I just loved the way the excellent action oriented mod BFME2.5 gives you control over the complete set of Nazguls for Mordor. Especially how they were/are able to alter between foot/horse/fellbeast!!! (I guess you now know why I took this nick *lol*). I know they're wery powerful and can "control" big portions of the game that way, but U gotta admit it's FUN! Besides... Silverthorn arrows still wacks them pretty good, and magic too (in this mod that is). BUT since the mod is cancelled, and since I never managed to "pick it up" and make some final adjustments... (I suck at modding) i simply wonder:
- Is there an "easy" (manageble) way to mod/code for BFME2 to alter the number of Nazguls to the complete set of 8 (+ Witch King)? My own guess is no: since it probably involves a lot of coding, and not just "duplicating" 3 into 8?
I hope it's ok to ask that and not come across as "a cheap beggar"... I just would greatly appreciate some advice/guidance...
PS, I won't be getting the ROTWK expansion (I think they have at least 6 Nazguls in there?), cause basically I feel that version would make the game less good actually, cause of many new weird units without any "Tolkien-feeling" amongst other things. That's why my question concerns BFME2 only!
Edited by Nazgûl, 09 January 2007 - 12:17 AM.