2. I recommend not following the film, but actually going by the book. There were more than 10,000 fighters in the Battle of Hornburg. The 10,000 were just the Orcs themselves. This does not include the Wildmen of Dunland or the Warg Riders, or the Berserkers, which were unnamed auxilliary units (hundreds, perhaps?).
3. How about an interesting compromise? Neither waves nor all units at once, but both. The original mission made it seem as if several (can't remember how many) hosts attacked Helm's Deep, when it was just one big host. There should be no timer between the waves (thereby also removing that unreality), but Isengard's fronts will obviously attack the first, then those behind, etc. etc...and only a part of the Army of Isengard would be on the map in the first place.
I'm still debating whether to add other non-uruk units such as Warg Riders and Wildmen. It may add a little extra spice to the enemy army.

As for your other suggestion, this seems like the most logical and realistic step to take. Timers would be removed and while there still will be waves, they will come in a more steady and consistent stream. In other words, uruk-hai will be on the map and attacking at all times when the battle begins. This will force the user to multitask by replenishing troops and also fighting the urul-hai.

Sounds good.
Only problem with so many units is it will look odd when they are all crowded together on the wall. I think its unfixable though.
This will be addressed by having uruks take longer to climb the ladders. In the vanilla BFME, hordes would run up the ladder in half a second. Looks rather silly if you ask me.

They will now climb ladders at a realistic pace now. This will make the number of uruks on the wall at any given time much smaller.

Forgive me, but I have got a proposal to make. Now don't attack me, this is not something I say "do this, do that", but just something I want to hear everyone's thoughts on. I am always a fan of accuracy (I first disliked the idea of Elves in Hornburg, since this is such an unrealistic and unbelievable addition in the film adaption of the story, but now that I see what sort of a terrific job is done in the map,
), so I must make a suggestion. How about leaving Eomer inside Helm's Deep as one of the heroes like Aragorn and Theoden, which charge out in the "Glorious Charge" when the Hornburg gate is breached. Instead, Erkenbrand should arrive with Gandalf.
This would not only make the map more interesting and story-abiding, but actually more practical for the BfMe game itself. Aragorn's just a fighter, but it is Eomer's and Theoden's abilities boosted together that actually make the Glorious Charge indeed Glorious as it's supposed to be. On the other hand, Erkenbrand should me like a weaker Eomer (as a fighter), but his unique abilities should reflect those from the story - he could gather up people very quickly to form up resistance and he is the commander of Helm's Deep, the one who had its defenses constructed and the one who actually administers the region Hornburg itself is located in the name of the King. The fact that he knows the entire place completely and especially the fortifications could be transferred into some ability.
What does everyone think about this (btw, I am downloading the mod to play it - haven't tried it out yet - but from the website it seems that there's no Eomer at all in this map? http://helmsdeeplast...ohanheroes.html )
P.S. Is there a possibility to script that once a unit starts climbing the wall it is broken into individual men as units? This represents the broken ranks fairly...if such a script could be made.
P.P.S. Just two more questions (already overlong post enough to bore even me), is this mod still under production (last update of the website was back in 2007) and does everyone fully agree with the presence of Eowyn in this map as a hero?
First for Erkenbrand, this has been brought up before and I am really not in favor in adding him to the mod. I just feel he would be a little too redundant to Eomer and it adds another hero to an already decked out Rohan hero army.

I'm just not yet convinced that's he's needed in the battle

My apologies, the website is really outdated and I have been meaning to redo it again. Just have not gotten the time to do it. In the meantime, you can check the most recent updates

As for the ladders, they will climb up slower but I do not know if it's possible to break them up to individual units when they begin climbing. It's something that I will certainly explore. I still have quite some testing to do with the ladders so nothing if final yet.

Finally, Eowyn is my favorite character in LotR and she will be in my mod.