4 new renders 2 of the newly remade uruk hai warriors.
These are the first half of the new models for the Uruks.
I'm planning to reskin the Uruk Crossbows,Pikemen,Shieldbearers,Bereserkers and Siege Weapons as well as
a few new versions of the Warriors.
Uruk Hai 1
Uruk Hai 2
Next is a couple more versions of the Goblin Warriors.
Goblin Fighters
And finally another new Goblin hero for the Goblins.
Goblin Hero
Also the 2nd round of name an ability has been closed and i'm proud to announce the Name a Hero contest has begun check out the thread.
I hope you all enjoy
Edited by Radspakr, 26 June 2007 - 10:50 AM.