I have another update.
This covers mostly Support units and Heroes.Support units will play a large part in Lone Wolf helping to maintain the Large Armies and demoralizing enemies.Adding a lot more options for gameplay.
There are a few new units and a couple new Heroes and some new abilities and some buildings.
Dwarf Sage (New unit) The Dwarves now will have a support unit.
The Dwarf Sage is not as good as other Support units.
Leadership - 150% experience
Kings Favor ability - units gain 10 exp.
The Dwarf Miner can now repair buildings and can also attack.
The Dwarves will get 2 new buildings the Stoneworks and the Ancient Hall.
The Ancient Hall will build the Dwarf Sage.
Tom Bombadil
Will be be a support Hero and can only damage Hourns and spirits (AOTD,Wraiths etc)
Song of Tom - Hobbit Heroes gain exp
Song for Goldberry - Goldberry gains 200% armor when near Tom
Toms Gift - 50 health to Hobbit Heroes (slow recharge)
Banish Spirits - Tom heavily damages Spirits (also Hourns)
Call for Tom - Tom teleports to a location to save the day (provided I can work out the coding for it,anyone who knows how to do this please contact me)
Goldberry is also a support hero.
Gift for Tom - 200 health to Tom
Song for Tom - Exp for Tom
River Song - Heals allies
Hobbit Maidens (Galadriel's Maidens will also get the same abiliity)
Heal -Heals allies
Athelas - Heals allies (new name)
Sturdy Constitution - nearby units gain a health recov bonus
Farmer Tom Cotton
Tom is another support Hero
Good Harvest - Extra resources for nearby farms for a short time
Rosie - Summons Rosie Cotton
Farmer Maggot - Summons Farmer Maggot
Sure Shot - nearby Hobbit Archers and rockthrowers gain a range and attack boost
Protect Rosie - Tom Cotton gains a large armor and attack boost when near Rosie
Farmer Maggot
Spawn Dogs - Spawns his 3 dogs
Pitch Fork - a heavy stab attack
Mushrooms - + 25 health to Heroes
Rosie Cotton
Maidens Dance - 25% speed boost to nearby maidens
Maiden's Chorus - Exp for Maidens
Sam also gets the Protect Rosie Ability
Wail (like screech but with a small range)
Sorcerer Wraith (The wraith of an ancient Sorcerer from Angmar)
Shade of Darkness - gains 100% armor for a short time
Wraith Summon - summons 2 Wraiths (Level 10)
The Morgul Sanctum can be upgraded with the new Great Sorcerer Wraith upgrade this Wraith remains on top of the Tower and provides support for the units below and woe for the enemies.
Corrupt Soul - nearby enemies lose 50% armor
Darken Souls - Wraiths gain 50 health
Soul Steal - an attack that kills and turns the victim into a Wraith
Orc Slave Masters and their other versions will get a new ability they can whip a unit dealing a little damage and they gain a speed and attack boost
Radagast will have a weak attack "a bop on the head"
Bees of Rosobel - Extra resources for nearby Farms
Butterfly Shroud - stuns enemies for a short time
Wizard Blast
Friends of Rosobel - Leadership - 25% Armor,10% speed,50% health recovery
Elven Sage - an upgrade to the Noldor Library similiar to the Great Sorcerer Wraith
"Kings Favor"
Glorious Light - nearby units become immune to Fear for a short time
Healing Arts - nearby units gain 50% health recoveery boost.
Edited by Radspakr, 15 June 2007 - 05:20 PM.