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THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.5

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#1 Nazgûl


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Posted 09 June 2007 - 04:06 PM

As stated... if you have a Bug Report of some kind for Beta IV, post here...

EDIT 20070613:
HI y'all...

Since Beta V is SO far away... like this autumn maybe... me and Sûl decided that we will work on a "BETA IV v2" with release asap.

Why? Cause we'd like for you guys to have a version of SEE that is as much free from bugs as possible. This means that we want you guys to REALLY scan for bugs as much as you can now!

One example: The bug about Gothmog not giving leadership to Morgul Orcs... Stuff like that!
GO FIND THEM so we can squish them!!! ;)

EDIT2: For order and easy of use... when moved into ToDo List - I delete posts here! :)

Edited by Nazgûl, 19 October 2007 - 05:40 PM.

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#2 Rob38


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 02:49 AM

I think that has to do with the two orthogonally crossed rectangles that gain their glowing color via alphachannel (look at the lightsaber tutorial). Maybe the rectangles are too broad. They can be clearly made out when being between the camera and any kind of solid object, even if it's only slightly visible, still makes it all a bit blocky.

We could remove the effect as a kind of quickfix. I would remove it entirely for the Maces and Clubbing weapons, where it doesn't really fit, unless we make a different one for them. Triggering different FB's should be no problem. We make the Orcs gain seperate needed upgrades in the lua right were their different weapons are randomly selected.

It's actually a mistake in how they made the texture for the forged blades. The only way to change it would be to edit the model and redo the texture assigned to the forged blade. It took me over 3 hours to finally figure out how to get forged blades to work properly. You see, in the current state, whenever the forged blade passes over an object of any sort, it becomes transparent and you see this faint red box instead. I noticed it right away in my mod when I was testing it on my Helm's Deep map.




#3 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 01:23 PM

A few thing I noticed in my first games...

_ Experienced problem with selectioning some units. Actually it was rather "ordering my units to attack'em". It involved Mordor's orcs pikemen and goddamn gothmog. I sepend a few minutes trying to get my cursor on him to cast Saruman's fireball to his horrid face (rather embarassing with ponctual powers like Eowyn's smite). So annoying... same with pikemen couldn't wizard blast 'em correctly.

Tell me about it. Even our brilliant modelers and animators have a hard time tackling this one. Try aiming for the feet in the mean time. :ninja:

_ Boromir's ultimate power. It's a matter of taste I assume but isn't "Heart of the True Warrior" rather clumsy, heavy or pompous ? No offense ...

Hehe. But it was meant to be! LotR is full of thick and almost slimy yet poetic references, you should know! You may be happy to know that almost all of the ability names and descriptions will be redone/reworded from their current EA-blandness. They should be nice, yet informative. I was thinking of renaming Boromir's level 10 ability to something more like 'For the White City', as that is among the things he shouts, hehe! Best would be a suitable line from his dialogue with Aragorn shortly before he died... ('I would have followed you, ... , my Captain, my King...')

_ Maybe I looked too fast but it seemed my Yeomen Archers were not firing much once garrisoned in the Golden Hall.

Strange. It worked for me once. Never checked it again. I'll look into it.

_ I think Isengard's mines take too much damage from towers and arrows once they're dropped. (I just say this casually it might be a balance choice).

Were the mines already deployed or still carried? If deployed, were they attacked by Fire Arrows or normal arrows?

_ Does the AI "think" of upgrading Uruk Pits when Isengard ? Cause I did not see any uruk warriors, crossbowmen or pikemen, only scouts.

The AI does upgrade buildings and units. Only the priorities need to be set. But getting the setting just right is not so easy. :shiftee: I'll ask Naz to look into it.

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#4 Lotrfan2


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 02:34 PM

I have one bug: In Helms deep,the last beta menu problem is still there(the eyown 2 times ect). Also in Minis Morgul the builder could go through the closed gate.

Edited by Lotrfan2, 10 June 2007 - 02:34 PM.

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#5 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 02:41 PM

Special Maps (fortress, etc.) have yet to be edited. Low priority.

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#6 clonecommand


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 02:57 PM

My Golden halls fire large amounts of arrows out. Kind of cool really. Probably misjudged :shiftee:

Mumaks can't go through gates (already said). Units try to go through walls as if there was no open gate (but there is).

#7 zimoo


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 03:03 PM

Even our brilliant modelers and animators have a hard time tackling this one.

I find it easy to fix. If units maintained their binding when imported I'd fix it :shiftee:
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Playing games? Ah, you'll never be a good modder if you get involved in actually playing them!

#8 Nazgûl


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Posted 10 June 2007 - 03:40 PM

Reposting what I said in the old thread:

Some bugs while playing with MOTW:

- In Buckland, Sharku got stuck in a fence (a little wall on the map itself). Don't think it's important.
> Hehe tuck in a fence? I guess that was a glitch that could have happened any model...

- When you click on the icon of the Rohan Archery, the 'preview' (ghost building) shows a lvl 3 Rohan Archery.
> I think they all show level 3 that way?

- The Peasant pic is kinda low res.
> Yes, because it's scaled so much. Couldn't find any in higher res I'm afraid...

- The description of the Dernhelm ability of Eowyn says 'D&isguise ...'. The '&' should be removed.
> Noted =)

Shouldn't Fire Arrows be purchased only at Lvl 3 Archery Range? Makes more sence to me, no real point in upgrading to lvl 3 then.
> I guess we could discuss that, but you still get +25% speed from lvl 3 though ;)

A few thing I noticed in my first games...

_ Experienced problem with selectioning some units. Actually it was rather "ordering my units to attack'em". It involved Mordor's orcs pikemen and goddamn gothmog. I sepend a few minutes trying to get my cursor on him to cast Saruman's fireball to his horrid face (rather embarassing with ponctual powers like Eowyn's smite). So annoying... same with pikemen couldn't wizard blast 'em correctly.
> I know - I HATE it too... I just hope some of our 2 (soon maybe 3) modelers, can fix it for Beta V :(

_ Boromir's ultimate power. It's a matter of taste I assume but isn't "Heart of the True Warrior" rather clumsy, heavy or pompous ? No offense ...
> I would like it to stay "Last Stand" but I kinda let Sûl decide that one... ;)

_ Maybe I looked too fast but it seemed my Yeomen Archers were not firing much once garrisoned in the Golden Hall.
> They should. Check again :)

_ I think Isengard's mines take too much damage from towers and arrows once they're dropped. (I just say this casually it might be a balance choice).
> That is old EA balancing, but I let it stay... I guess we could reduce that slightly. Fire damage does the highest damage to them though.

_ Does the AI "think" of upgrading Uruk Pits when Isengard ? Cause I did not see any uruk warriors, crossbowmen or pikemen, only scouts.
> They always did before, so I'm not sure why that should have changed if it has. Uruk Scouts are level 1 and Dunlendings don't need levels, so that's why the are "early game" units... All "Fifghting Uruk-hai" are level 2 and Uruk-hai of Orthanc are lvl 3. They should all be recruited, but not untilo pits are upgraded. Isengard has never had any problems upgrading for me. And I only moved Scouts from 3 to 1, so nothing else should have changed. I will test this though =)

Well I'm off for another couple of games... See you around :rolleyes:

In Hard Isengard I actually only fought Wildmen + Uruk Scouts. Very weird indeed.
> Seems like the same problem as above... I'll look into it.

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#9 clonecommand


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Posted 11 June 2007 - 07:52 PM

Only Rohirim. They don't get trampled by the Balroq, either.

#10 Nazgûl


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Posted 12 June 2007 - 01:10 PM

One thing about Cavalry though... NO cavalry in the game can get "trampled" by anybody or anything since they are on horse backs. And the Mumaks dont really have any anims that involve any kind of "stomping" of horses (too bad). Nor does the Balrog. So all cavalry have 1% damage taken from Crush - this is probably why. Otherwise cavalry could trample cavalry. But, I agree though theat they should take damage from a Mumak charge... This could be set in the Mumak Charge Weapon...

I'm still nivestigation this...

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#11 Strider

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Posted 13 June 2007 - 05:57 PM

It was Shelob who used the terror that my Black Uruks ran from. So what does that mean not 100% anymore? They are immune sometimes or immune to some terror and not others?

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#12 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 06:11 PM

All units have a basic resistance of 0% to resist fear. They gain resistance with higher levels. Iron hand provides a bonus of +20% to both.

Shelob is a different matter. EA devised a 'Repulsor' Ability that repells all units that are defined as being able to be 'Repelled'. Stupid simplification. I'll change that, but not anytime soon, as it is a lot of work. All the powers with the red RepulsorFX work like that right now.

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#13 Nazgûl


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Posted 13 June 2007 - 11:53 PM

Actually, the blue forged blades are how they are supposed to be. For some units, they look cool, others...not so much.

I know its not a bug, but it should qualify as one. Have you seen Morgul Orcs with Forged Blades? It looks crazy!

The thing is... we still need some kind of indication that the FB is bought, right? I don't like them either, bu at least they're better then the RED glow...

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#14 Nazgûl


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 12:58 PM

rohirrim seem really resistant to pikes. they cleaved my half-trolls to pieces.
> Rohirrim are supposed to be good, but maybe not THAT good... I'll try to check that. Allthough when playing my Rohirrim never came across as totally uber. I loose them like any aother unit. But I'll see what I can find on that... Remember though that it's virtually impossible to balance all possible things to each other in all possible scenarios... :/

sometimes the dwarven mighty catapult doesn't fire, but the power acts as if it was just used.
> For you or for the AI? I guess for you or your ally... Never seen, but I will try to check it...

elven ai never upgrades their buildings. dwarves rarely do, either.
> That's impossible... I get Elven AI to use Noldor Warriors for instance and they are Level 3 barracks unit...

wall catapults can be targeted by melee units (mostly heros).
> That is annyoing and I agree... We'll remove that if possible! *noted*

axethrowers cannot attack air units...they're usually under fear effects. dale archers, however, can.
> They can - I've seen them do it several times?

mumakil can walk halfway through walls, becoming vulnerable to units on the other side.
> Model geometry problem I guess... Dunno if we can fix those...

probably already known, but the ai does not build walls.
> Yes, that would require editing of every single map in the entire game, and I will never do that :/ Maybe we can find a Mapper for the team, but we havent got anyone yet... Let's hope someone will join later on. I'd like to fix that too...

i had a summoned wyrm chase after some units and reappear on abridge, where it's tale hung down below. just wondering if wyrms are supposed to be able to move on bridges. it looked funny, tho.
> I think they can move anywhere under ground except water... :S

other than that, everything seems to work great. i've fout goblins as MotW, and the wall-climbing feature is really cool.
> You will probably find more bugs, but thanks for the report so far ^_^

Remember the Dale swordsmen attack bug? Someone on EA posted some good observations:

It seems that the attack animation bug is actually a glitch that will always happen if you have too many units doing the same animation. For an example, make a ton of axethrowers, then tell them all to bombard one point, and keep them all onscreen.

> Yes, I'm not sure we can fix that. Glitches are probably severly hard coded. And I've never seen those probs myself :/

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#15 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 15 June 2007 - 01:06 PM

Some bugs found:
- On one occasion, my Isengard Fellbeast died just spontaneously? I'm really sure no hero attacked him, he just attacked some units, and then died.

- The Slayer ability for Gimli isn't greyed out when he's on a level to low to use it.
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#16 clonecommand


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 05:54 PM

Bump/double post/thingy ^_^

Just wanted to make sure that dwarves can earn 157 points in their spellbook...

Gimli's Slayer can be used (I think) at level 1, but it has to recharge (like in BFME1 campaign powers).

#17 Sûlherokhh


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Posted 15 June 2007 - 06:05 PM

Don't you mean 'Axethrow'?

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#18 Mordor Slayer

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Posted 15 June 2007 - 06:16 PM

No, he means the same as me:

- The Slayer ability for Gimli isn't greyed out when he's on a level to low to use it.

He just didn't read my post ^_^ .
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#19 clonecommand


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Posted 16 June 2007 - 05:02 PM

I thought you meant there that you can use it, but you have to click on it to find out...I briefly skimmed your post :grin:

EDIT: Almost forgot to post some bugs ;)

Earthquake doesn't do anything (barely) to Isengard arrow towers. Everthing around it is destroyed except the towers and the fortress, of course ^_^ <----which is hardly damaged.

And ballista are way too strong and have a massive range.

EDIT2: I'll provide a screen if you want, so you don't have to go playtesting :grin:

Edited by clonecommand, 16 June 2007 - 05:05 PM.

#20 Nazgûl


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Posted 16 June 2007 - 06:03 PM

Found a REALLY annoying "bug" myself...

For some STUPID reson someone typed in Armor.ini that Grond and Ents do STRUCTURAL damage... they do NOT!!! They do SIEGE damage! And THIS is why I've had such a hard time to get the balance for them working perfectly :lol: Jeeez... I wish I had checked this earlier.... (I just trusted what it said) :/

This is adjusted now and will be in next version... :p
- Ents will do much more damage to Mûmakil!
- Mûmakil will NOT take so much damage from Structure Arrows anymore (that do Structure Damage... that was set to 900% towards mumaks for what I thought would give Ents the bonus, not the arrows, lol)

I will never trust pre written stuff again... :S

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