1) The insane work load of adapting the codes!
2) RotWK... welll... sucks!
3) We only need a few items from the expansion, and if you read this thread you'll see how we (I) came to the conclusion of using them, despite it not officially being "okayd". I'm doing this for the same reason RJ is using stuff from BFME1 - to make the mod better. And as far as I know, EA likes both RJ and Robnkarla, hehe. As do I! =)
4) Noone can really argue that EA is losing anything on this. Most fans hate RotWK, and those who liked or never liked BFME2, might like it better now, and sales (on whatever copies still exist?) should increase, even if sales on RotWK goes down. But that has hardly anything to do with SEE
This is what we will use...
- Some of the new spells to expand the Spellbook/range/variety! The avalanche would be awesome for Saruman for instance...
- One or maybe two units, like the Wolf-riders! They should fit into Moria...
- One hero; Hwaldar (to make the Dunland leader Wulf for Isengard)!
- 2 or 3 structures; The Mill for EvilMen (Harad), the Angmar Forge for Rhûn, and maybe the Wolf Pit for Moria...
Original post/topic below...
As most of you know... RotWK has been chosen as a non needed expansion since way back in production. The reasons for this has been clearly stated many times... And I know that MANY of you still want SEE to be for RotWK. I have repetedly refused cause I think the expansion would destroy the look of the mod with the blue edgy theme, the different menus and the lack of shell map and things like that. RotWK do have some units and spells however, that I would like to get my hands on, but it's mainly the problem of the blue theme that has stopped me...
But since a somewhat new member in the forums gave me some interesting information, I felt it was time to discuss this once more... (yes actually, beleive it or not)
He says it really simple to revert all things back to BFME2 look... menus and all. All I know is that I read an article from Stealthsnake where it looked like 200 hours of work with loads of borring details... But if this is true, I'm defenitely interested...
The thing is, that IF we should go to RotWK after all, we'd get:
- a 7th faction that could be made into EvilMen...
- Loads of more voices, models, skins, art, FX, powers and so on... (that we could convert into suitable things)...
So it would NOT mean that I would make the game play like RotWK. It would simply mean getting more material to use for SEE as it is now. And if we can get rid of the RotWK look, this is highly interesting. I might even buy the expansion for Sûl in that case, since he hasn't got it...
This is just a thought though...
Edited by Nazgûl, 12 August 2008 - 05:55 PM.