Translations for S.E.E?
Posted 24 June 2007 - 12:19 AM
I like your attitude.
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."
Posted 24 June 2007 - 01:44 AM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 24 June 2007 - 06:16 AM
I am living in Romania too, hey Yodaman in which city do you live?(off topic, sorry)
Posted 24 June 2007 - 07:10 PM
My opinion is that you should wait for Final version. Otherwise you will have to redo things and ad and remove as we go along...
"FINAL"... that is: like maybe next summer? But... you are free to start whenever you like, I just think that it will be LOADS of extra work since many Strings are bound to be changed off and on, and many new ones added. I think it woul be messy and hard, but you can start whenever if you like off course... I wouldn't though
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 25 June 2007 - 07:19 PM
Well, if you have finished the final version, I would be pleased, to help with a german version. If you want my services, just send an email to (yeah, freaky, I know) and I will start. Thanks for beeing so polite Mr. Sulherokhh.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 06:25 PM
Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:43 AM
Since Lord of Mordor has joined the Team doing publicity work for the german web sites, there actually is the possibility to make an additional german version of the Mod! It will not be for 4.5 though, or at the very least it will not be done by November, but if we get enough support on the translation side of the mod and some good reviews/reactions on the german sites i'll be trying to put together a small translation team to tackle this thing.
Stay tuned.
@Yodaman: If you are reading this; I didn't forget you!
Axed Head and A.I. Coder for S.E.E. and ... stuff
".. coding is basically boring. What's fun is finding out how things work, take them apart and then put them together in ways that were not intended nor even conceived."
Posted 17 November 2007 - 02:05 PM
I would help you if u want ,but i think there will be better translators than me!?!
Posted 14 April 2008 - 02:13 PM
Before anything else, I thank you for this great Mod that, after using it, I no longer played without It again, it is impossible!!.
I write to offer You lowly the translation that I have made of your mod, from the English to Spanish language.
Why? because:
1. - I speak Spanish, I am Chilean [South America].
2. - There are a lot of people as me that has played with your Mod and it becomes sometimes annoying to play in another language, having the sounds in spanish.
3. - This mod has so much quality that deserves to be translated.
4. - For even more masificar this great Mod.
5. - To contribute lowly with a grain of sand to this great Mod.
If you don't agree, I will understand it, I give you excuses and I will only use the translation that I have made for personal use.
But if you agree, I can send You the file translated completely, once it has finished (I have translated 100% the menu screens, now I am translating the screens during the game).
Here the example:
I thank you once again Master Nazgul and I am happy that you have returned.
Edited by Dharko, 14 April 2008 - 02:38 PM.
Posted 14 April 2008 - 02:53 PM
Posted 16 April 2008 - 08:38 PM
Thank you so much for your praise, and the effort of translation. We will definitely use it when the next version is ready for realease (4.6). So you might wanna wait with sending it, so you can update the stuff that's not in 4.5...
When (if) we get to a pre-release of beta 4.6 I'll contact you and send the new string files and check if you'd like to complete your work then... =)
Btw: here's the official thread about translations...
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 17 April 2008 - 10:22 PM
When It finishes the translation completely, I will send it to You and I will hope you warn me and send the file of the new version 4.6 to also translate it.
And to Sul: Come back please, It is your job!!
You are the One.
Posted 17 April 2008 - 11:53 PM
Edited by Nazgûl, 17 April 2008 - 11:53 PM.
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:06 PM
Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:36 PM
// C}{riZ
"Do not come between the Nazgûl and his mod!"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I S.E.E. YOU! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posted 09 August 2008 - 03:42 PM
It would be no problem for me if you told me how to actually do that^^
PS:I could REALLY translate it believe me
Posted 09 August 2008 - 10:47 PM
I do´nt care the sacrifice once and again for the game.
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