Posted 11 March 2012 - 01:45 PM
Just a Stupid Random Idea:
Ive read many things about Air like, he needs more Units for his fighting... he cant attack...
and i thought, you have some Gorund units, MANY Planes, but very few Air units... why not give him something like the "tank-Bunker" thing from Shockwave-Tank gen as an Air unit (something like a Heli version of his ground-Units), if you tie them at T-2 (was Rank 3, right) there should be no Balance issues, course Airforce will have the Same Army as he had before, now only "Levitating"... so you would practically need more AA to kill him (hes airfoce... so no problem. right?) and give his units more speed for less Armor... (i mean, a Flying Tankish like Unit for Air to Ground Tank purpose would be a bit op, but a Weaker armored version of his Tank as a flying version should be balanced... it is Faster though^^). he should recieve Upgrades for this "Flying Units" the same way like he does with planes, so they would be Stronger on T-5 than normal...
it would Fix most of his early Problems and would look like this:
T-1, you have all Units like in previus Versions (i mean, the Tanks werent that bad, compared with over T-1)
T-3 you gain the Abylity to build Flying versions of most/all ground Units at War factory (no 4th Arifield needed for an Medium Assault force, and the Warfactory has a Use now... YAY (this is meant Ironic))
T-5 Upgrades all his Flying units like normal (so he has a good Strike force with his like 3 or For Airfields, and an Slower but strong army of Helis and Flying tanks)
I dont know how this would have to look, but this would give airforce all he needet, WITHOUT adding more Firepower... it would only make ALL his units more Accesable... (even if i dont know if you should make the Artillery Airborne...)
but still, i have to keep more Track on the changes here^^
Greetz from Germany: