. If I wanted a computer, I'd buy a computer dammit!
Anyways... I think it'll be a fist fight between wii and the 360 if anything. They're both good consoles with good games. The thing is, once you get used to new, flashy graphics, the new, flashier graphics aren't the deciding factor in how much you can enjoy the game. PS3 will have to pull some great games out of the air to justify its insane price tag.
Gears of war is a fantastic game. Great fun, looks great, great fun, and great fun. I was playing it with a friend in co-op mode and it just stays enjoyable I reckon good games like that, good graphics and [halo 3] could tip things in the 360's favour...
wii of course has raving rabbids though = pwn.