As you know, for some strange reason, when you use the -mod command to make your modifications to BFME, changes in gamedata.ini don't get read. Now, unfortunately that's just the file that contains all the unit data such as health and stuff. There are two things you can do:
1. Change all options directly in the appropriate files. In the end this will result in an unmanagable gibberish.
2. Move the macros (#define BLABLA) somewhere else. Unfortunately, you can't give them the same name, so you have to rename them. However, then you have to update all the references in all the ini files to your new macros, which you had to do by hand...
But not anymore!
This tool I made does that for you
Here's how it works:
- Download the rar file and extract it in 'X:\somefolder'
- Put a copy of your INI files in 'X:\somefolder\old' (so you will have, for example, 'X:\somefolder\old\commandbutton.ini' and 'X:\somefolder\old\object\goodfaction\units\men\aragorn.ini')
- Make a new .bat file, with these codes (save it in 'X:\somefolder')
java -jar MacroRenamer_1.4.jar M_ old new pause- Run the bat file by double clicking
- Let it run (this will take a long while, but it will report what it's doing)
What it will do:
- Load all macros in gamedata.ini
- Rename them all, by putting a prefix before them (which, in the .bat file above, is 'M_'. change it if you want something else*).
- Update all files to reference the new macros, and store them in a new folder
* = the prefix can only contain numbers, letters and the underscore. IT MUST NOT begin with a number
Now, when it's done, all you have to do is:
- move all the macros in 'gamedata.ini' to 'default\water.ini'
- move the GameData block in 'gamedata.ini' to a new file 'object\gamedata.ini'
- and of course put the new INI files at the appropriate place in your mod
- I've programmed this tool not to alter the original files. However, bugs can of course always be present, so have a backup!
- You need the Java Runtime Environment for this to work. I've programmed it on version 6 (or 1.6, if you like), but maybe it will work on 5 as well (but get 6 anyway)
- If there are files that you are 100% sure, don't contain any references to a macro, delete them before starting, because the program will go trough them anyway
Using the -mod command is now definitely THE only way for modding.
Have fun
Preconverted INI folders
BFME 1 - 1.03
BFME 2 - 1.06
ROTWK - 1.00
If you have another useful converted INI folder (e.g. ROTWK originals) please send them to me.
Version 1.4
Apparently there was still a bug in 1.3, it didn't read macros in files that are simple included by gamedata.ini. That is fixed now
- Progress bar changed from dots to stars
- The tool logs everything in macrorenamer_log.txt, in it's working directory
Version 1.3
Because there are some macros in experiencelevels.ini with the same name as some hero KindOfs (e.g. ARAGORN and GANDALF) some serious crashes occured when trying to launch the converted BFME 2 1.06 INI. This version only reads macros from gamedata.ini, which is more a workaround than a solution, but will do for now.
Version 1.2
There was a serious bug in 1.1, making it unusable. This one has fixed that. Also:
- It reports the time it takes to do one file, and all the files
- It will not process a file if it is already present in the target directory (useful when the program crashes)
- Improved layout
Version 1.1
After trying to convert a BFME 2 INI directory, which was still at the beginning after an hour, I made a version that performs a lot better.
Version 1.0
First version