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More Nazgul / Ringwraith in BFME2!

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#1 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 06:36 PM

EDIT: tp description shanged 24/12/06 from "Is there a mod for just that?"

I just loved the way the excellent action oriented mod BFME2.5 gives you control over the complete set of Nazguls for Mordor. Especially how they were/are able to alter between foot/horse/fellbeast!!! (I guess you now know why I took this nick *lol*). I know they're wery powerful and can "control" big portions of the game that way, but U gotta admit it's FUN! :ohmy: Besides... Silverthorn arrows still wacks them pretty good, and magic too (in this mod that is). BUT since the mod is cancelled, and since I never managed to "pick it up" and make some final adjustments... (I suck at modding) i simply wonder:

- Is there an "easy" (manageble) way to mod/code for BFME2 to alter the number of Nazguls to the complete set of 8 (+ Witch King)? My own guess is no: since it probably involves a lot of coding, and not just "duplicating" 3 into 8? :p

I hope it's ok to ask that and not come across as "a cheap beggar"... :p I just would greatly appreciate some advice/guidance...



PS, I won't be getting the ROTWK expansion (I think they have at least 6 Nazguls in there?), cause basically I feel that version would make the game less good actually, cause of many new weird units without any "Tolkien-feeling" amongst other things. That's why my question concerns BFME2 only!

Edited by Nazgûl, 09 January 2007 - 12:17 AM.

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#2 Pixel


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 06:47 PM

1.Open up playertemplate.ini.
2.Go to the faction you want... For example isengard.
3.Find BuildableHeroesMP = IsengardSaruman IsengardLurtz
4.Add MordorFellBeast onto the end as many times as you want. However many you put will appear ingame.

#3 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 07:19 PM

WOUW, I must try that at once! *eager* Could it really be that easy? :ohmy:

I guess with "open up", you mean open in FinalBIG, edit and then resave "playertemplate.ini" over the original file/ini?

Or do I have to unpack all, edit this ini and then "repack" into a new complete .big?... hm, guess I'm back on trying to mod after all... *lol*

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#4 Joe


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 07:21 PM

TBH it does not really matter, but if you extract it all you have a backup if it screws up, if its for personal use tidyness is not an issue, if you intend on releasing it you will pick up some "tricks" as you get better at modding
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#5 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 08:03 PM

Oh GOD no, I could not release this since it's just a simple code with to which I deserve no credit! :ohmy: But who knows... after three weeks of new idees maybe... and U'r help *lol*

No seriously... Hm, I think I'm gonna try adding this to another fabulous mod I tried today: "Marks BFME2 Full Gameplay Mod (1.04b)". That would rock! (Which sorta brings me back to the other threads topic, hehe) If it doesn't work, I'll have a go at the original files... :p

And Yes, I always backup everything, hehe

Oh yeah - one more thing: Must I use FInalBIG for this or could I just alter directly in Notepad? (The obove mod uses an ini-folder under the data-folder in the main directory, and NOT a link like other mods. In other words, the files are already open...

Edited by Nazgûl, 13 December 2006 - 08:08 PM.

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#6 Pixel


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 08:31 PM

You can just use notepad. Heck... Always use notepad for editing inis. That or notepad ++ with colour ini :ohmy:
Finalbig is not so good for editing the files... more for extracting... things intend to get messy when editing in side it imo.

#7 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 08:33 PM

PERFECT, thanks!!! :ohmy:

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#8 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 09:03 PM

It worked like a charm... :ohmy: almost! I still need to increase the number of visible unit-pics in the fortress? I have sp many Nazguls now that they push the last units on the thread (Mouth of Sauron and Fellbeasts) out of visible sight. They pop out when slots become "free" though... :p

But I guess there's a file with a line somewhere that adresses this - the number of available slots for heroes? :p

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#9 Fingulfin


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 09:19 PM

Command Button and Commandset. In the mordorfortress commandset you will see a certain number of "Command_GenericReviveSlot"s. They are labeled 1-7. In commandbutton.ini 13 are labeled, so all you have to do is make a few more slots. In the end, your mordor fortress commandset should look like this:
CommandSet MordorFortressCommandSet
	InitialVisible = 6
	//Main Menu
	1	= Command_ConstructMordorPorter
	2	= Command_SelectRevivablesMordorFortress	
	3	= Command_SelectUpgradesMordorFortress
	4	= Command_FireWeaponMordorFortressMagmaCauldrons
	5	= Command_FireWeaponMordorFortressSpireFireball 	
	6	= Command_Sell
		//Upgrades Menu
	7	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressDoomPyres
	8	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressLavaMoat
	9	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressFireArrows
	10	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressMagmaCauldrons
	11	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressMorgulSorcery
	12	= Command_PurchaseUpgradeMordorFortressGorgorothSpire
	13	= Command_RadialBack

	//Hero Menu
	14	= Command_RingHeroReviveSlot
	15	= Command_CreateAHeroReviveSlo
	16	= Command_GenericReviveSlot1
	17	= Command_GenericReviveSlot2
	18	= Command_GenericReviveSlot3
	19	= Command_GenericReviveSlot4
	20	= Command_GenericReviveSlot5
	21	= Command_GenericReviveSlot6
	22	= Command_GenericReviveSlot7
	23	= Command_GenericReviveSlot8
	24	= Command_GenericReviveSlot9
	25	= Command_GenericReviveSlot10
	26	= Command_GenericReviveSlot11
	27	= Command_GenericReviveSlot12
	28	= Command_GenericReviveSlot13
	29	= Command_RadialBack			

The only problem with this is the fact that the button that takes you to the hero menu is only programmed to show 10 buttons. We now have 14 buttons. So, open up commandbutton.ini and edit the command button to look like this:
CommandButton Command_SelectRevivablesMordorFortress
	TextLabel			   = CONTROLBAR:SelectRevivablesMordorFortress
	ButtonImage			 = UCCommon_EvilHeroes
	ButtonBorderType		= SYSTEM 
	DescriptLabel		   = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommandSelectRevivablesMordorFortress
	Radial				  = Yes
	CommandRangeStart		= 13
	CommandRangeCount		= 14

Happy Modding!
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#10 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 09:32 PM

Ooh, I found the first of them (all by my self *proud*) but not the other, and would never have guessed that I think. So thank you sooo much! :ohmy:

This is so exciting... I must try this at once... and get back with my result! Who knows I might even be able to find the codes to have them toggle between foot/horse/fellbeast...

Is all this works, and plays in multi too (as a bonus) I have the weekend dedicated with my "just as BFME2-nerdy as me -friend" for some serious Elven hunting *lol*

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#11 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 10:31 PM

Fingulfin - o great master! *bows* It worked like a CHARM! This is just fantastic and GREAT for learning... I appreciate it SO much! :ohmy:

1) Units added (They're now 6 on horse + 2 on fellbeast + Witch King)!
2) Buttons added to cover them all!
3) Last wish for this "mod":

- Make them switchable between foot/horse/fellbeast...
I understand that this must be the truly tricky part compared to the first 2, but I'm hoping for some more guidance when you might have the time. While waiting for that (and hoping) I'll sertainly bee looking myself, and THIS is what I got so far (from another mod where this thing works =BFME2.5 by Tom (don't know last name). He's far too busy with Battles of Gondor for me to bother him with this. So I put my trust in you great master of modding :p

This is added to the "commandset"... right after "CommandSet MordorWitchKingCommandSet", these files follow:

CommandSet EvilMenBlackRiderCommandSet
1 = Command_ToggleStance
2 = Command_MountHorseBlackRider
3 = Command_BlackRiderDreadVisage
4 = Command_BlackRiderMorgulBlade
5 = Command_SpecialAbilityScreechBlackRider
12 = Command_CaptureBuilding
13 = Command_AttackMove
14 = Command_Stop

CommandSet EvilMenBlackRiderMountedCommandSet
1 = Command_ToggleStance
2 = Command_MountFellbeastBlackRider
3 = Command_BlackRiderDreadVisage
4 = Command_BlackRiderMorgulBlade
5 = Command_SpecialAbilityScreechBlackRider
12 = Command_CaptureBuilding
13 = Command_AttackMove
14 = Command_Stop

CommandSet NazgulCommandSet
1 = Command_ToggleStance
2 = Command_OnFootBlackRider
3 = Command_BlackRiderDreadVisage
4 = Command_BlackRiderMorgulDart
5 = Command_SpecialAbilityScreechBlackRider
13 = Command_AttackMove
14 = Command_Stop


Just adding it to my "commandset" gives an error at startup. Probably cause I need to alter (several?) other files... Any clue which? *looking and searching*... :p In BFME2.5 they exit the fortress on foot. Toggle gives them horse. Toggle again gives them fellbeast... I wonder how :wub:

Edited by Nazgûl, 13 December 2006 - 10:35 PM.

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#12 Fingulfin


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 11:23 PM

No problem mate, I'm here to serve :p

To make them toggle from fooot/horse/fellbeast to each other isn't too hard a process. You have to give them a toggle like the WK has, and a toggle to horse. I'll write a tutorial on this right now, cause alot of people want to do this type of thing. Expect it in an hour or so :ohmy:

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#13 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 December 2006 - 11:54 PM

Man, you are my GOD, for sure! I just wish I could give you something in return... :p It's embarrassing to get so much help and not giving anything back? :p

But who knows, with these ideas, and your outstanding help, we might continue this into something that could be released as "Marks BFME2 Full Gameplay Mod - Polished by Fingulfin - with Ideas by Nazgül"...wooo, to many words... maybe "MsBFME2 FGM PbFIbN" *lol* :grin:

I have more "minor" ideas for changes that would make this mod from fantastic (if you like long playing and much strategy and "realism") to utterly out of this world (according to me that is). They are for instance removing the SUPER MEGA STUPID GLOW that makes units in BFME2 look like little Jedi's *mega lol* instead of just giving them a tooltip that says they're upgraded. But perhaps I should just hold my horses now and pray that this final adjustment to the Mordor heroes goes well. ^_^

Like you, I also beleive that there's a bunch of people that just like me wants to make the Nazguls alter between foot/horse/beast, and back again! :ohmy: So I'm waiting with great suspence! :wub:

After hours of playing around in the files for fellbeast, evilmenblackrider and commandset... no sucess. I got an error about "fellbeast_health" something, but I guess you'll most likely do better. If not, maybe this could help?: http://www.middleear...o...=file&id=49
It's the codes that helpt Tom8778 to use this in his BFME2.5... Unfortionately they're hidden within a ".exe", and I just want the parts needed so that I don't mess everything else up (all my alterations togehter). I better wait and see what you come up with... :)

Edited by Nazgûl, 14 December 2006 - 05:38 AM.

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#14 Joe


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 04:53 PM

Perhaps you could solve this problem your self, the error is telling you what is wrong so search for it and find out what does not look quite right, if you are still stuck post it here and we will help you out
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#15 Nazgûl


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 05:23 PM

I am very much stuck yes and as the threads states, I'm all new to this. I'm not asking for help from noone that doesn't have time or feel like helping... :p

I'm waiting for Fin's tutorial for now...

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#16 Fingulfin


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 06:51 PM

There are a few buggers with getting this to work, thats why its taking me so long (I have to sleep too :p). I'm not currently on the right computer, so I can't work on it, but I plan to finish it in a few hours.
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#17 Bart


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 06:56 PM

a bit late reaction:

FinalBIG's editor should just be removed, so everybody would be forced to extract and then edit the files :p

anyway, whatever you do, always backup your original files. that way you won't have to reinstall the game if something goes wrong
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#18 Nazgûl


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 08:20 PM

There are a few buggers with getting this to work, thats why its taking me so long (I have to sleep too :p). I'm not currently on the right computer, so I can't work on it, but I plan to finish it in a few hours.

Oh gosh - yes, off course! Do NOT work your a** off with this my friend. That would make ME not sleep good *lol* But I have full confidence in your skills o great master... :p and I'm sure you'll make it just as good as Lord of Gifts (tried to PM him too, but I guess he didn't have time). I'm SO curious too see (if) you make it, and HOW. I experimented with commandset, the file for blackrider and fellbeast, but I guess one needs to modify more than that, and thats probably what gave me the error (smart, ey? *lol*)

Gosh my eyes are bleeding from reading so many files, so many forums and so many net searches... and on top of this I'm supposed to have an article ready by this weekend (I'm a journalist)... ^_^
And yes - backups are a modders best friend! :p

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#19 Fingulfin


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 10:26 PM

FinalBIG's editor should just be removed, so everybody would be forced to extract and then edit the files :p

I don't think so... Sometimes I implement errors on purpose (mostly to see the order of parsed files; like when I wanted to find out which one is read first, ini or inc. What I did was I put an error in the INI that contains the INC, then put an error in the INC. Turns out all the INIs are read before the includes. This was when I was experimenting with CaH for new factions... I think you can figure out why.) Its just easier to put a simple error in in FINALBIG than to have to work with the INIs... Especially if you are just going to remove it.

I'm on the modding computer now, so I'll try to finish that tutorial ^_^
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#20 Nazgûl


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 11:57 PM

Exiting news... (in wait for your tutorial) at least for me! ^_^

I decided to try some more after all... *lol*
And now I've managed to plow my way through more files now and I've - beleive it or not - got so far that I actually got the game started (after many errors at startup). I "just" tried to fix what the errors complained about... like Joe said :p

Now the game loads and starts fine, I begin a Mordor skirmish, get resources and build a Nazgul. The Nazgul exit on foot, and he can alter to horse, but upon clicking on the fellbeast icon, the game crashes to desktop!!! It complained about "gamedat.bat" If I remember it correctly... :p :(

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