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Nazgûls "Special Extended Edition"

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#261 Nazgûl


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 11:57 PM

When you've added the text to lotr.str, you must resave that file as the englishpatch103. I simply overwrite it (backup first) for it to show up in game :dry:

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#262 Bart


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 12:27 AM

if you use the, incredibly easy, -mod command, you don't have to worry about any location of any .big file, ever :dry:
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#263 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 01:12 AM

I will try to alter this mod to a -mod when its done :dry:

1) Can the CaH fire sword be added to the WK?
2) Where can I alter the audio for a hero the moment he/she spawns?

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#264 BigRedKane

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 01:31 AM

King Thranduil I think I got the recruit/revive text sorted. At the end of the day unless you have at least a rudimentry understanding of the powers you'll get a headache trying to give your "new" heros a custom powers list (as Nazgul has now realised...lol). It's a lot of work and hugely frustrating. It is also a buzz when you see your custom hero working in game though.

I couldn't get the elven upgrades to work with Celeborn's summoned Lorien archers....they are the obsolete Rohan Elves (why Rohan ever had elves I don't know, EA could have just "borrowed" units from the elves since that "side=" stuff don't seem to ammount to anything on unit functionality, nor does it prevent other factions building units/buildings from each other...to prove this, stick a men of the west builder in the Elven or Mordor hero list...he'll build and he'll be able to build the MOTW techs....lol.

Anyways, the Lorien archers that Celeborn summons use Men of the West upgrades....so now I either got to leave them upgradeless....or apply Men of the West Forged Blades, Armour and Fire Arrows to the Elven Forge (which I'm currently tinkering with). I don't think that gives the Elves any special bonuses since the only units they can use the Men of the West upgrades with is those Lorien Archers...heh. It's just a means to get them upgradeable.

King Thranduil I'd like to know which powers you want for "normal" Galadriel, I won't be replacing the Ring Hero one if I can help it as it might muck things up, and also I believe there should be a differance between the two since the ring hero one is the version of her as if she had the one ring (she gave a preview to Frodo in the movie). I hope you don't mind me posting about this here, Nazgul....I figured you and King Thraduil have a common interest there, so might as well kill two birds with one stone....heh. Also Nazgul, any input from you as to what powers you would prefer to see them useing would be of help, unless you're happy with whatever I do for King Thranduil of course. :shiftee:
Also Health...don't forget that...but you could probably mod that youselves once you get the files...lol. :dry:

Nazgul I'm not even going to think about that firesword yet....lol...cool idea though, but I don't think my skills with BFME 2 modding are advanced enough to use CAH stuff on custom heros yet. If the sword is part of the CAH mesh then the only way to get it to work is to parent the entire CAH model to the Witch King and make all but the sword invisible....or use a modelling app and remove the sword and apply to the Witch King mesh....or just find/make a new sword...lol.
Actually the easiest way might be to use a similar FX to the fire sword on Witch King's one (I thought he had a sword as well as his mace thing when on foot). I'm sure there's more skilled modding bods here than I who could help you with the fire sword.

Edit - Nazgul I was just looking through the commandbutton.ini file and noticed this code in there that might be of interest to you for your Witch King -


;CommandButton Command_FireWitchKingMace
; Command = FIRE_WEAPON
; WeaponSlot = SECONDARY
; TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:FireWitchKingMace
; DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipFireWitchKingMace
; ButtonImage = HSWitchKingWarMace
; CursorName = Bombard
; ButtonBorderType = ACTION
; InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid
; AutoAbility = Yes
; InPalantir = Yes

;CommandButton Command_FireWitchKingMorgulBlade
; Command = FIRE_WEAPON
; WeaponSlot = TERTIARY
; TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:FireWitchKingMorgulBlade
; DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipMorgulBlade
; ButtonImage = HSWitchKingMorgulBlade
; CursorName = Bombard
; ButtonBorderType = ACTION
; InvalidCursorName = GenericInvalid
; AutoAbility = No
; InPalantir = Yes

As you can see it's commented out...but I wonder what would happen if it were activated and applied to Witch King....hehehe. :dry:

Edited by BigRedKane, 02 February 2007 - 01:45 AM.

#265 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 01:56 AM

Off course Ure welcome to post here about the elven stuff, since I want them too... :dry:

I spent like 20 hours on celeborn only and Ive given up. I absolutely HAAATE adding heroes, and Ive had it up the here with trying. *lol* Gothmog was ok, but thats becuse I found so many useful bits of code. Celeborn is like a pice of hair from Elronds head... codewise that is. There was SO much to do to make him a regular hero. I tried to use Elrond as a base for this and made a new object where I merely changed images but when I tried to alter powers things fucked up imideately (excuse my french) with some powers working, some not, some working but without FX and so on... BLUARGH! So, if this mod is going to have them, someone from a non aknowleged crew (like yourself *lol* is going to have to make them. Otherwise I'll just skip them :dry: No pressure though... If you succeed - great! If not... well, Its still a pretty great mod this far :D They would merely be the iceing on the cake! ;)

Which powers they would have... well I dunno. I think Kind Thranduil would be perfect to "direct" that part :shiftee: I would just be happy to have them working with some powers at all... They sort of complete the elven faction. Btw I have made some really nice buttons and images for Galadriel that will come in handy if she will work. I have them both in game, but none of them have a complete set of working powers.

The sword on fire is the same thing, it would be cool, but if its too much trouble to pull off (which Im guessing since noone have done it yet), I will skip that too. Modders can't do everything, can we? :s

Edit: I think those are not refering to burning, but fire as in "using" those weapons. (English sometimes misses a bigger vocabulary... In swedish those are different words *lol*). It must have something to do with the obsolete toggle between sword and mace. I never needed that though since I added animation (that was commented out) for him to automatically alter between his two weapons. The idea of adding fire to his sword is just to ad to the movie feeling since that's a pretty well known scene in the end of RotK. But I guess it would require too much work and quite francly... Im getting tired of modding *lol*

Edited by Nazgûl, 02 February 2007 - 02:03 AM.

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#266 BigRedKane

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 02:26 AM

I know what you mean...it's a lot of work. But don't give up. :shiftee:
At least you'll be able to have a well deserved break when your mod is complete...heh.

I'll do what I can for Celeborn and Galadriel...(boy did I have a crush on Galadriel's character as a kid...lol..none movie version of course...the movies were merely an itch in the minds of the creators back then...heh). However the movie version was how I always pictured her to be.

Anyways, I've added the upgrades for Celeborn's Lorien Archers to the Elven forge....but, I did it the easy way...I had to also add the Blacksmith and Archery level upgrades to the Elven forge so although the forged blades for the Lorien archers will be purchasable right away, the Heavy Armour and the Fire Arrows can only be purchased when the relevant upgrades have also been purchased, but I think it works well and not too shabby even if I do say so myself...lol.
Only reason I'm fighting for those Lorien Archer upgrades is because they look damn cool in their default texture with no upgrades....but they also look very very very cool with their golden heavy armour and fire arrow upgrades. :dry:

I've started work on Galadriel, hopefully she'll be easier. (I wish...lol).
would an ent summon power and an eagle summon power be good for her?
I would prefer to do something like Celeborn's Lorien Archer summon but useing the female elf model for the horde units from CAH, (default with chain mail armour, the arm armour that's on her left arm and shoulder with the sticking out bits and the dark bow...and the shin bracers with the bronze leaf design). However I think I'm going a tad above my station with that idea...lol...

I can't promise anything Nazgul, but I'll try and take a look at Witch King for ya and see if I can figure something out. Don't be surprised if I have to "cheat" to make it work though...or if I fail altogether, all I can say is I'll "try"... :dry:

#267 JEV3


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 03:56 AM

For the audio of the entrance search for the initialspawn FX in the fxlists. Same goes for death and revive audio.

Do you need help with working with the powers for your new units, because that is pretty much what I plan to make the the most prominent feature in the first release of my mod.

When I am making new units I just copy another unit and modify the required features and make an armor update to change the skin. Unfortunately, since I don't have photoshop I am not a very good skinner.
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#268 BigRedKane

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 10:26 AM

Ok...I think I got this Celeborn and Galadriel mod thing sorted as best I can.
I'm including a zip with the files in....all you have to do is unzip it to your desktop or other location (do not use the over-write method...it's not a complete unpacked ini.big and hasn't been zipped to be treated like that). Then just manually copy the files over, over-writing the ones with the same name. I've included the directory structure from the Data folder so you can see which files go where.
Also open Elrond's ini file and delete Celeborn's child object code from the end of it....I created a seperate Celeborn ini to make things a little easier.

Hope it works ok.
And Happy Birthday King Thranduil (well...it said it was your birthday on the forum main front page...lol.. :dry: ).

Nazgul you'll probably want to go through the files. Some of the files have new powers and upgrades and stuff (ie science.ini and so on).....although I hope there's no clashes with your mod, I can't guarantee it.

Here's some of the changes I made (not sure I can remember them all....but I'll try ;) ).
1) Created Celeborn ini and added Elrond Fake Leadership, Elrond Farsight, Glorfindel Blade of Purity, Move Unseen and Celeborn's Lorien Archer Summon to the relevant files.

2) Altered the Rohan Lorien Archers (Celeborn's Summon) Upgrades in the relevant hoards folder and the command set file so that their upgrades are from the Elve's Forge.

3) Created Galadriel ini and added Elrond Fake Leadership, Elrond Farsight, Elrond Elven Grace, Arwen Flood and Celeborn's Lorien Archer Summon to the relevant files.

4)Removed King Thranduil's Wild Walk and replaced it with a Mirkwood Archer summon. This was because of a game.dat crash that I couldn't fix...so I figured the archers were a suitable replacement.

5)Added a damage to Arwen's flood in weapon.ini since it seemed for some strange reason it wasn't doing anything to the enemies when cast. Just had a bunch of running water horses. Now it does damage on the area of enemies selected and knocks them scatty.

6)Changed sound for Galadriel's version of Arwen's flood...now Galadriel will say a phrase from her Terrible fury power when casting the flood (I think it looks neat...heh).

7)Gave Celeborn and Galdriel experience level trees in experiencelevel.ini.

8)added Celeborn to lotr.str....I still didn't get this working 100%...however the only bug is the name in the fortress build tree...it still says Elrond. But it says Celeborn's description under the name. Don't know what the hell is going on there so I figured I'd let you guys play with it...lol. :D

9) swore a lot at the game.dat errors and the Celeborn name thing not working...lol. :shiftee: ;)

Ok...think that's about it...
Have fun. :dry:

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#269 Nazgûl


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 11:35 AM

Great work, I will have a look at it, but I doubt I will experiment to much, since I kind of feel worn out from modding too much lately *lol* And those were a pretty big bunch of files. It will also be hard not to mess up other things, and balance in this mod is a key factor and a major feature that cant be messed up :/

I have a feeling that I will release this mod pretty soon along with a list of things a never got to do, and hopefully someone that downloads it and likes it as much as I do, can sort of join a crew with me for the 2nd release of this mod, (that will also include the Mordor Walls), and help me fix those things. Ive done an insane amount of changes now, considering that a knew NOTHING about modding 6 weeks ago, so Im pretty content anyway. Sure, there are a few things that would have been nice to have for that 110% feeling, but 95% is pretty good to. At least for a "beta" release :dry:

But... I will have a look for sure. I DO have both units in game allready though (allthough uncommented right now), which I took (with permission) from RealityMod, but it's the god damn powers that I can't get a hang of. Adding units is pretty simple, but heroes... AARGH!

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#270 King Thranduil

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 01:35 PM

Yes, it is my birthday. ^^

Thank you so much for getting Celeborn and Galadriel working!

#271 BigRedKane

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Posted 02 February 2007 - 05:59 PM

You're both very welcome.
Considering the extent this community has helped me (wether certain bods know it or not...lol) I'm all too pleased to give something back in terms of help.

I think I forgot to meantion that the upgrades for Celeborn's Lorien Archers won't change their skin or the look of their weapons. However, I believe the upgrades do activate in terms of their benefits. The Banner Carrier is the only exception to the rule...he still shows up and all that part functions normaly.
I also found those archers to be more "intelligent" than virtually any other archer hoard I've seen thus far....you could have your heros on a front line and 3 hordes of Celeborn's archers set about 2 or 3 hoard sizes away and when the enemy comes too close to your heros they'll run up to the front line, shoot any enemies until none are left standing and then go back to their original posts....heh.
Most other archer hoards chase the enemy into the blue yonder, never to be seen again. And usually most archer hoards set that far back won't even notice the enemy...or if they do it won't be until your heros are well and truely surrounded.

Anyways, I hope you both like the mods I've done there.

Nazgul if you can't get my mods merged with yours I'll take a look at trying to merge them when you release your mod so, hopefully, they can be applied to the second release version.

We really need a utility that will look at two files of the same name and compare and highlight the differences..(a two window set up like you see with some installers these days for adding updates, except this one would be bigger for the purpose descibed)...then the user selects the differances of one that they want applied to the other and it does it...lol...would be a pretty neat tool and save hours of work on modding games like this.

#272 cahik_


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 11:18 AM

1) Can the CaH fire sword be added to the WK?

if you want to give WK firesword as ability take a look at my codes in reality mod. i made completly new power that is called Hour of witch king and it have fire sword as FX effect. if you will like it feel free to grab it from there :)

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#273 Nazgûl


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 06:27 PM

Hi Cahik... Thank you SO much! :) I tried it, and I get the "run for your life effect" *lol* but no graphical FX and thus no burning sword? What files do I need to look into and "steal"codes from to get the power to function incl grapical FX? :)

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#274 cahik_


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Posted 03 February 2007 - 07:02 PM

this put to FXparticlesystem.ini
FXParticleSystem FireSwordWK
	ParticleName = EXFireScroll2.tga
	Lifetime = 20 20
   ;SystemLifetime = 90
	Size = 2 4
	BurstCount = 2 2
	IsEmitAboveGroundOnly = Yes
  Color = DefaultColor
	Color2 = R:98 G:69 B:51 5
	Color3 = R:90 G:56 B:37 10
	Color4 = R:0 G:0 B:0 20
	ColorScale = -10 10
  Update = DefaultUpdate
	SizeRate = -0.2 0
	SizeRateDamping = 0.99 0.99
	AngleZ = 0 7
	AngularDamping = 1 1
	AngularDampingXY = 1 1
  Physics = DefaultPhysics
	VelocityDamping = 1 1
	DriftVelocity = X:0 Y:0 Z:0.1
  EmissionVelocity = OrthoEmissionVelocity
	X = -0.05 0.05
	Y = -0.05 0.05
	Z = 0.1 0.3
  EmissionVolume = LineEmissionVolume
	EndPoint = X:13 Y:0 Z:0
  Draw = GpuDraw
	FramesPerRow = 4
	TotalFrames = 16
	DetailTexture = EXCloudRS07.tga
	SpeedMultiplier = 1

this put into witchking.ini right under his default states.

ModelConditionState = WEAPONSET_HERO_MODE
			ParticleSysBone = B_SWORD FireSwordWK FollowBone:Yes

; new attack for WK
			Animation		   = ATA1	   
				AnimationName	 = MUWchKng_ATKA
				AnimationMode	 = ONCE
				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes
			Animation		   = ATB1
				AnimationName	 = MUWchKng_ATKB
				AnimationMode	 = ONCE
				UseWeaponTiming		= Yes

this is behavior code, you just need to exchange upgrade that turns the power on.

		Weapon			= PRIMARY	WitchKingMorgulBlade 

 Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterEnabler
		SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel1

	  Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterStarter			   ; SpecialAbility is a SpecialPower, SpecialPower is anyting special
		SpecialPowerTemplate	= SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
		StartsPaused			= Yes

	Behavior = HeroModeSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_AragornBladeMasterUpdate  ; So the difference in SpecialAbility is that it takes timing from this Update, instead of simply firing.
		SpecialPowerTemplate	= SpecialAbilityAragornBladeMaster
		HeroEffectDuration		= 30000; this should sync with the auto ability delay re-fire time in commandButtons.ini
		UnpackTime			  = 1; insant unpack


Weapon WitchKingMorgulBlade	; BALANCE Witch King Weapon
	LeechRangeWeapon	  = Yes
	MeleeWeapon		   = Yes
	DelayBetweenShots	 = WITCHKING_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS	; time between shots, msec
	PreAttackDelay		= WITCHKING_SWORD_PREATTACKDELAY	; 300 is mace swing delay time before contact with target.
	PreAttackType		 = PER_SHOT; Do the delay each time we attack
	FireFX				= FX_GondorSwordHit
	FiringDuration		= WITCHKING_FIRINGDURATION	; Duration of the mace swing 

	DamageNugget					   ; A basic Nugget that just does damage
		Damage		= 500			   
		Radius		= 15.0
		DelayTime	 = 0
		DamageType	=  = FLAME
		DeathType	 = BURNED


hope you know how to make commandbuttons and commandsets.

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#275 BigRedKane

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 12:08 AM

Sounds awesome Cahik, mind if I "borrow" that as well?...lol.

#276 Nazgûl


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 12:46 AM

Hehe yes Cahik, I know how to make those... :ninja:
And THANK you for your elaborate help! It will be a great honor to use some of your excellent models and ideas for this mod, especially since you had the RealityMod cancelled. It fells like I can spring life to some of your work this way :ninja: I will try this tomorrow :D It's been a long saturday here and right now my eyes sting from lack of sleep, even though Im quite eager to get this working. Sunday will be a modding day, and I will also try to get my PDF ready that will present this beta mod in a nice way :ninja:

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#277 cahik_


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 01:00 AM

Sounds awesome Cahik, mind if I "borrow" that as well?...lol.

i wouldnt. that code actualy isnt mine, bigger part of it was made by EA. just another unused code :ninja:

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#278 Nazgûl


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 03:27 PM

Hm, I got it to work (by adding more of your code in FX), so now he does a stabbing motion, I get a sound FX a big red and green area FX, enemies get blown back... But no burning sword? Hm... I better go through all codes again :s

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#279 cahik_


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Posted 04 February 2007 - 03:59 PM

what you describe is another part of power that i code in. i link two completly diffrent powers (word of power and blademasetr) together. it will take some time to get to stuff like that. use just those parts that i give you here and hive to WK aragorns blademastery button. and change that line

TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel1


TriggeredBy= Upgrade_HourOfTheWitchKing

he will get the power at 10 level.

it is definatly enough. you dont need any other part of code.

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#280 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 February 2007 - 04:39 PM

Can you give me a list of full changes in your mod ?

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