I recently found this :
"Release Crash at Mon Jan 01 12:14:33 2007
; Reason Error parsing INI file 'Data\INI\Object\infantry\gdi_commando.ini' (Line: 'Object GDI_Commando ')
Last error:
Current stack:"
Is there anything to make of this?
I know EXACTLY what causes that. You have left a .big or .ini file in a location it should not be in. the offending file(s) are *somewhere* the game .exe can see it. Such locations include any ZeroHour OR Generals folders. Also, any location included in the system path could potentialy set that off. Examples would be the C:\ root or the OS folders.
This is a case of you put a file where it doesn't belong, and now you have to find it. You say everything worked prior to installing Contra... then clearly you screwed up while installing or de-installing Contra. Because, as I said before, Contra is not CAPABLE of editing the system regestry to create a permenant crash.
BTW, the error logged happens when a modded ini file is parrsed before the official ini file. Modded Ini files are designed to be loaded after the sytem files. 99% of users who have this error placed the Contra.big or Remix.big directly into the ZeroHour folder instead of the ZeroHour/Data folder.
If Contra is in ANY way related to your crash it means you have not deleted all the folders we've suggested or you placed Contra someplace it seriously does not belong. You might want to do a full system search for *.Big files and see where the hell you put it. And one last BTW, neither Creator nor myself misplaced the file for you.
Also, it is my Firm opinion as a modder that ModToaster is horrible. Most likely you have Mod Toaster to thank for leaving behind a file or placing one someplace without your knowledge. If my suggestions can't help you then you should try harrasing the modtoater team.