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Game mode ideas for RS.

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#21 Apollo


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 11:35 AM

I like career mode idea and survival, just need indepth thinking on implementing those for best balancing.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#22 FoRSAkeN_oNe


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Posted 02 February 2008 - 11:24 AM

I say medics for Career mode... otherwise Nexus, with it's default regeneration would rape all.
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And on the eighth day, god created kbyhil.hjfvgchtnm jhv o9, nhp;.
Be young, have fun, taste ZOMGWTF.

<_<' ...Good day. -F1-

#23 Apollo


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Posted 02 February 2008 - 11:28 AM

Medics are out for good, all infantry got selfheal in 2.0, nexus just benefitting from superior infantry heal from core whuch could be changed to the plant like vehicles one in the mode.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#24 Millennium

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Posted 03 February 2008 - 03:46 PM

My suggestions:

1) Crates en masse mode - Chances of crate appearing (I don't remember that flag's name) set to maximum. This could be especially interesting when disallowing high-tech units and only granting these units from crates. A maximum crate chance setting could also make the Technician Rush mode quite interesting.

2) Headshot mode - All units have 1 HP, meaning whoever shoots first scores the kill. Speed, range and close tactical supervision over your units moves become the decisive factors in this mode, while slow,powerful and well-armored units will not be quite as handy.

3) Capture the flag - Godmode - Traditional CtF game mode (requires map scripting), but buildings (except for flag structure) are immortal and not capturable, thus only destroyed when the flag structure is lost.

4) Stone, Paper, Scissors Xtreme - All weapons use UltraAP-like warheads that are utterly useless against all but one type of target.

5) High Ground - All units and buildings built on certain killing fields between marked base zones are destroyed every 5 min. (map-scripted meteor storms or whatever).

6) Fortress - One player starts out as Defender inside a base. The other player starts as Attacker with some forces, but mainly with (RockPatch!) pre-charged airdrops of infantry and tanks of different types, the supply of which is limited and he has to use them wisely. Maybe map scripting would also allow each drop to drain a bit of cash, but I don't know about that. Well, if it would be possible to have it drain cash, that'll make the game even more focused on tactical decisions.

7) Siege - Like Fortress, but both sides have a fixed amount of resources and cannot gather new resources through the course of the battle. Perhaps the defending player isn't able to build new buildings or even units after, say, the first 10 min. of the battle and has to stand his ground with whatever he might have built until then.

8) Warlord - Cash and units are produced from certain civilian or tech buildings. Each player starts out with a small force, including units that can occupy (not capture) civilian buildings. The players then have to guide their forces to occupy nearby civilian buildings to drain money and men from the local population in order to enlargen their forces. Maybe map scripting could make it so that a given player can only extract a given amount of cash from a building and only produce a certain amount of infantry before the building has to "recharge", forcing him to move to the next civilian settlement in order to become stronger, which possibly includes removing another player from that town first.

Ok, admitted, these aren't really good, but consider my Crate suggestion for the Tech rush.

Oh, and a little suggestion for that Cold War mode: Remove the dogs and just leave infantry personell. Since this is a player-vs-player game mode, it will require the player to actively guard his or her Tech Center and constantly look for those guys that may look like his men, but definitely aren't moving like he ordered them to do. This tactical element removes the headshot factor of simply putting dogs around your Tech Center.

Edited by Millennium, 03 February 2008 - 04:00 PM.

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#25 Ash


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Posted 04 February 2008 - 10:08 AM

1) Crates en masse mode - Chances of crate appearing (I don't remember that flag's name) set to maximum. This could be especially interesting when disallowing high-tech units and only granting these units from crates. A maximum crate chance setting could also make the Technician Rush mode quite interesting.

Hmm, this idea would require massive tweaking with the probabilities as the chance of getting any unit at all is 1 in 20. The probability of getting a super unit is nearer 1 in a hundred.

2) Headshot mode - All units have 1 HP, meaning whoever shoots first scores the kill. Speed, range and close tactical supervision over your units moves become the decisive factors in this mode, while slow,powerful and well-armored units will not be quite as handy.

Pulveriser or Annihilator spam would just win the game for you...

3) Capture the flag - Godmode - Traditional CtF game mode (requires map scripting), but buildings (except for flag structure) are immortal and not capturable, thus only destroyed when the flag structure is lost.

So, you can just build and build and build as many refs, factories, power, turrets, structure etc as you want. Sounds like turtle heaven to me...

4) Stone, Paper, Scissors Xtreme - All weapons use UltraAP-like warheads that are utterly useless against all but one type of target.

Unusual, but would get VERY stressful and annoying after about five minutes. Also, any gamemode which requires the word 'Xtreme' is aaagh! :rolleyes:

5) High Ground - All units and buildings built on certain killing fields between marked base zones are destroyed every 5 min. (map-scripted meteor storms or whatever).

Well, you just wouldn't build in them...issue solved...

6) Fortress - One player starts out as Defender inside a base. The other player starts as Attacker with some forces, but mainly with (RockPatch!) pre-charged airdrops of infantry and tanks of different types, the supply of which is limited and he has to use them wisely. Maybe map scripting would also allow each drop to drain a bit of cash, but I don't know about that. Well, if it would be possible to have it drain cash, that'll make the game even more focused on tactical decisions.

Very scripted, quite difficult to implement, the Attacker at a severe disadvantage...

7) Siege - Like Fortress, but both sides have a fixed amount of resources and cannot gather new resources through the course of the battle. Perhaps the defending player isn't able to build new buildings or even units after, say, the first 10 min. of the battle and has to stand his ground with whatever he might have built until then.

I like this better than Fortress tbh.

8) Warlord - Cash and units are produced from certain civilian or tech buildings. Each player starts out with a small force, including units that can occupy (not capture) civilian buildings. The players then have to guide their forces to occupy nearby civilian buildings to drain money and men from the local population in order to enlargen their forces. Maybe map scripting could make it so that a given player can only extract a given amount of cash from a building and only produce a certain amount of infantry before the building has to "recharge", forcing him to move to the next civilian settlement in order to become stronger, which possibly includes removing another player from that town first.

Garrisoned buildings CAN generate cash and it's a good eco game (Kal was making a mod based on this economy system), but you still need to be able to make a base to even start to run a war. :)

Oh, and a little suggestion for that Cold War mode: Remove the dogs and just leave infantry personell. Since this is a player-vs-player game mode, it will require the player to actively guard his or her Tech Center and constantly look for those guys that may look like his men, but definitely aren't moving like he ordered them to do. This tactical element removes the headshot factor of simply putting dogs around your Tech Center.

And I'm sure you want to click away from the battle every 3 seconds to see if any men are behaving a bit oddly...

#26 Apollo


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Posted 04 February 2008 - 12:23 PM

Well, i aint gonna quote all that again so i'll just mostly agree with Paradox and put in my 2 cents...

1) Besides for fairness case, i don't think the real stolen techy super units should ever be allowed from crate (unless specific gamemode for such giant luck factor which is just as evil as getting actual nuke shot from crate), but standard fare deva etc perhaps.

2) Like Paradox just mentioned, the rapid rate firing units like Pulverizer would be the winners and most of the units would turn into redundant as why would you invest in say big guns if they die from 1 basic tank and you'd also pay more and even if made all units same price its a dead-end..you'd still use pulverizer like units, so okay...lets disable some units? oh yes..lets disable them all mostly... and we get 1 unit spam regardless and theres not much strategy in there.

You could consider evolving this idea more into Sniper war where specific units act as infantry/tank snipers while the heavy armoured units can take such assaults but then sniper based units are better running away while way slower to fire so have to siege sniper things but once again, it could devolve into sniper units spam...

3) Only way the mode works if players can not build any buildings and start with a base and the flag and probably require that engineer can not take any other buildings than the flag and bases would not come with defensive towers so player will just use barracks and war factory and such for producing army...then you gotta consider would the army amount be capped? what about miners? then you got the...do i get to build air units? or should you, and obviously players would prefer air assault as lesser things that can fire upon them and faster to flee and probably easier transport those engineers..ah yes..that reminds me..chrono transports, digger apcs, you could probably insane spam those and engys to make sure that 1 engy of several gets in...

so alot to consider there for enforcing the mode is played like meant.

4) This would mean infantry be supreme in the mode probably but curious idea...

5) Yeah, maybe if you forced specific paths for units too to take or they get meteor showered etc...

6) Funny you neglect to mention what defender gets or can do :p
should probably begin with a base without being able to make more buildings while allowing build units?? and how would defender eco be limited then so attacker got some chance...or just give defender garrison reinforcement units only but lesser numbers over time.

7) In this mode i think both players should begin with same stuff limited similarly so equal siege opportunitys.

8) so probably every civvie building would need to be barrack basicly to recruit those "men" as well each providing little income (rent for those poor souls)

Tricky either way.

9) Spy spam could be a problem so probably capped...
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#27 PurpleChameleon


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 09:36 AM

Seige should work like... a seige. Defender has miners, but all the resources are outside the base, in the attacker's "seige" territory.

Attacker: Has fixed cash, no miners, starts with only MCV and starting units.

Defender: Starts with developed base, has miners, no construction yard. ...buildable MCVs disabled?

Bah, too much work.
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#28 WrathOfLust



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 10:34 AM

Seige should work like... a seige. Defender has miners, but all the resources are outside the base, in the attacker's "seige" territory.

Attacker: Has fixed cash, no miners, starts with only MCV and starting units.

Defender: Starts with developed base, has miners, no construction yard. ...buildable MCVs disabled?

Bah, too much work.

How about they both start with a developed base,defenders base is on top of cliffs with easy to protect positions but limited gold supply,Attacker is on the otehr hand has plenty of money mayby a whole bunch of oil derricks and such.Attacker has to destroy enemy in given duration of time,say on hour. If defender manages to hold Attacker off for over an hour its a win for Defender.

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#29 Ash


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 11:40 AM

What about if the defender sallies out and actually destroys the attacker? And the only way to make a timed game work would be to time it yourself. But it would be cool for a future RS tourney - the one who destroys the defender fastest wins. I've got an image of one in a city where the defender spawns with a load of infantry in every garrisonable structure for half the map :p

But yes, the defender would have to have severely limited ability to rebuild their base. Perhaps their construction yard can only build defence turrets, walls and power plants. The attacker, however, starts with a large attacking force and a fuck of a lot of money.

#30 Cloaked Decimator

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 01:13 AM

triple damage everything does 3x the regular damage so u would have to rethink all ur strategies like how many units will stay back and watch the base while you build base defenses etc. etc. but mostly watch out for the big guns or ur screwed 4 life :wink_new:

#31 Apollo


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 11:36 AM

Hehe, speaking of triple damage and big guns, me likes 2.0 decimator when it got light AA too :wink_new:
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#32 Ash


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:26 PM

Epic lol that game would render just about everything except the rapid-fire units and the uber-heavies obsolete. Oh, and bombers would rape all. Units are powerful enough as it is...

#33 OmegaBolt


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 03:21 PM

Hehe, speaking of triple damage and big guns, me likes 2.0 decimator when it got light AA too :wink_new:

Boo! Hiss! I liked it the way it was, made it special. :)

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#34 FullMetal Patrykos

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Posted 26 February 2008 - 12:21 PM

Hm, I don't know the name, buy maybe Mercenary Wars.
Every side starts with MCV, 0 cash and elite unit (like Volkov, Nadja,). Then they start hunting - you cannot gain money for harvesting, you have to hunt civilians, soldiers, cars (every unit on map). Then you can build your base normally, but with some bonus buildings, like hospital etc. Cash for killing unit is this (Unit Cost/2). For unarmed civilians would be 200, for armed 300, for cars 500, for animals 1000. Or maybe another, this is just my crazy idea xD.

Next mode would be Post-Apocalypse.
Whole map is covered by forests, on the beginning few Atom Bombs are launched to clear some places for base.
Then u drive your MCV and search for it. It is similiar to Land Rush, but I think more interesting.

War of epic units would be interesting too!

#35 Apollo


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Posted 26 February 2008 - 04:13 PM

Hm, I don't know the name, buy maybe Mercenary Wars.
Every side starts with MCV, 0 cash and elite unit (like Volkov, Nadja,). Then they start hunting - you cannot gain money for harvesting, you have to hunt civilians, soldiers, cars (every unit on map). Then you can build your base normally, but with some bonus buildings, like hospital etc. Cash for killing unit is this (Unit Cost/2). For unarmed civilians would be 200, for armed 300, for cars 500, for animals 1000. Or maybe another, this is just my crazy idea xD.

Next mode would be Post-Apocalypse.
Whole map is covered by forests, on the beginning few Atom Bombs are launched to clear some places for base.
Then u drive your MCV and search for it. It is similiar to Land Rush, but I think more interesting.

War of epic units would be interesting too!

Mercenary wars is rather interesting idea but again would demand specialised maps.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#36 WrathOfLust



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Posted 27 February 2008 - 01:06 AM

I was wondering,any possability we will be gettign assult packs with 2.0?might be an interesting adition for multiplayer.

Also,is it possible to code AI between for example Offensive Brutal and Defensive Brutal, Offensive would of course rush attack with everythign it got pretty much what normal brutal does now,but defensive would prioritise building defenses,camping and setting defensive air based patrols on allied bases(air because ground would be annoying as it would clog up space) and send supply trucks to its allies deploying them near friendly refineries send airplanes to atatck enemy harvesters and spy enemy refineries but of course restrain from making most of the offensive units and attackign enemy directly unless lets say we put the triger on when AI owns over 500 thousand then it starts spending money on offence,when its below it stops,not sure it could be trigered that way XD. I think combination of 2 would greatly improve AI all together.

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#37 Apollo


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Posted 27 February 2008 - 05:53 AM

Assault mode yes if refer to cannis one :shiftee:
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#38 genxeagle

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 06:27 AM

RS survival maps would be pointless. Ravens + units + 5 Nexus CYs = almost unpassable barrier of death.

#39 Apollo


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 06:34 AM

in 1.99 yes, in 2.0 no as nexus cores/CYs don't provide vehicle repair anymore.
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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#40 genxeagle

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 03:07 AM

ah excellent. no more invicible ravens to worry about :rolleyes:

and considering RS's overall difficulty, Survival maps should be extremly difficult. thinking about the best survivials i've played for RA2.... they just.. lack. Too easy. just sit back and camp with your best. I'd like one that makes me pull out hair at the sight of the onslaught of units.

Edited by genxeagle, 17 March 2008 - 03:16 AM.

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