Its the same AI, d00d.. nothing is different. In fact, I played 5 games last nite and half of my games were a pleasant collaberation between myself and the AI on my team. Worked quite well. Granted, the AI which is playing ME is I believe a MEDIUM skill so don't try playing against HARD or Brutal AIs on the enemy team. Thats a no show. Lets be realistic here too: this "feature" isn't totally supported by the game code but he happy it works at all.the AI is alot Stupider that a normal Ai
** BIG NEWS: ALL C&C3 Skirmish AI games possible
Posted 11 April 2007 - 08:09 PM
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Posted 11 April 2007 - 08:38 PM
Other than the gamedata.ini, what did you modify?
I'm asking that because it's not good to replace the original files. Instead, put them in a new .big file. Then, use a new SkuDef file to add your new big file and create a shortcut for the game to use your new SkuDef file.
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Posted 11 April 2007 - 08:51 PM
Posted 11 April 2007 - 08:51 PM
The other thing modified was the skirmishaidata.ini file to enable AI for the Human Player.
Remember, this is all very hack-and-slash so until we form a team to standardize things when WB/SDK shows up we're all just playing around right now.
@Hogo - dunno d00d, my AI worked perfectly although @ gamestart it was a tad slow for picking the right structures quickly. However, I noticed this with my allied AIs so not too unexpected. Its hit/miss. My AI allies have a 50/50 win ratio against my enemies so now its seems fair.
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Posted 11 April 2007 - 09:11 PM
Edited by hogo, 11 April 2007 - 09:12 PM.
Posted 12 April 2007 - 02:16 AM
Save the environment, use green text
Some Bullshit Somewhere
Posted 12 April 2007 - 02:21 AM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 12 April 2007 - 03:04 AM
Save the environment, use green text
Some Bullshit Somewhere
Posted 12 April 2007 - 03:11 AM
More challenging is changing the camera to zoom in and out alot more and, hardest yet, able to fully edit the Skirmish AI. The latter is the end all and be all. I'll work on the camera thingy if I have time.
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 12 April 2007 - 03:29 AM
//Harvesting Data
//SupplyBoxesPerTree = 90
ValuePerSupplyBox = 3200 //Each "supply box" is 1 harvested chunk of tiberium.
SupplyBoxesPerTibCrystal = 64 //This is how many boxes there are in each crystal before it goes away.
My obvious alterations to gamedata.ini but I am not seeing the effect of collecting tons of resources ingame.
UnlookPersistDuration = 9000000 ; How long after you stop looking until the fog grows back, this appears to be in miliseconds.
Setting the above to something like that will have the fog NEVER regrow back for a very long time.
Edited by mrchris, 12 April 2007 - 03:44 AM.
Posted 12 April 2007 - 03:46 AM
Hope ya have a REAL FAST comp for it you start giving ALOT of resources expect some unthinkable bedlam!
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 12 April 2007 - 04:10 AM
Posted 12 April 2007 - 09:57 AM
Essentially, how I got the AI to become the Human Player and how to drastically increase game speed? Not hard at all really. Need a tutorial for this?
More challenging is changing the camera to zoom in and out alot more and, hardest yet, able to fully edit the Skirmish AI. The latter is the end all and be all. I'll work on the camera thingy if I have time.
yeah Camera zooming is a good point that we could do some testing on but 1 thing i want to know, How comes so many of the tags in gamedata.ini are not working is there another gamedata file that controls the Units and that?
Posted 12 April 2007 - 07:25 PM
And thudo, it would be really helpful if you could also describe the easiest and most simple parts of what you did. Providing tutorials on the very very basics (just like the professional stuff) is the philosophy of this place
Edited by Dark Lord of the Sith, 12 April 2007 - 07:30 PM.
My Political Compass
Sieben Elefanten hatte Herr Dschin
Und da war dann noch der achte.
Sieben waren wild und der achte war zahm
Und der achte war's, der sie bewachte.
Posted 12 April 2007 - 11:32 PM
Dawn of War Advanced AI Headquarters
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Posted 13 April 2007 - 03:28 AM
1) Get latest FinalBig from here: http://commandandcon...ig_Editor;38034
2) Go your C&C3 folder then to \Core\1.0 and locate the file MISC.BIG and make a copy of it
3) Open MISC.BIG using FinalBig..
4) Now the two files of significance I changed are the following:
Line Changed:
MakeAllSkirmishSidesAIControlled = Yes
The above will allow the AI to control Player1 or the human player. You will still be able to use the faction you are playing but the AI can override things like commands issues to units. Also, its best NOT to build any structures until after the first 2-3 initial buildings are built otherwise the AI will place the structures you create overlapping the first building it built. Once the initial buildings are built, then you can do what you want. REMEMBER: this is not official from EA so it could be buggy but for me it has never crashed while the AI was controlling my faction.
Lines Changed:
UseFPSLimit = No FramesPerSecondLimit = 70 AllowTreeFading = Yes DrawEntireTerrain = Yes UseShadowMapping = Yes ScrollPitchMultiplier = 0.05; The amount the camera pitches when zooming in and out. MaxTerrainTracks = 600; how many vehicles can generate tread marks on the terrain. GameSpeedFactor = 3.75 ; Multiplier for all times in a single player game MinimalGameSpeedFactor = 0.5; Minimal allowed value for game speed factor BuildSpeed = 3.0 SellPercentage = 75%; You get this percentage back of the cost to build
The most important lines above are:
UseFPSLimit = No FramesPerSecondLimit = 70
Which unlock the frames per second limiter so now if you have a REALLY fast system like I do the game will run even smoother!
GameSpeedFactor = 3.75
This one you have to watch out for as it sets the entire game speed into HYPER mode so again you need a super computer to play this AND be ready for the AI to also work much faster so prepare to micro fast!
BuildSpeed = 3.0
Works with above but this time drastically increases the speed of building your structures and units.
SellPercentage = 75%; You get this percentage back of the cost to build
Not too important for you to set this but I felt you should get a better % back when selling your buildings.
The other lines above are for you to enable or play with.
Lines which for some reason don't work in-game:
DefaultCameraMinHeight = 5.0 ;The minimum height of the camera relative to the terrain. DefaultCameraMaxHeight = 4000.0;The maximum height of the camera relative to the terrain. CameraLockHeightDelta = 750.0 CameraTerrainSampleRadiusForHeight = 2.0;Controls how sensitive the camera height adjust is to nearby terrain. If you move the camera near a mountain, it'll raise up sooner with a large value. MaxCameraHeight = 4000.0;230.0 MinCameraHeight = 30.0 ValuePerSupplyBox = 3200;400 //Each "supply box" is 1 harvested chunk of tiberium. SupplyBoxesPerTibCrystal = 64;1 //This is how many boxes there are in each crystal before it goes away.
Regrettably, both setting maximum camera zooms and the amount of money accumulated from Tiberium does not work in-game. No clue why.
Other file I changed (but did not see a difference) was:
Line Changed:
ForceSkirmishAI = Yes; Use skirmish instead of solo ai. For development till the skirmish ui is finished.
5) If you edit any of the above, save the file you are editing in FinalBig and close out. NOTE: You cannot be editing the MISC.BIG and running the game: it will error out for you.
More to come when we get official tools/WorldBuilder/SDK from EA.
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Posted 13 April 2007 - 09:33 AM
Posted 13 April 2007 - 10:21 AM
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Posted 13 April 2007 - 02:40 PM
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