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Isengard faction

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#221 Fobbi

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Posted 17 June 2009 - 07:17 PM

i'm not sure this was mentioned before but what about a giant black eagle or something like that as alternative for the fellbeasts.
Maybe it could also look a bit more crebainish than the eagles, the good factions have.

When i come along with suggestions there are some others...
I do not know the "to-do-list" by heart so this might be in order yet:

- a new hero maybe a wildman ("wulf")
- dunland axethrowers like in ROTWK

that's all so far
Loving still your mod! (Can't wait for 4.7)
For Saruman!

#222 Gfire



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Posted 18 June 2009 - 03:39 PM

Yeah, Wulf or whatever they decided to name him is in the next beta, I think. There is a screenshot of him somewhere. They just ripped off Hwaldar from RotWK to make him.

I don't know how accurate the axethrowers are, though. I don't think they had an appearance in the books or films, so there's no real reason for them. Dunlending riders make more sense.
Greetings, community.

#223 khamulrulz


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Posted 03 October 2009 - 02:37 PM

i have a suggestion: the isengard deathbringers from rotwk look really cool, with their armor and blades. because its a cool name as well, maybe the uruk-hai of orthanc could be renamed and remodeled after the deathbringers. they also have a unique ability which really increases their damage, but removes health from themselves

i also think there should be another dunland unit. and will the dunland hero be recruited from the dunland tent, like captain jackson, or will he be from the fortress, like brand?

also, i think the fellbeasts should be removed from isengard, as they have no association with isengard in the films, and in the books they only served as the steeds of the nazgul, which fight for mordor. i also think that eagles should be removed as heroes from the good factions, although elves should still be able to summon gwaihir with the eagles nest. i know drakes are also going to be removed as heroes for goblins, so that's good. i just think that there are some areas that don't have to be evened out, in terms of flying units. it should just be nazgul on fells for mordor, gwaihir for elves, and drogoth for moria. sorry if that went off topic from isengard, but the flying units issue involves isengard's fellbeasts.

Edited by khamulrulz, 04 October 2009 - 03:33 AM.

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#224 Guest_Servant of Saruman_*

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Posted 05 August 2010 - 09:49 PM

I think that Isengard should get some kind of evil creation of Saruman, like a giant version of a Crebain or something. Isengard should definitely have something because Elves have eagles, Mordor has Fell Beasts, and Moria has Drogoth. Some other things: Men should get griffins or something, don't even know if Dwarves should get a flying unit. But Saruman is a weaker version of Sauron. He should be able to make large and evil creatures as well. It would also be nice if SEE could take out the gay Wizard's tower and replace it with a smaller copy of Orthanc, because those curves on the Wizard's Tower ruined the look of the angled tower. :p

#225 Guest_Servant of Saruman_*

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Posted 05 August 2010 - 09:51 PM

They should also do the same for Mordor with the Gorgoroth spire. Make Mordor's fortress with a cool Barad-Dur tower. Just saying.

#226 Nuramon

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 08:13 PM

I agree with Guest Saruman. The Mordor faction is very powerful! You can take down nearly every brutal army with it. But if you use Isengard and you face a brutal one, you need really good strategies to take them down. its very very hard to beat the enemies as Isengard hasnt that powerful units..For me they are underrated if you compare them to Mordor or Elves. Saruman should have much more Power, as he is as good as Gandalf! Give him some mighty Powers and add a flying Unit. Would be a great Idea to see a big Crebain :-D But I'm pretty sure you guys are doing great in the new Mod!

#227 Nazgûl


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:02 PM

In SEE DC, we will put equal amount of attention to every faction. Isengard will be very strong in melee combat and Sauroman will be awesome, trust me ;)

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#228 Ridder Geel

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Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:06 PM

Sauroman -> Saruman I hope? :xd:
Ridder Geel

#229 Nazgûl


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Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:13 PM

Lol, yeah I'm tired... work day today, and tomorrow, and sunday... :mellowthumbsup:

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#230 Bofur


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Posted 22 December 2012 - 10:48 AM

Well, what if Sauron posessed Saruman, then it would really be Sauroman!


#231 Nazgûl


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Posted 22 December 2012 - 12:30 PM

:evgr: true!

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#232 Tacalmo

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Posted 24 December 2014 - 05:16 PM

I think that Isengard should be able to research "Orc medicine" to regen health. (You know, the stuff Ugluk's gang gave Merry, and he woke right up??)
Uruks should be able to equip "Bladed Shields" That increase their damage via shields.

In vanilla BFME2 Isengard was my favorite faction, BAR NONE. But in SEE, I love Mordor, for two reasons:
1: The Grond
2: Call the horde

I think isengard should get call the horde, because Saruman rushed the 10000 Uruks like nobody's business.
I think Lurtz should have an ability that shoots an arrow, that stays in the target for a while dealing damage.
Warg Scouts, and warg archers. Justification and reasons:
Warg scouts are individual, weaker, faster warg ridders, except that once they die, they blow a horn, that alerts nearby friendly troops to be ready, and they get a buff (rough idea)
Warg archers, are the elite Archers for the isengard armies, they are slightly slower than Warg ridders, but can take down units from far away. My justification for this, is that the icon for the warg ridders is actually holding a bow...

Thanks for listening, and thanks, Naz for making a great mod.
(PS... PLEASE make Sharku stronger, he dies in regular warg charges...)
Still round that corner may await, A new road or a secret gate.-J.R.R Tolkien

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