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Beta Release 3 Bug Reporting Thread

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#1 Daz


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Posted 14 October 2007 - 11:15 AM

This thread is for bug reports only, if you have more general feedback then either start your own thread or post in one that someone else has made.

I will periodically update this post with bugs to be fixed, please make the effort to read this list before posting so there aren't loads of duplicate posts.

To be done
  • Fix "Coastal Influence"
  • Fix "Novel"
  • Check helicopters "flying through buildings"
  • Terrain completion
  • Damage frames
  • Civilian personnel graphics
  • Soviet sidebar misalignments fix
  • Sidebar tab flashes
  • Reinsert Flame Tower fireball
  • Swapped Soviet Parabombs and the Soviet Paradrop so the Parabombs require Npatch and the Paradrop does not.
  • Removed ugly texture from Iron Curtain animations.
  • Added Volkov code.
  • Added Chitzkoi code.
  • Tesla Coil weapon now correctly fires in 3 bursts.

Edited by Daz, 07 August 2008 - 05:10 PM.

#2 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 17 October 2007 - 04:22 AM

Hey Daz I noticed when you use the helicopters and attack the enemy they fly right through the civilian buildings i was wondering if that bug can be fixed?


sometimes they spin in circles

#3 Jeeves


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 07:36 AM

Flame tower has no visable projectile.

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#4 Daz


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 08:02 AM

@ Guest:
Helicopters are a bit dodgy in RA2.
Flying through buildings I've never seen, but it might be related to me making them fly lower so the Mammoth can actually shoot at them. I'll have a look later on.
If the circles thing is what I think it is it's just part of being a helicopter rather than a plane and it happened in RA too.

Damn, forgot to drop the fireball .shp into the mod builder when I redid it all from the looks of it.

Edited by Daz, 17 October 2007 - 08:17 AM.

#5 Gaffel


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 02:13 PM

The mine layer can deploy a mine infinetive times. It is very unbalanced. One mine layer can deploy 1000 mines

#6 Daz


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 02:18 PM

I believe that was discussed a while ago and it was decided there wasn't a way to do it unless you limited the number of mines layable. The mine layer would then lay 5 mines or whatever and be useless.

It's easy enough to find mines so it'll be staying as-is.

#7 Mig Eater

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 08:16 PM

I know it’s not exactly a bug but why so many loose files, all of them could go in a mix insted :)

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#8 Daz


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 08:17 PM

Well I just drop everything into the Mod Creator, it adds and removes everything so it shouldn't really cause problems.

#9 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 11:35 PM

Well it's been in R.2 as well, maybe in R.1 but I can't remember.

Units that get attacked or sometimes are just in range kinda ignore commands to walk away. Since I use target lines I can see they want to follow the command at first, but then immidietly change back to red lines leading to their targets. It really prevents all chance of retreat.

I know "Surrender is not an option!" is a motto used in RA, but still. :)

Also relatd to that, missile subs get distracted by hellies flying overhead, even when not ordered to guard.


#10 Jeeves


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Posted 19 October 2007 - 02:41 AM

I found that too! My recon team wouldn't retreat, they just turned to face where I wanted, then charged the nearest defense --*
A pain, but don't think theres a fix without removing passive aquisition

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#11 Guest_Daz @ Uni_*

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 09:44 AM

It's a total pain I know, but like Jeeves says there's not really anything to do about it that won't harm other things.

I've experienced it alot as I'm a heavy user of Cruisers for attacking bases, it's a bitch when they get right up to the coast and get pasted by tanks because they won't move away.

Destroyers do the same as Missile Subs I believe, as do Rocket Soldiers.
Again I don't think I can do anything without yanking passive acquire which would then mean you have to really micro manage anything that can fire AA.

#12 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 02:18 AM

Can't you disable "passive" for some units and not others?

I don't think anything apart from said AA units(missile soldiers and maybe mammoth) needs it.

And a change of engine really changes alot...in RA turrets weren't all that great because they missed alot, here they always hit, which actually makes them better than tesla coils- cheaper, faster RoF, and a hell to destroy with tanks. This change actually changes the gameplay alot IMO, as I prefer using infantry to destroy buildings, tanks being just back-up.
Not that much of bad thing though, it's time infantry got their rightful place! :p


#13 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 06:42 AM

Without it they'd just stand around and only attack in retalliation. My mods micro up everything, but the attention you'd have to pay to every unit would just be ridiculous.
Disabling passive aquire is a unit by unit thing, buts its only really practical for units with a wide damage radius, thus likely to kill your units in a rush, or really slow ROF, so you have to make every shot count. In either case, you would only ever have a few units of each, not an army.

#14 Guest_Guest_Liam_*_*

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 08:59 AM

I couldnt get the GPS satilite or the paradrop to work. Is this an issuse, or had you just not finished them yet? by not work i mean, i click on the icon, but then it just starts charging again (instead of launching the satilite or telling me to select a location for the paradrop). the first one being worse as I was tryn out your verstion of the chrono tank, and obviousy i need to explore all the terain before its fully usable. Oh and just a little thing, when you wave the cursor over the "chronoshift" icon on the sidebar, the little description which tell you more about it says "chronosphere", it should of corse also say "chronoshift".
ps. this is very awsome and alot easier to play, and by that i mean controle, than the origonal (which i wasnt that much of a fan of in comparison to tiberium dawn). This may actually get me liking RA, lol.

#15 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 20 November 2007 - 09:50 AM

They don't work because, AFAIK, they're using the Rock Patch thingy, which requirs a legal copy of RA2\YR...same if you'll try to deploy a MAD Tank, it'll crash the game.

Though I still can't understand why a simple paradrop relies on the RP, it's not like it's not already implemented in RA2 to begin with.


#16 Daz


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Posted 20 November 2007 - 02:43 PM

Because there are 3 paradrops in ICFRA.
One is the Sovvy paradrop, one is the Tech Airport paradrop and one is the Sovvy Parabombs.
One of them is a clone, but im not sure which off the top of my head, I'd imagine that's why it needs NPatch.

ps. this is very awsome and alot easier to play, and by that i mean controle, than the origonal

That is precisely how ICFRA came to be. I was playing RA and kept trying to do second nature things like scroll around with the right click or queue up unit builds. I eventually got sick of it and made the first version of ICFRA (which was 99% coding changes).
I was going to leave it at that but there was quite a bit of interest so I carried on.

#17 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 21 November 2007 - 12:28 PM

Also the fact that in the TD\RA engine most of what you shoot that isn't SA or laser\tesla ends up missing or hitting close at best if the target dares move...which makes alot of difference in game dynamics I'd say.

And Daz, could you make the sovvy paradrop the one that functions without the Npatch and the parabombs to need it? Only a tiny tweak but you rarely get parabombs anyway as opposed to paradrops...

#18 Nyerguds

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Posted 27 November 2007 - 11:13 AM

It's easy enough to find mines so it'll be staying as-is.

Find mines?? In RA1 they were 100% undetectable.

Well, except through the radar glitch... but that doesn't count.

Edited by Nyerguds, 27 November 2007 - 11:47 AM.

#19 Allied General

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 01:06 PM

It's easy enough to find mines so it'll be staying as-is.

Find mines?? In RA1 they were 100% undetectable.

Well, except through the radar glitch... but that doesn't count.

you could use the building placement grid trick as well.
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#20 Daz


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Posted 01 December 2007 - 01:09 PM

The missing I actually have coded into cannon weapons firing on infantry, but it's not a case of the unit being too fast and the projectile missing - it's set to fire innaccurately. So this would affect firing on a static target and as such isn't applied globally to weapons versus everything.

I've swapped the para superweapons, though really you're better off just having NPatch.

Mine detection is an unfortunate side effect of RA2.
Mines are just cloaked (as are submarine units) so they fall foul of the same detection rules as a stealth unit.

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